Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1549: Shadow in the Flame (Part 2)

"The team members are already ready and can leave at any time, Master." Lyle respectfully said, "Master Hae, you haven't seen Mr. Cassia for a long time. Maybe you can talk more this time."

With a horrified smile, but the corners of his mouth have not been drawn out, a normal smile. He thought of something from Lyle's words, so he turned his head to look at Lyle's lowered head, "Lyle, you also hope that I don't always pay attention to Lee's things."

He had been mentally prepared for this coming inquiry, and Lyle might have been waiting for the horror to ask himself. He raised his head and replied affirmatively "yes".

"Master Hacker, if you focus on other places, you will definitely have good results. At present, this kind of incident will be more and more in the empire later. Many people have already begun to enter the scene, as if after a few decades of quiet , I will finally come out in the past few years to warm up and prepare for the future war. After that, the enemy will only come more and more, because of the different camps or interests, many of them need to be resolved by us. I hope that The Er family is known as the assassin, and lacks a lot of things in frontal combat..." After speaking, Lyle paused and took a deep breath, but still couldn't muster the courage to say the next thing.

He sighed, turned his head, looked at the curtains, "I am thinking about this myself, and I know what you want to say. But the things I am concerned about may not be what you think." He did not continue. Explain that there are some things that don't have to be explained to everyone. One is that the horror has never been in such a mood. The second is to see who the object is. If it is Cassia, he must be very interested in explaining.

"Go back and prepare. If you want to catch up with Mr. Cassia, we need to be in a good state."

"I see, Master Hack." Lyle nodded and stepped back.


Entering the mountains, Cassia and the others were still on their way, but their speed could not be increased, and they had reached the maximum limit at this moment. The trees block the moonlight, the complex terrain environment, vegetation and the air roots exposed by the trees and entangled on the ground, you have to concentrate every step of the way.

The communication was received at 2:30 in the morning. At that time, Yisha and the others climbed up the tall trees and indeed saw the faint red night sky on both sides of them. At this time, they also correctly realized how long the battlefield was pulled this time, and how much manpower and material resources the enemy has invested in this band of mountains this time.

Isha and Nighthawk can understand Cassia's words, the average level of surgery between a small country and an empire is like the economic and technological level between the two, and it will always be a small number of individuals that can be equal. But there is always something in their hearts that prevents them from making decisions immediately.

The four separate teams converged for a while to discuss the content of the communication. They carry a lot of high explosives, so igniting trees is not a problem. The key point is where is the starting point, the spread of the wildfire takes time, and after the enemy is discovered, it is very easy to create a fire belt with the physique of the surgeon. Moreover, after the mountain fire, without the cover of trees, that area is an absolute restricted area for Cassia and the others. They have automatic mimicry combat uniforms on them, and they can't support them to walk through the place that has been burned without shelter.

The appearance of the flame will definitely expose one's general position. Once the fire is not fully utilized, it will bring unnecessary harm to oneself.

The communication has stated that their area needs to be fired at about 4:30 in the morning to obtain a layer of protection, so that each team is not unique. Time is not very sufficient for Cassia and the others, and the two hours between the mountains cannot support them for a long distance.

Keeping running in silence, Cassia walked in front of the team to help Isha behind them choose the most suitable path. Although the speed will be limited by the other three teams, at least it is more comfortable to advance in the dark. There are insects all around, and occasionally wild animals that come out at night to forage. I didn't see creatures like wolves, perhaps because of my keen sense of smell, I noticed the fire that would happen here soon, and left early.

Cassia originally wanted to take some high-explosive fuel and ran to the depths of the mountain alone to ignite a fire, but later considered that the consequences of doing so would only attract the enemy’s attention, but would cause Isha and the others to encounter the enemy. The time was delayed again. The deeper into the mountains, Cassia became more worried about Isha Nighthawks. The longer the evacuation distance, the greater the chance of encountering an enemy in the process of their return, which is not what Cassia wants to see.

The distance for two hours to advance is only fifty or sixty kilometers, and the surrounding is full of shadows of mountains. The only thing that can be seen in color is a small shadow of the mountain peaks white in the moonlight.

At any rate, go to the pre-determined place, place high explosives, and time-controlled fuzes. More than 20 people try to find a pile of dead wood branches and leaves from around as softly as possible, and cover them so that the fire can spread after it rises. Get wider, sure to cause wildfires.

Looking at the time, it is less than ten minutes before 4:30.

Cassia and the others then walked on the way forward, the fire ignited and was noticed by the enemy, and it only took time for the team to surround themselves. Cassia and the others need to seize this opportunity, as far as possible from the flanks to the mountains.

The time on the mechanical watch passed by little by little, until four and a half. At the same moment, like a simple copy, under the dark woods in different locations, in the slightly moist black, the sound of "sizzling" when explosives burned one after another, and then the leaves and dead branches were ignited. "Crack" sound. The dry air in summer becomes the best combustion-supporting agent. After a few minutes, the flames light up in the dark and slowly expand.


"The third to sixth teams went to the south to make fire belts, and the seventh to tenth teams followed, UU reading spread out and searched around..."

"According to the plan, let the team directly bring the artillery to smash the fire. The logistics team keeps up and guarantees the ammunition. The rest of the team spreads out on the two wings and searches for the enemy. All the information is summarized in real time and displayed on the map. Traces are good,,,"

"Let the airship set off. After several rounds of aerial bombs are tilted, there should be no such fires. It would be better if the enemy hides around, but they will not be so mindless. There is no spreading fire. Will expose your position."

"The battle armor is dispatched, and three are brought. With the kinetic armor, it is very simple to cut off the momentum of the flame spread. These two things are not very afraid of these flames..."

In the range of the belt-shaped mountain range, guards from various regions observed the flames rising everywhere, and reacted as quickly as possible. At the same time, there seemed to be an incomparable tacit understanding, and they all dispatched a corresponding number of teams at the same time, and began to search around the area around the fire. And benefiting from this flame, although it is not completely exposed, they at least know where the enemy has advanced, and the approximate speed of the advance.

When the time went to five to ten minutes, the team had arrived near the spreading flame. Soon after, the first team of the organization met with members of the empire.

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