Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1547: Shadow in the Flame (Part 1)

These things will not be considered by the man who organizes strange faces, and his strength cannot support him to that step.

Cassia finished thinking about this and turned to stand on the enemy's perspective to guess what the correspondent said. This should not be the case. The enemy's continuous pursuit of the organized team is a reasonable phenomenon.

"Is there other members holding the enemy?" Cassia's thoughts were uttered by Isha and the others. "Will it be the real target Cassia?" There was a feeling of misplacement in my ears, but Cassia Nothing will show up. He thought of the horror. This time the horror should be on Ye Jielin's side. He led the team and cooperated with the other personnel of Kira Andi. The threat was indeed much higher than the organization's side. It is also expected that it will become the primary processing target, and a large number of personnel will be mobilized, which will cause the current organization to encounter no obstacles when other teams move forward. A natural guess, and there is no doubt in every place.

If the guess is confirmed, Cassia and the others, who don't know the exact situation, appear passive. Although the enemy has attracted most of his attention, the organization will certainly not act rashly because it has not received the news, and the enemy's current abnormal state. I can only wait for the information of the investigators sent from above.

The words of the strange-faced man did not attract anyone's attention at all, and passed after the words were spoken without anyone discussing. This made him want to say something for a while, but someone in the fifteen-man auxiliary team interrupted his thoughts.

"There is a ruin of a building left by the shifting of the city center in the past. We can go there and wait. Relatively speaking, it will be much safer than standing here." Very good suggestion. In less than a minute, Cassia and the others have already Being in a ruined building covered with lush moss, the air smelled of damp and moldy.

I can't see other people's faces in the dark, but I can feel everyone's different breath. Heartbeat and breathing are now the criteria for judging a person's mood and state. A bit impetuous, the dive plan was originally not detailed, Cassia and the others did not even have a detailed topographic map of the mountains, only the approximate topography. The action was forced to stop shortly after the departure, and I always felt that it was not smooth at the beginning, and this kind of unsuccessfulness will continue along with time.

Can only wait for the next communication and reminder, the intermittent contact makes waiting a bit torment. Everyone took turns to investigate near the ruins of the building. This state was in the middle of the night, which was close to about one in the morning. It was still a simple communication. After ten minutes, Cassia and the others were divided into four teams and set off again.

The speed of travel in the dark night did not meet the expectations of Cassia and the others. There was a crescent moon in the dark night sky, and the bleak light did not allow them to see clearly what was under the dense weeds.

The radiation area leaving the city was 4 o'clock in the morning, and there were no buildings that were occasionally visible around, the road was flooded with weeds, and black shadow-like forests appeared from time to time. A huge black shadow belonging to the mountain range has been pressed in front of him, covering a large area of ​​the sky, and the deep black is getting closer, as if to swallow everything around.

The temperature dropped to more than ten degrees at this time, and the cold wind falling across the top of the mountain made people's skin tense. In addition, it is never noisy, explosions and gunshots that make people scared, but quietness as if to imprison people forever. The sound of heartbeats can be heard like insects. The closer you get to the mountains, the more Cassia can feel the rapidly increasing pressure surrounding Isha and others.

This state is not good, Cassia said to her heart. At this time, the sonic pulse went to the limit of six kilometers. After more than a minute, Cassia exhaled and made sure that there were no enemies around. Then he went to the owl and told him to rest for half an hour before the early morning.

Feeling that everyone is not in good shape, Owl nodded. At five o'clock, the four teams are still separated by a suitable distance, each sitting in the weeds to adjust their own state. The surrounding area is at the foot of the mountain, and another one or two kilometers away, weeds will be taken away by the trees.

After adding some potions to dispel his own odor, Cassia chose a suitable position to lie down and signaled to Yisha and the others to do the same, so that it could help eliminate some negative things from the physical level. Everyone is very quiet, and the words become less and less, silence becomes the main tone of the team.

Planning to rest for half an hour, when only insects were left around, everyone's breathing and heartbeat began to weaken. I don't know how Nighthawks feel at the moment, but Cassia also thinks it will never be better. The pressure caused by the environment has indeed begun to make some people in the team a little uncomfortable.

The sound wave pulse is maintained within a radius of three kilometers, because the structure of the mountains will cause unnecessary reflection of the sound wave, causing some interference. Cassia has been trying to receive voices from other places, but I don’t know whether there is really no collision between the enemy and the organization at this moment, or the distance is really too far away, and the silence that has been shrouded in the night since the start has not changed. .

In half an hour, the four teams set off and formally stepped into the huge black shadow in front of them. This was a little different from what Cassia expected, and the hours of waiting broke his plan. By the time the enemy met, the team had completely entered the mountains. At that time, it was still unknown whether there was a chance to evacuate safely.

I hope so, Cassia said to himself. But he knew very well that the enemy would probably gather the team and completely block the entrance to the mountains, and the chances of the organization trying to get through it were not high. At that time, if time is enough, Cassia will choose to turn around to help Isha and the others evacuate. If time does not allow, I can only bring Isha and the others with him, which is considered to increase unnecessary difficulty for this journey.

At the same time, in another part of the belt-shaped mountain range, the wildfire has already had a fierce momentum, and the reflected firelight illuminates the dark night sky. Thick smoke condensed in mid-air like accumulated clouds, unable to disperse for a long time in the breezy night.

I don't know who took the initiative to light up the trees in the but it does have a huge effect. Although it is not possible to retreat the surgeons hiding under the trees, most of the traps and trigger devices they prepared in advance will lose their effectiveness in this spreading wildfire.

There are already several airships in the sky searching for suspicious places, and heavy smoke blows around under the huge wind of the lift device. On the navy blue shell plated with a dark red flame, dozens of searchlights line up in a row. The line, one by one, scanned the charred mountain after the flame, looking for something.

And in a place not too far apart, the flame spread for about an hour before he could walk through here.

"It happens at this time." The man said a little helpless. Indeed, many people had never thought that the enemy would directly set the mountain on fire. This seemingly rascal approach made many of them a little passive for a while, and temperature perception, one of the main perception abilities, would lose its effect in the fire. The enemy is likely to take the opportunity to cross their defenses, and they have to prevent this from happening.

"Use an encrypted channel to connect with Miss Mayvis to inform us of the situation here. I think that this band of mountains will burn up soon."

"Also, I will come to her later, I have to wait until the fire passes those important positions before I can act."

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