Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1561: Blood Red Land (Part 2)

"Remember, just check the situation! Before the sixth and eighth units are close to you, they must not engage the enemy head-on." The adjutant's majestic voice is beyond doubt. The information they currently know is far greater than the four investigating teams Too much. What is the situation of the ground troops on the other side at the moment, only they know, "Remember to keep the distance and make good use of the detection range of the temperature sensing ability. The enemy is very dangerous, and you must be allowed to evacuate whenever necessary!"

   The captain of the investigative team heard an unlucky smell from his words, and his pace of running slowed down at this moment. He looked at the members moving around among the woods, and gave orders in LAN communications. The four teams separated immediately, turning into four equal points on a semicircle, moving closer to the ground team behind them.

Captain    has been using the communicator to contact the ground forces since then, but since the adjutant's contact came through, there has been no sound. The communication machine was obviously turned on. Someone pressed the answer button on one of them, but no sound came, and there was a dead silence. Called several times in a row, until the distance was less than one kilometer, as the captain of the investigation team, because of the special skills in investigation and detection, the perception that he depends on for survival suddenly played a role as a warning. He felt the unprovoked danger coming from the side.

   Following the instinct of any creature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, the captain's body forced him to stop. There were no other thoughts in his head. The adjutant's words seemed to have been forgotten. The captain recalled only one sentence at this moment-the enemy is very dangerous, and it is necessary to allow you to evacuate at all times.

   "Retreat at full speed! Running to both sides, the sixth and eighth ground troops are approaching here." I didn't feel any at the moment, but when the brain realized something by itself, the invisible fear instantly increased several times. When the other members saw that the captain had run tens of meters away, they quickly accelerated to catch up with him. No one asked why, this quickly became the most primitive form of conformity.

   The sudden increase in speed not only did not give them a sense of security, but on the contrary, like a psychological suggestion to the self, it exacerbated the increase in invisible fear. After one or two breaths, everyone felt that there was something behind them that could not be thrown away. This inexplicable atmosphere makes them turn their heads and look behind them from time to time to determine if there is really anything there.

   turned their heads several times in a row, and when the calm scene behind them made them feel more or less relieved, a figure suddenly flied from the front, knocked away the heavy branches and leaves, and fell behind the other members.

   "Team,,, long?" The clothes on their bodies made them guess the identity of the flying figure. No one had time to yell the reminder words of "careful" or "disperse". A team of twenty people, and as a lightly equipped reconnaissance team, is destined that most of the members do not have good response capabilities. Relying on temperature perception ability, vision and hearing, and self-distributed perception to detect, when encountering ghost-like enemies, we can only compare the detection ability and concealment ability of both parties.

   A team of twenty people, the only two words that can be shouted into the communicator before death is "Run." Other than that, it cannot provide any effective information. Perhaps the "banging" impact sound can also be used as a piece of information, but it is still unclear how much intelligence the enemy can derive from it.

   One team lost communication, making fear spread even more among the other three teams. All began to squeeze their bodies as much as possible, bursting out faster. But the feeling of being chased behind hasn't been alleviated, but there is a tendency to get closer.

   still has less than a few breaths. In addition, someone in the team keenly felt a slight vibration from the ground. When he turned his head and squinted his eyes to search the woods behind him, a bright red seemed to flash past under the dappled sunlight. Instinctively focused his eyes, he opened his eyes wide.

   "Boom!" He saw the squeezed and expanded air forming translucent lines, scattered around. He also saw a stream of light blasting from the center of the expanding air. In response, his body instinctively moved aside close to a distance of two meters, and his swollen legs stood firm, but his entire body lost strength and fell directly to the ground under the force of inertia. It wasn't until he felt breathless that something warm in his mouth could not stop pouring out, and he looked at his chest like a thought. There has been completely collapsed, and the heart has also been shattered by the force. I lost my sense of time. I don't know when, a tactical knife and its hilt went in half way, piercing the entire chest cavity completely.

   "Don't avoid it?" He was puzzled, he had already seen the streamer, and his body responded accordingly. Struggling to turn over, he opened his mouth, imagining in his head that he was opening his mouth and making a loud voice calling his teammates, but his mouth could not make a sound except for the overflowing blood. The arms that propped up the body no longer had any strength, although he had never propped himself up from the beginning. A faint halo appeared in the line of sight, and the vertigo was encroaching on the brain. At this time, in the last field of vision that was divided into two halves by the ground, he saw other members who were also lying on the ground ten meters away and had lost their life characteristics, as if they were next to each other.

   I can't see clearly, and I don't have the power to think about the number. His last thoughts were spent in the dark. It was very vivid, but without any sensations, such as pain.

  Someone came to him and pulled out the tactical knife...

   The communications of the other two teams disappeared at a visible speed, and the sudden silence in the communicator made the investigating team evacuating in the other direction feel terrified. No gunshots were heard, only vague shouts and explosion-like noises. The duration is often no more than thirty seconds, and the actual time span is much faster than Maybe they will feel a little safe and evacuate in the opposite direction, so the distance is much longer. . At this moment, they have tried their best to increase their speed. Even if the enemy pursues them, they should be able to wait until the eighth ground troops arrive, right?

   No one has confidence in this, all with doubts. There was no communication among the team, but from time to time they turned their heads to reveal the thoughts of each of them. After a few breaths, their faces changed when the sense of horror came from behind again.

   "Everyone runs separately!" I don't know who shouted. Afterwards, from an unusual tacit understanding, the two teams that were less than 100 meters apart became a huge arc, and the personnel were completely scattered among the mountains.

   At the same time, there are only two reconnaissance teams on both sides of the seventh ground force. The sixth and eighth teams, which are roughly 400 people, are getting closer at full speed. Thousands of meters behind him, several empty boats also accelerated to catch up with time to support.

On the other side of   , the three adjutants on the airship also issued an order to speed up. A formation of 17 airboats gradually accelerated, narrowing the distance between Yisha and the others.


"Miss Mevis." On the small airship, Mouss said in a helpless voice, "I may have to be about three hours late. The little mouse here seems not small, quite specific. I need it. Wait until the adjutants have determined the specific situation before setting off, so as to avoid unpredictable consequences on the defense line."

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