Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1554: Last entry (middle)

Going deep into the belt-shaped mountain range at the junction of the border, passing the ridgeline in front of you, the small airship went to the mountainside and hovered in mid-air above the ground. The four hatches on the ellipsoidal shell were opened, and several heads protruded and looked around briefly, before the four soft ropes were put down.

A team of nearly a hundred people descended on the mountainside one after another on the ropes of each airship, and then pieces of light gray packages nearly the size of three or four adults were hung on the ropes and slipped down. A series of actions were completed in less than one minute.

The four airships immediately turned their directions and left, only one seemed to still miss something.

"Captain Will." Inside the hollow airship, a heavily armed man was about to hang the lock on the rope. The door of the cab opened, and a voice followed.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lidith, you must remember that this is the order, from the order given by Lieutenant General Norman himself, none of us has the qualifications to resist." Will loosened the lock and leaned out the door itself. He was pulled back by himself and looked at Lidis who was standing in front of the cabin door of the cockpit, his face was full of majesty, "Unconditional execution of orders is the only thing we soldiers need to do, even if we are surgery."

"I know, Lieutenant Colonel." Lidis raised his voice, "but Colonel, you know..." Will glared back at the words afterwards, and Lidis, who opened his mouth, became a little dazed. He understands the meaning of this look, but still feels a huge unfairness.

"Next." As if thinking of something, Will took out the identity alloy plate that he hung around his neck, which was used to help identify his identity after death. On the front, or every miniaturized battlefield, maintaining the integrity of the body after death carries a lot of luck. Often a cannon or an aerial bomb, except for this special alloy brand, other parts of the body will be mixed with the soil. Maybe a few months later, it will moisten the soil and become the nourishment for weeds.

So I always felt that carrying this kind of thing would not be very useful. At least Will treated him as a bad thing: "It's not a good thing, but you have followed me for more than 20 years. You take care of it. , I will find you to get it back later. Remember, go back and be smart, Lieutenant Norman is just the highest level we can reach! You just have to remember this, don’t think too much about other things, and don’t Attempt to explain to anyone, or test the news."

With that, Colonel Will hung the lock on the rope again: "Lidis, you still have a lot to do after you go back. Don't keep thinking about this mountain range. For you, this mountain range has never appeared. Ever, you never came here."

The sound of words was completely submerged with the buzzing sound of the lift device. When Lidis, who was standing by the hatch, recovered his spirit, when he took a deep breath, the rope had automatically retracted and the hatch was gradually closing.

Soon after, in the depths of the woods at the foot of the mountain, close to a hundred heavily armed personnel stood in line. Colonel Weir stood up in front of the team, holding a large number of alloy identity cards in his hand, as if performing a solemn ceremony, and buried it at the foot of a tree under the gaze of the members behind him.

"Remember this position. If there are still some of you alive later, take them back. If not..." Colonel Will punched the tree trunk, and the branches and leaves immediately rattled. "This is ours. tombstone!"

No one spoke, only eyes focused on the tree.

"You used to be selected from various teams with excellent overall performance. There are even some who, like me, studied at the Imperial Military School when they were young. You are very smart. You can learn something through your senses and thoughts. Information, you can guess some key information, some of you even knew what is happening here through the family in advance! However, we have our own identities, and now we have our own tasks and goals! I hope this After the event is over, it is up to me or others to wait for each of you to come back alive! But before that, I hope that the task can be completed by us!"

Colonel Will took a deep breath. He never worried that these people in front of him would run away due to difficulties, nor would he be disturbed by family or some information to shake something in his heart. The Imperial Military Department has always been relatively pure, and it is not Colonel Will and the others who need to think about many things, but their superiors.

Colonel Weir successfully graduated from the Second Star Academy of the Military School in his youth and entered the Imperial Army with the rank of captain. It can be said that he was out of touch with the world outside the military department from the beginning, but this did not prevent him from being able to understand something. It's just that he also believes in something, he knows what he can do and what he can't touch. As long as you do this, you will never find yourself in danger after the mission.

This group of them has already passed the class of first and second warrant officers and barons of merit for a long, long time.

In Major Will's order, two dividing lines appeared neatly from the middle of the team, divided into three teams, each led by him and two other lieutenant colonels. Following the issuance of orders and instructions, each squad went to the light gray packages stacked on the side in an orderly manner and took away all weapons and ammunition and standard supplies for field operations.

On the side, Colonel Will took out the map to reconfirm the joint combat route of the three teams. When the team once again assembled into a neat formation, Colonel Will took the other two lieutenant colonels, took out two things similar to signal receivers from his pockets, and gave them to them.

"The signal receiver of the local area network radio has an effective range of 1,500 meters. It is not used to find other teams. You and I answered the communication from Lieutenant General Norman. UU reading knows that the mountains are incomplete. It is our enemy, and this is the basis for judgment." Lieutenant Colonel Weir spoke and patted the shoulders of the two of them. "I hope that after the matter is over, I can board the returning airship with you here."

The light gray parcel bag was buried underground, and all traces were completely removed when the three teams left. For members who have undergone various rigorous training, this kind of combat environment between mountains is easier and simpler for them than the battle lines between the three giant countries.


The only good news that the enemy's follow-up team did not chase up is now. After the speed slowed down, Cassia chose a suitable time for Isha and the others to rest.

After that, we set off again, and when the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, Cassia estimated the time of the whole process himself, and got a data that could not make him happy. At ten o'clock, there was still no enemy movement in the sound wave pulse, which made him extremely uneasy.

Approximately the worst result of Cassia's conjecture appeared. When the enemy dispersed the encirclement, there was a special vehicle, and it was almost certainly an airship.

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