Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1558: Still a lone wolf (part 2)

  The scenery is flowing around, and with the high-frequency sound pulse, Cassia’s flexibility has gone to a terrifying level. Although it was understood a few months ago that with the increase in strength, the effect of the sound pulse will become smaller and smaller in the future, and Cassia has also focused on his own perception. But this time period is not what he believes in the future, sound pulses will still be the main method to deal with enemies in the encirclement that will soon be encountered.

   intends to control the accuracy of the force during running, and make the body as close as possible to the high-intensity running mode. It is true that there has been no thorough fighting for a long time. The border forest of the Flame Alliance is probably, but after all, because of the influence of the second-class creatures, those people have not met Cassia because of his The reason for the breath reduced a half of the combat effectiveness. Except for a small number of people, the so-called strangers in the Flame Alliance, most of their combat capabilities need to be linked to the domesticated second-class creatures.

   It is necessary to keep this body in a hot state, and moderate fatigue will become a stimulus, just like most combat clothing. But Cassia knew that after the battle started, the clothes on his body would shatter in the first place, so he had to rely on other methods. On the contrary, the shoes were completely scrapped after less than ten minutes of travel. Even though various situations have been considered at the beginning of design and manufacture, it is not practical for Cassia.

  The topography of the mountains changes slowly, and the **** increases or decreases with the direction, without the slightest law at all. The mood gradually fell into calm, and the whistling wind in his ears was naturally shielded by Cassia, which made him seem to enter a quiet space for a while. The air flow direction began to become clear, like the sound wave pulse, it gradually changed into countless line-like data patterns. The breath and heartbeat that were not rushed became more stable, but every breath and beat became more powerful. Only the blood pressure and flow rate rose slowly as Cassia expected, gradually approaching the value he wanted.

   During the run, Cassia moved his fingers at regular intervals. This is the basic preparation exercise before drawing the sword. Separate part of the mental examination of the body's interior, and expect that the state will be the peak of the recent time period.

   It will not be easy to tear a hole in the encirclement of the enemy, and Cassia also pursues the shortest time. In the first mission of the military school, Kara's words have always affected Cassia, although he did not implement them like Kara did. Things that can be controlled by oneself must not cause problems, and what Cassia can control now is to maintain this state.

   Twenty minutes, the surroundings are still quiet, and the environment does not seem to have changed, like the woods and some small gravel that can be seen everywhere. The keen sense of hearing captures the reduction of insects and bird calls. Could this be a signal? Cassia didn't know very well, but still maintained the speed, putting a mark every kilometer.

   The Xuefeng, which was still in front not long ago, has been at the same level as Cassia. It was almost noon when the sun was extremely strong. The woods are full of dappled light spots, the temperature rises a lot, and there is warm moisture. On the sky without a cloud, the view will be very wide. There was no huge old tree in the journey, and Cassia had no chance to observe the front.

Soon after, the time node reached thirty minutes. Cassia estimated that the distance was enough for Isha and the others to move forward for two or three hours. Only then did they make a sign to stop and move at will, the speed slowed down a little while changing direction, and began to retrograde. The **** is closer to the mountain peak.

  The advantage of terrain needs to be used, which can provide Cassia with a wide view to judge the approximate position of the enemy airship. The increase in **** made Cassia walk almost close to the ground afterwards. When the estimated time was getting closer, Cassia also kept looking for the location of exposed rocks and looking into the distance.

   The temperature that is about to reach the highest point of the day makes the air above the woods and mountains appear slightly distorted. Under the sun, there is a mixture of dark green and dark gray, but the shadow of the enemy airship is not seen. He turned his gaze to look around the mountain peak with a touch of white. It is impossible to get to the high-altitude airboat, and its flying height will not exceed the mountain peak too much.

"Following the ridgeline, or flying over the woods? Or knowing that the airship is my greatest advantage, so I chose the most stable strategy to keep the airship at the rear of the ground forces. The first few rounds of support only depend on Bombing with aerial bombs and artillery?" One after another, there were no shadows of the empty boat in several open positions. Cassia lowered his height slightly, and at a slower speed for him, narrowed the distance with the enemy. .

   By thirty-five minutes, Cassia's journey became cautious. Because it is not ruled out that the enemy will send a detection team to walk in front of the team as an early warning. He is also very clear that once he meets the enemy, the information will be transmitted to the pursuit troops behind him as soon as possible. When they are speeding up, the time to catch Fan Yisha and others will be shortened to less than one and a half hours.

   I don't know the number of enemies in the encirclement. Before confirming that a hole has been opened, Cassia can't calculate how long he will be dragged by the enemy.

   The footsteps fell as gently as possible, and the point of each step has now become those broken rocks and exposed roots of trees. UU read www.uukā, but it wasn't until the time went for about forty-two minutes to regularly go to the sound wave pulse of a six-kilometer radius, that the enemy team appeared for the first time.

   "There are four reconnaissance teams, with a total of 80 people." Cassia found a dark place. When the four teams were three kilometers away from him, the first ground team on the enemy's encirclement finally appeared.

   The textbook-style standardized field combat team starts from the formation, staffing, and weaponry. The opponents are not all from within the empire's big family. There are mercenary elements in it, and at least whether they have received all kinds of formal training can be seen at a glance from the marching formation.

   did not abandon heavy firepower to get an increase in travel speed, the enemy's position of personnel was very clear. I also saw some simple auxiliary armor from the empire, which was regarded as the logistic personnel following the team. At the back of the team, the body was as tall as a laborer with decades of experience in moving goods near the port.

   All these logistics personnel were wrapped in sound pulses, and Cassia finally determined a rough number. With the addition of the investigating team in front, there are about 450 people in total. But this is only one of the encircling circles, and Cassia believes that there is still roughly the same team moving forward in the same way just not far from this team.

   His own temperature began to drop, and Cassia hid in the shadows, holding the tactical knife tightly. At the same time, the low sound waves spread out invisibly, wrapping everyone in front of them.

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