Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1553: The last entrant (part 1) is so angry

The seven people beside him immediately looked at the man, the expressions on their faces were very familiar, and they were all waiting for the next words.

"I don't know which level of prey it will be. In the news from other surveillance areas for a few hours, these enemy teams have taken the initiative to evacuate. Until there is no way out, the team will not counterattack if a few people die. ."

"According to the news that came, the enemy was already trapped in a circle of several teams." Someone gave another message, "It is true that the circle has not yet closed, and there are still some possible gaps for them to evacuate. But it is only possible. Sex, the probability of becoming a reality is not even 1%. According to the information that has been aggregated, to analyze it, proactively attacking to open a gap is the most correct choice at that time."

The man waved his hand for the other seven people to follow him, and said as he walked.

"I still haven't grasped the point." The sigh made the seven people behind them lower their heads subconsciously, "You must know that as time goes on, more and more enemies will start to resist and take the initiative to attack. Because only in this way can we At the same time attracting the attention of the monitoring teams from all over the country, it does not allow certain teams to show some different characteristics. This time can be regarded as a normal trend and will continue to evolve. In other words, this active offensive phenomenon It's normal. There have been many occurrences in other areas, but not very frequently. But haven't you noticed another point of the information? The speed with which the attacked team’s communications disappear!"

"The communication of the team being attacked? From the sound of the bomb explosion, it seems that there are no more than a few breaths before and after. When the other teams rushed past, there was no shadow of the enemy. But the accuracy of this firearm, regardless of whether it was changed. No one can withstand it. According to the 15 bullets in the clip style and the 6 bullets in the quasi-revolver, that is to say, at least 21 people may die in a short time without breathing. Regardless of the psychological impact, this accounts for With nearly half of the team's number suddenly lost, there will be a fatal gap in both defense and offensive."

"Yes, that's the point. There are such powerful people among the enemies, does it indicate anything? Can't deny that there are also powerful surgeons on the enemy's side. I remember Yejielin and the Kira Andi family also sent a large number of teams here. Maybe it’s their manpower, the captain, the special operations squad, etc. Because the other party must have someone who can match us, otherwise we will go to the mountains in person..." The man maintains a basic introspection, the second half The sentence was not spoken.

"Do you need us to deal with it, my lord."

"Need." The man stressed, "The first point is to remind the encirclement not to let people go. The impact of wildfires is great, and many monitoring sections are worrying about it. Secondly, you don't have to go all over. Internally, three people were decided to come out and take an empty boat to explore the strength of the enemy to see what level the enemy is at. Third, if you can clean up, you can clean up easily. If you can't clean up, report in time. If you encounter a hard guy, it is very troublesome. Participated in the knight attendant assessment, you should understand the dangers of small-scale team operations in a large area. At that time, there were some grumpy creatures of the second category, and their thinking was still inferior to humans. But the 36 heads represented knight attendants. The second-class creatures of the quota, you have fought with them somehow, how tricky, don’t I need to remind them?"

"It's roughly the same. The forest environment in the mountains will obstruct your vision, and the trees will hinder the use of firearms. If the enemy is strong enough, his threat level is not as good as that of the second-class creatures that represent quotas, but it poses a threat to you. It's relatively easy. If the enemy is only of normal strength, then you are fierce creatures to them. How to play depends on your own ideas. Just pay attention to the time."

While they were talking, the men went through the divided camping tents to the other end of the valley. There are rows of camouflage houses built with simple steel brackets for meetings, command and ammunition storage. The men walked into a room, and when they entered the door, they saw a rectangular table. The man went to sit down at the long table and waited until the seven people in front of him determined who they were going to look at before letting them leave. The remaining man sat there half in a daze, until the communicator rang, he took it out, thought about pressing the answer button, and immediately heard a questioning voice.

"Mousse, how long is there on your side? Except for you, the other people who will come the latest have already boarded the airship. Please don't tell me, you are also on the airship now, and are coming here leisurely. . Of course, if you want to surprise me, I will still be very happy.” There is also a joke among old friends in the voice.

"Miss Mayvis, although I am glad that you are not angry, and I also hope that I can give you a surprise, this is destined to be the regret of the two of us. Some minor situations happened not long ago, and several small ones appeared in the surveillance zone. Rats, I don’t know which range of rats it is, so it took some time. I have sent someone to see it, I believe there will be a result soon. You have the same situation, so far, It’s almost time to fight back, whether proactively or passively."

"You mean little mouse?" Mevis thought, the conversation between the two was pleasant and relaxed, like the atmosphere when drinking cold drinks or drinks under a parasol in the afternoon, "I didn't encounter it very much, but The enemy's counterattack was extremely fierce. You know the situation on my side. With the kinetic energy armored team of the Far Sea Common Nations, the impact of wildfires is almost no. The kinetic energy auxiliary armor has a very strong close combat explosive force, and it is almost infinite. Its endurance is very suitable for mountain terrain. With them, it becomes very easy to clean up the enemy teams. For them, these teams are their nightmare."

"There are also losses caused by the enemy's counterattack before death. In fact, the enemy is indeed much stronger mentally than ours. At least as far as the news from the kinetic armored team is, almost everyone who is about to die will pull away. Steel bomb,,,"

"It's not clear what is going on on my side." Mousse thought after hearing this.

"If I can discuss with the captains of the Common Country of Far Seas to let a part of the kinetic armor team go to your side. For the defense line, the pressure on my side is very small."

"No, I can still deal with a few small mice." Mousse replied with gratitude, "Probably we will leave at noon. Our surveillance areas are connected together. Under a short distance, I can probably reach you after the evening."

"Then I will wait for your arrival."

"Thank you Miss Mavis for waiting. I am honored. Please also take me to say hello to Miss Isabel and Mr. Agnes." Mouss answered politely. Immediately, the two cut off the connection very tacitly.


In the bright sunshine in the morning, five unremarkable small airships were flying slowly against a ridgeline. The ellipsoidal shell is covered with stacked alloy plates with mimic functional materials. The color and appearance of the alloy plates change with the appearance of the ridge below. It is extremely difficult to find them.

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