Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1548: Shadow in the flame (medium)

The half of the sky in front of him is still dark red, but the smell of smoke has spread here in advance. The occasional atmosphere changes from cool to warm. It is easy for men to imagine the scene where the fire spreads from here, it will be a bright red, and the light of the fire will print all the faces.

The correspondent behind him instinctively stepped back and went to the hidden camping base where he was stepping up preparations for the fire belt. Most of the people were sent out to cut down the surrounding trees, and it was bound to create an empty area around the camp before the time that no flame could pass through.

As the news spread, more than a dozen teams with pneumatic weapons and forged steel swords also set off in time from all directions, and went to the big circle wrapped in flames. They acted as firefighters. Because the detailed geographical drawings of the mountains have been measured in the past, as long as there is real-time information on the path of the mountain fire, depending on the characteristics of the mountain topography, it is only a matter of time before the flame extinguishes itself.

But like men’s concerns, others are not worried about how long or where the fire will spread. Rather, thinking about how much the enemy can do in this time-limited fire.

The fire in front of you is just one, and it won’t be long before the band-shaped mountains supervised by other families will light up and turn into a fire that swallows the trees in the mountains.

"It is true that there is no enemy in detail, it is our side that made a mistake." The man said to the dark red night sky in front of him, sighing, and excited. Such an opponent can make him experience challenge and interest. Turning around, the man took a deep breath. The smoke-smelling air seemed to make him feel intoxicated. After stretching his body, the man looked at his hand that was trembling as he clenched it. It was a palm wrapped in a glove made of a soft material, on the back of his hand, wrists and knuckles, on the glove made of soft material. All have alloy flakes of the right size and shape. The man's body wear at this moment is roughly the same as this glove.

It is similar to the knight in the history book thousands of years ago. Almost all of his body is covered by the right alloy armor, and the joints are connected flexibly, which will not affect any movements in battle. As a man's weapon, only a slender sword hanging from his waist can be seen at this time.

Walking silently, the man did not make any noise when he returned to the camp, and the armor on his body did not produce the slightest rubbing sound because of the reasonable design. The color of the distant sky is gradually brightening, and the spread of the fire makes the dark red brighter.

At roughly the same time, too many people looked in the direction where the first flame rose. I can't smell the smoke, but under the cloudless night sky in summer, it is very easy to see the reddish corner of the sky. The speed of information transmission is indispensable. According to the topographic map of the mountains, many teams have already started cutting down trees in the mountains in advance to create passages to block the flames.


The early morning in each city may look different, and a small country will be much quieter.

Most of the light outside the windows comes from street lights, except for two or three main streets, most shops are closed. On the top floor of a residential building, he sat by the window of the living room with a smile on his mouth, calmly watching this quiet picture. From time to time, the line of sight skipped over the city, and instantly spanned a long distance, looking towards the almost imperceptible red light at the end of the skyline.

When another breathing sounded in this room, Ji Cai got up and pulled the thick curtains to block the light that was not dazzling when the lamps were turned on. A long table made up of three tables is placed directly below the lamp, on which is placed a more detailed map, a map of the banded mountains.

An area has been drawn with a red circle by the horror, and corresponding to the actual location, a wildfire has already spread, gradually approaching the fire belt cut by the surgeons.

Lyle, who entered the house, put his footsteps extremely light, as if he was afraid of breaking the silence here. He brought wine and food, as well as a stack of paper packed in cloth bags—some of them were densely packed typefaces, some were unidentified photos. It is undeniable that these things are all the things that are needed, partly from the intelligence team under Lyle, some from Yejielin's side, and the other, from Ovilia and Violet. The information of the three parties will be collected here at fixed points and timing. As a horror who played several roles, he did not feel distressed because of the amount of information and tedious analysis. I have a morbid fascination with this feeling of control. I like to guess what the other person will do and how he will walk, and then I just quietly appreciate it, adding something to it from time to time to increase or reduce the difficulty of the goal.

The newly arrived information was disassembled by hackers and browsed one by one. The hacker took over Lyle's pouring wine, as if to wet his throat. Mark them one by one. It is still a circle, but there is a difference in size. These are the wildfires that have begun to spread. As a plan for Mevis and Cassia to meet, accurately grasping Cassia's location and inferring his next step is the main focus.

"It is close to a hundred. It is calculated from the traffic volume on the road that night. Multiplied by a reasonable multiple is about two hundred. The number of people in each team is different, and the average is only 35 people. "Lyle replied very seriously, "In addition, they should use three teams to fight, each with close to 400 people, equipped with not much long-range fire support. But these are not enough before the family forces of the empire, one ship The airship can make them die in a blink of an eye."

"I remember sending a few airships over here, right? Miss Ye Jielin's team is very strong, especially in terms of weapons. Most of the airships of other families are transformed by merchant ships, but Miss Ye Jielin's all It is a regular military airship. With the technical support of Weber Arms Corp., the performance is very good, and it should be no problem to protect this group of people." If you are calm, you can finish marking on the map. Draw a range with a green pen, and he has locked a rough area. Further breakdown requires more information and corresponding time.

"It's still on the way, but because of the wildfires spreading everywhere, we can definitely catch up in time."

"That's good." He put down the pen, very satisfied with the result, "Is there any new news from Manoma? Although we can't interfere with the actions of high-level surgeons, it is also fun to understand their plans roughly. "

Sitting on the chair by the table, he tapped his temple in shock. "The goal of their plan has never changed. It has always been Miss Ye Jielin. The only way to lock down Mr. Cassia is the only way for their group. Will rashly do things that are uncertain."

"It's still quiet at the moment, probably." Lyle said a little uncertain. "After all, as high-level surgeons, all we can observe is whether there is a big movement."

"It will definitely appear. Don't worry." He said comfortingly, and then narrowed his eyes, and the gentle and magnetic voice continued, "We will set off tomorrow night. If we are lucky, we may be able to catch up with Mr. Cassia after the matter is over ."

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