Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1550: Information Convergence and People Convergence (Part 1)

In essence, the organization will not resist at all, and will choose to withdraw directly regardless of the situation. Every team knows their own position, and there will be no such rapid and continuous support as the empire behind them, and being dragged down means death.

Soon after the start of the first pursuit, similar things began to happen in different places near the spreading wildfire. Direct retreat is the main melody, but there are also individual teams that will actively resist. These teams basically have the strength to judge the situation.

A faint crackling sound came from the darkness behind him, and a brighter dark red could already be seen in the night sky above his head, which was cut to pieces by the woods. Even if there is no wind, the dry air in summer can still make the fire rise smoothly and expand rapidly.

I don't know where the enemy will be lurking in this mountain range, and the time to reach the edge of the wildfire becomes unknown. Cassia magnified the range of the sound wave pulse to four kilometers, observing everything around him at any time. The flame spread far behind them. Although at about five and a half, the fire behind them almost became a huge twisted ring embedded deep in the gray night sky, but they were far from the initial ignition spot. There are also more than ten kilometers away.

Seeing that the fire was still spreading, no enemy rushed to stop it, Cassia and the others also slowed down at this time node where night and dawn alternated. Worrying about the enemy deliberately allowing the fire to spread, he chose to set up a defensive line around him and organize his team to ambush. Mountain terrain, trees, rocks, and some rolling boulders will affect the judgment of Cassia's sonic pulse. In this environment, keeping the enemy crouching is indeed the biggest drawback of sonic pulse detection. In essence, Cassia's use of sound pulses is a fast comparison between countless photos.

When the sky became completely white, the fiery red sunrise slowly rose. The gray-black smoke became like rain clouds, flowing slowly with the high-altitude wind direction. The enemy hasn't made any movement at this moment. Watching the wildfire carefully from a distance, the spreading momentum has not been stopped.

Cassia perceives something wrong. As the frequency of the sound waves becomes higher, her own perception is spread hundreds of meters away. In this mountain range, the enemy has a high probability of choosing the situation that Cassia was worried about not long ago. The appearance of the wildfire allows the enemy to roughly calculate the speed range of their team. As long as they follow a maximum time, they can deploy their manpower in many places in advance.

Can't move forward anymore, Cassia thought subconsciously. Walking in front of the team, he forced the Nighthawks and others to stop, and asked the Owl to immediately contact the other three teams, and then needed to shorten the distance between the four teams to maintain the best support and mutual defense speed.

I glanced at the sky through the gaps in the leaves, it was all deep blue, with no trace of rain clouds. I hope there will be a huge rainstorm these days, and the sound of wind and rain will be the best protection for all teams. The continuous scorching sun will only make the dead leaves on the ground dry, and every step will bring the sound of "cracking and wiping".

The communications in the team were all local area radio networks, and the Owl whispered Kassia's meaning, but the other three teams still had no idea of ​​stopping immediately. Feeling impatient, they chose to walk one or two hundred meters forward again, only to finally run out of buffering power, and stopped in place.

The other three teams asked what happened in the communication channel. This time should be the time to step up. Owl looked at Cassia and handed over the communicator. Cassia sighed and had not yet received the communicator. In the high-frequency sound wave pulse, something like branches and trunks under no wind was moving slowly, and in more than one place, the distance was between seven or eight hundred meters.

The air in the lungs was immediately pressed out by Cassia. At the moment when the "alert" was not shouted, I saw the owl being kicked away by Cassia. Nighthawk and Isha seemed to rely on their passive instincts. After reacting, he subconsciously retreated to the back of the nearest tree.

Immediately, Yisha, who had performed many missions in the border forest of the Flame Alliance, instantly knew what to do next. She took out the high-explosive gunpowder she was carrying, sprinkled an arc directly, and ignited it the next moment. A flame slammed up, but it was going to be extinguished in the next moment. Cassia who jumped away immediately made up a large handful of dead leaves that had been picked up on the ground, and barely continued to burn with a little flame.

"Rainy..." Almost at the same time the enemy pressed the trigger, several heavy sniper rifle bullets shot from a distance, directly tore apart all the branches of the trees that blocked it along the way, blasting fragments of rock fragments. Of soil.

The accuracy was not as accurate as Cassia had imagined. Each bullet could not even be called a direct wiping past, and the nearest one was close to one and a half meters away from him. Tearing the trunk along the way still changed the ballistic direction a bit.

The owl who got up didn't care about the fact that he was not hit by a bullet just now, and he didn't have the mood to pay attention to it. He and Nighthawk and others followed Isha's example, and immediately pulled open the canister of high-explosive explosives after getting closer, speeding up the smooth rise of a wall of fire.

A short distance away from the wall of fire, to make sure that you can feel the heat of the flame, a few people shrink as much as possible and hide behind the trees. The other three teams only started to raise flames at this moment, their speed and tempo were all a little slower, and the close distance made them roughly fall within the enemy's temperature perception range. It's just that the woods are too restrictive for sniper rifles. Even if they can aim at the target, the deviation of the ballistic line will make their hit rate very small. Less than two people died, which is good news. In an open area, losing half of the amount in the short period of time just now is the best result.

The frequency of the sonic pulse increased by one level again, and Cassia walked behind the burning flame, beckoning Isha and the others to immediately follow them and evacuate.

"The enemy will not be stupid enough to want to ambush us in this environment with a few sniper firearms. This is just a deterrent, the purpose is to let us because of the threat of these huge powerful bullets, as long as possible Stay in place and dare not act rashly to avoid being hit by irregular bullets." In the 6,000-meter sound wave range, Cassia only observed a team of no more than 30 people near the kilometer ahead. But the information must have gone to other surrounding teams. This team just wants to delay the arrival of time support.

A distance of six kilometers, but only ten minutes or so can be completed, while Cassia asked the Owls to call back the other three teams, and then evacuate together, while calculating how far he could run out during this time. As long as they are not surrounded, Cassia has a way to block the enemy and let Yisha and the enemy keep a safe distance.

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