Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1546: The dormant beast (part 2)

The other party looked at him with a strong gaze, and it was impossible for Cassia to feel it. I have encountered this situation many times, and my current mind will not make Cassia feel emotional about this. In the end, I still return to the original idea. After encountering the enemy once, they will understand something after they actually and personally contact the enemy. What is said now is Cassia’s conjecture, and there is no favorable fact to support it.

It took a long time for less than an hour, and the human voice outside the window became rare. When Cassia opened his eyes, most of the pedestrians who walked back home, and the street gradually returned to a deserted state. What remained unchanged was the street lamps surrounded by mosquitoes flying in the light.

At 8:55, everyone stood up, put on windbreakers of different styles, or put on a short-sleeved suit to cover the field suit that clings to the skin. It is almost a cortical material, and it is not dull after wearing it. At the same time, the permeability is good, and the appropriate squeezing feeling stimulates the muscles at any time to keep it in the best state.

This time, the weapons are all light-weight equipment that is beneficial to the infiltration operation. The 13 people in the room and the 15-person auxiliary team that have not met will not take the initiative to carry heavy weapons, the strongest firepower The suppression equipment is just a rapid-fire machine gun.

There are a lot of high explosives, all platinum gunpowder, but after the optimization of the organization's own research base, the addition of other ingredients makes it more powerful. But at the expense of stability, it is also different from acid platinum gunpowder.

Except for Cassia, everyone in the room has suitable pneumatic weapons. This is the most stable and efficient preparation. However, when encountering a large number of enemies, the suppression of the firepower net will always be a significant and unsolvable problem.

The second generation holy sword was wrapped in black cloth, and Cassia carried it on his back. I wanted to bring a firecracker, but after careful thinking, I thought that that kind of thing could be taken from the enemy at any time. However, he took a lot of reinforced steel bombs and flash bombs. In addition to the revolver, Cassia once again took a 15-round magazine pistol and multiple magazines as spares. The remaining preparations are two high-strength alloy tactical knives and two circles of alloy filaments.

The organization's warehouse did not replenish the acid platinum bullets on time, which was a pity for Cassia. The large-caliber acid white gold bullet has the power of some small-caliber blue and silver bullets, so many steps can be saved in battle. But the fifteen-day stability period is doomed to its niche and temporary nature.

After going downstairs separately, Cassia and Isha walked down the stairs silently, got on the ceremonial car with welded steel plate and bulletproof layer in the underground parking lot, and drove out of this community at an interval of ten seconds.

The windows of the car are closed tightly, and the air circulation system in the car continues to supply cold air, but it still can't suppress the people's changing mentality. From leaving the community and guarding the surrounding Nighthawks, Cassia saw the increasing pressure.

The sound wave pulse spread out in the surrounding area of ​​two kilometers. For ten seconds, all the surrounding scenes appeared as lines in the eyes. Leaning his head on the back seat, Cassia began to analyze the anomalies observed everywhere. The enemy’s manpower has been planted everywhere in this small country, and in terms of quantity, the organization is indeed at an absolute disadvantage.

Fortunately, there are not few vehicles at night, and Cassia who is mixed in them is considered to have a layer of protection. Starting from the residential area, after a round in the city, it started to drive towards the edge of the city. With the gradual decrease of the surrounding vehicles, the sense of tension suddenly became prominent in the car. Cassia didn't want to say anything, and kept leaning on the back seat.

Two and a half hours later, by the side of a trail with no lights in the dark, the owl stopped the saloon car and turned on a signal generator, which would direct the organization members to come and drive away the saloon car soon, leaving no trace.

Cassia and Nighthawk got out of the car, plus two captains, the six-man team finally began a long infiltration operation.

Several people took off their windbreakers and outer clothes and threw them into the car. The self-simulation function of the field uniforms started to work after ten seconds, helping them to blend into the gray-black night environment more quickly.

According to the route map on the map, they need to cross diagonally from this city to the next major trading city near the border, and from there, enter the belt-shaped mountains on the border. The two cities are about 150 kilometers apart, which is only two hours away for Cassia and others.

After walking down the road for several hundred meters, several members with strange faces and the auxiliary team of fifteen people were already waiting there. After that, the 28 people were tacitly divided into four groups, separated by hundreds of meters from each other, forming four parallel vertical lines, rushing towards the next city. It went well without any obstacles, and no hidden enemies were found.

At the edge of another city, after the team stopped, the correspondent in the auxiliary team turned on the communication machine and it took several minutes to connect. What came was a string of cipher voices, and it seemed that only the correspondent knew the meaning.

"I can't start yet." But in a brief conversation of ten seconds or so, when the communication machine was put away, the correspondent looked at the crowd and said, "The other teams set out from various cities at about 7 o'clock in the evening, but the road to the belt mountain range was too smooth. , Did not encounter the slightest obstacle, did not even notice obvious abnormalities around, and there was no trace of the enemy, just as the enemy did not know that we were here."

"Did you not dare to advance rashly because it is too abnormal?" Among the few strange faces, the man with a low voice started to speak. "This may be our chance but it is not necessarily true. The enemy wants to cast a big net. All the people are surrounded inside. In order to achieve this goal, the other party will inevitably let go of some openings. I think this situation will be deadlocked for a period of time, and during the period, when the two sides are not moving, we may find a gap in it and get in. ."

After speaking, the man looked over, his eyes staying on Cassia for a second or two before he left. Of course I felt it, but Cassia did not respond to the Someone who could pinch to death with one hand, after knowing his character, Cassia didn't want other things to happen in the team.

However, the enemy's actions do seem strange, and they do not have to worry about other teams dispersing their firepower if they have the advantage of numbers. Moreover, the time for organizing the team to face the empire's troops did not last long. After the encounter, it probably continued to retreat, dragging the combat area as long as possible to delay the battle method of the empire team. This is the purpose of those teams, killing the enemy is somewhat difficult for them, and it is not a suitable choice.

Cassia also didn't think the enemy wanted to cast a net of encirclement, because it was difficult to achieve such coordination and natural organization in coordination and command. The teams come from various families and different forces, and have their own elite figures or knight attendants. Wanting to have a unified voice between them, Cassia could not think of a person who could make them uniformly recognized.

It will be the mode of each family, each family elite or knight attendant team to monitor a certain area. Their mutual communication and cooperation is only to determine how to effectively and quickly support each other.

For the opportunities mentioned by men, there is absolutely no thing. There must be a line of defense with no gaps in the belt mountain, and if you want to pass, you can only break through it by bullets. The teams and people staying there are not ordinary teams in the empire, and there is no such thing as a gap.

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