Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1555: Last entry (below)

The enemy behind him is not in a hurry to catch up, and the encircling circle ahead is not worried about the prey running away. The first battle was indeed an all-round victory for one's side, but the enemy did not lose anything. The number of forty-three is very small in the range of this band of mountains, and it is equivalent to nothing.

The opponent has an airship as a cover for air superiority, and is supported by long-range firepower. The rest is to rely on the ground forces to determine their position. At that time, whether it is aerial bombs, a salvo of artillery, or a wide range of twenty or thirty caliber machine guns, it will become a lethal attack. . Cassia knew that no one could carry it down except herself.

Airships can carry many weapons. Military airships have been modularized hundreds of years ago, and there is not much room for improvement. Airships known as ground forces, airships often play a role in warfare to clean up an area with terrorist firepower. The extremely excellent load capacity allows the empty boat to load a large number of various ammunition, the acceleration device in a short time can also improve their support and travel speed, plus the optimization after a long time experience in various environments and wars , The configuration on his defense module-such as honeycomb hydrogen bag, inert gas protection to avoid large fires and small explosions, and reactive armor like armored vehicles.

In addition, the cooperation with ground forces in combat, the corresponding tactics and use experience, the timing of cutting and the intensity of firepower suppression, etc., have too many things that have passed the test of time.

Among them, Cassia considers the most important point. Now they are all in a mountain environment, and the forced reduction of their traveling speed will make the speed of the airship equal to them, or even slightly exceed it. Being locked means that the opponent can keep chasing him and attacking.

"A long-range weapon is needed." Cassia believes that the only one that can effectively deal with airships is the heavy sniper rifle, which must also be equipped with special bullets that can explode after being forced. With his own sonic pulse, he believed that he could touch the airship behind the ground troops, but it seemed to be difficult to make the hydrogen air bag explode in a chain. It is not realistic to expect bullets to hit the skeleton of an empty boat to produce sparks, because soon after the design, a pistol can solve several empty boats, and the probability of wanting this to happen again has decreased geometrically.

The frame material has long been changed, or thick protection is added to the steel frame, or it is directly replaced with non-metallic materials from the source of the material. These have become the core elements of the subsequent redesign. If it is used as a military product, these aspects are even more strictly controlled.

The Imperial Heavy Industry School, which Cassia failed to enter, had the option of empty boats under a professional branch. An ancient design and technology, every time a batch of empty boats exits the manufacturing plant and enters the army, several ships are randomly selected for inspection. One of the standards in the inspection is to directly use a heavy machine gun to fire the air bag, and use the situation as the basis for judgment. Fire and explosion are the two most important data.

The concept of time became more and more important in Cassia's head. He turned his head and looked behind him from time to time, and his endurance problems gradually began to become prominent. For Cassia's walking speed, applying it to Isha and the others began to look hard. There are indeed huge differences in training methods and intensity. Isha and the others probably have never had the experience of transporting tonnage-level building materials to exercise physical endurance in severe cold environments.

An hour later, without finding any trace of the enemy in the sonic pulse, Cassia had to stop the team and inform them of the current situation, including the airship.


Forty-three corpses were still lying where they were at the time of death. After the three adjutants of Mousse had inspected the scene, they were quickly piled together, and a dozen bottles of microbial agents were thrown on them, waiting for two to In three days they completely eroded them to only a layer of combat uniforms without anything.

The photo is only a rough introduction. The information revealed by those bullet holes is very limited. When they came to this small battlefield, the three adjutants were able to see the vague picture of the battle in their heads.

The position of the corpse, the orientation of the hole on the chest of the head, the footprints on the ground, and the impact marks of the steel bomb on the trunk are all necessary and important traces, all revealing some necessary information of the other party.

"The judgment of the position is very clear, and it should be biased towards the sensory surgeon. During the battle, he went to the flanks or went directly to the rear, but was not detected by the temperature detection in the team. This is a surgical development for controlling body temperature." The three adjutants stood on the side of the battlefield, each speaking their own opinions.

"I remember that before the battle started, this team entered a state of alert. Most of the energy is in the front, but there will definitely be eyes on the flanks and rear. But are they not good at hiding?"

"Sensing type plus temperature control is enough to explain everything." An adjutant spread his hands, and the words were taken for granted. "The marksmanship is extremely accurate, all moving at high speeds. The broken tree and some bullet marks show that When they found this person, all these people saw was a shadow, and their teammates died in pieces, absolutely panic."

"I just don't know how long he can last at this speed." The man continued, "High burst means extremely high mental and physical exhaustion."

"I just found out when I met. This should be your favorite prey, Leo." The three said, and went to the rope ladder where they were fishing.

They came by airboat. In addition to a team of a hundred people on the three airboats, there are six mixed breed dogs close to two meters in height. They use biotechnology to obtain a stronger sense of smell, size and aggression, but they have not completely gone to the second category. The category of the biological field. When Cassia saw these mixed dogs, he would feel a familiarity that spanned a long The volcanic base on the front line used to track the enemy’s traces is another of this mixed breed. Kind of branch type.

"Like the news from other regions, the odor elimination agent is their standard equipment, and it is impossible not to bring them. Whether it is the mixed breed we currently use or the domesticated second category brought by some other families Biological wolves are unable to recognize this smell well."

"What can I get now?" a lieutenant asked, "There has been no wind these days, unless you go up the mountainside. Even if it is a potion, there is probably a timeliness. I remember the principle of this kind of potion is only two. One is mandatory covering, the other is universal fusion and elimination."

"Both are in there, sir." The mixed-breed dog manager answered carefully. "It's tricky. It's like a potion customized for these mixed-breed dogs and those wolves. I can't think of a way."

"Well, take them on the airship, at least they are not weaker than some Type 2 creatures in terms of aggression." The three adjutants didn't want to talk more, and didn't want to stay here too much. They returned to the airship, followed the enemy's evacuation direction they had captured not long ago, and pursued the past.

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