Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1559: Blood Red Land (Part 1)

The advancing speed of the enemy is slower than expected. At this point of thinking, Cassia is gradually freezing, except for the weak perception and low sound waves that are only ten meters away around him. All life activities are in two or three breaths. It quickly came to a stop. The breath disappeared completely, as if it merged with the darkness where he was, becoming a part of the natural environment.

   Something disappeared here, but the enemy ahead did not react at all. There is no one among them who can actively capture Cassia.

   The low sound waves perform the mission perfectly, almost silently and invisibly. The low sound waves whose intensity has been specially adjusted are more difficult to detect, and the duration of their effect to the final burst will be extended later, but at this moment, Cassia needs to be safe. To estimate the number of quarters, it must be a quarter. quantity. It fits with the thoughts in the head and seems to have no substantive effect. It can be used as a psychology of satisfaction and control, and when it is completed, it has a positive strengthening of itself. Be confident or more calm.

After his body was frozen, Cassia could no longer know the real-time distance between the enemy and himself. He just calculated through past experience how long the current low sound wave intensity needs to last to cause the death of the enemy and the time for the destruction of the organ function, artificially giving himself Set a wake-up time. According to the enemy's current speed, he will be behind the enemy's ground troops when he wakes up. This is totally enough for Cassia.

   Aside from thinking, there was no change in the ground troops at the same speed. The thing that disappeared was indeed completely gone, and no one noticed it.

   The distance is narrowed at a visible speed, from three kilometers to two kilometers, then to one kilometer. Entering the enemy's temperature perception, the scattered reconnaissance team is quickly drawing closer to Cassia. The frozen body did not change, it was an environmental creature hiding in the dark, not worthy of anyone's attention.

   Someone walked past Cassia at a distance of ten meters. But they rely too much on the ability to sense temperature, and the emphasis on the surrounding perception and line of sight makes them cross with Cassia. The ground troops were still in the rear, calmly and orderly on their way. At this point in time, some of the more than 400 people began to have the most basic reaction.

   Sweat on the body was only the beginning, and the enemy attributed it to the peak temperature at noon. The woods were full of warm moisture, there was no breeze, and the sultry feeling made them feel a little uncomfortable. No one cares, keep going. The number of people with fever is rapidly increasing. As a kind of surgeon, the physiological response to the environment is also taken for granted. Furthermore, the fact that the number of people with fever is not large at a time may be another important reason, because it is not universal.

   The ground troops spread out to keep up with the reconnaissance team in front of them all the way, and the fever worsened. Wheezing and accelerated heartbeat become a new round of performance. It’s like the physical strength has reached its limit. Individuals feel dizzy and painful in their heads, but in the end it is an individual, and all of them are the group of people with lower physical fitness in the team. As teammates who know their situation, they are worried and have My own thinking, but on the one hand it also means ridicule.

   "Take a break in ten minutes!" Several captains noticed the phenomenon on a slightly larger scale. They lamented that these mercenaries were really unreliable, and they spoke on the communication channel. I could smell a sudden sigh of relief in the air. After the tension and depression were relieved, the speed of the team's advancement accelerated a lot.

   After passing the route taken by the front reconnaissance team, the ground troops completely ignored the surrounding environment and proceeded straight. The rock-like Cassia kept getting closer in this way, and once again experienced a cycle, crossing with the enemy, completely left behind.

   still did not notice anything, at this time the symptoms of fever and wheezing became more apparent. Some people open their mouths and breathe in order to keep up with the current speed of the team. This situation is most obvious among the mercenaries in the team. Realizing something, several captains immediately stopped the team and called the four detection teams in front to guard the surroundings.

   Several members with the most severe symptoms were called to rest under a tree, and the team leader who came nearby had already called someone who did a little research on medicine.

"The symptoms are very similar to the common cold and fever in the general population." The ground troops were forced to stop and rest early. Several captains gathered to analyze the symptoms, "Will it be some kind of biological poison?" Looking around, or The others who sat down and rested against the tree immediately denied this. But these people were still injected with universal antidote. At the same moment, where they hadn't noticed at all, the second hand of the mechanical watch finished the last count, as if a trial was coming, something opened its eyes.

   One breath, something is resurrected, it has the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, and the blood is blessed with huge pressure and extremely high flow rate in a very short time. When I opened my eyes for the first time, the almost divergent cross pupils were like a magnifying glass under the sun, and they immediately gathered light. The second blink was a heavy breath, and the image in the eye was transformed into a strange world composed of countless lines. In the third blink, Cassia stood up. A kilometer away, he saw a circle of people gathered together, and several people with severe symptoms who were affected by low sound waves surrounded by the group.

   The seriousness on his face turned into a Cassia suppressed something that was rapidly expanding toward the outside world. He took a few deep breaths, and the moment the low rhythm in his throat disappeared, all the muscles in his neck were tight, and the blood vessels were swollen like exposed copper steam lines.

   The body moved, and the first 20 or 30 meters still carried the stagger that it had when I woke up. After that, each step became more stable, and the speed reached the peak after 100 meters. The howling wind returned to my ears.

   "Did you feel anything around you?" At the same time, on the other side, the effect was not immediately obtained after the injection of the medicine. Several captains frowned, began to disperse their perceptions, and carefully analyzed the subtle changes in the surrounding environment.

"It seems that something is wrong. It exists in the air and keeps squeezing our bodies. Could it be that the decayed leaves on the ground have rapidly spawned some poisonous gas under the high temperature." Several team leaders felt the surroundings, but they could not catch anything. . In front of him, several members with severe symptoms exhaled, as if to relax.

"It works?" Seeing this, some people were puzzled. He squatted down. "It's best to leave this area. Maybe it is some kind of biological agent that is not very toxic, but it will always have an impact. Going to a higher place later, it should be possible Alleviate this symptom." He said, but only heard a "wow", warm things have been sprayed on his face.

   "Be careful, there are enemies!" A huge roar came from the side, and it was drowned out by the sound of "Boom Boom".

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