Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1562: Successive deaths (part 1)

There were breathing sounds in the communication, as well as the metal crashing and vibrato when carrying things, but Mousse knew that Mavis was on the side. It may not only be her, Isabel and others, but also other people who rushed over. Listening to your own explanation.

Mousse had to accept his own words: "I thought it was the stronger team among the enemies, because the team that had been ambushing was all killed by the opponent in less than half a minute, and the spread of the corpses can tell that the death is even on them. It happened in a very short period of time. At first, I didn’t care much. Just now, I was already in a small airship to go to Miss Mevis, but the adjutant who sent me suddenly contacted me and said something. A ground force with a number of hundreds of people in more than a minute, except for the investigation team in front, all the remaining members died. This cannot be regarded as a trivial matter. As the person in charge of this area, I must be clear about the specific situation and You can leave only when you get the final result. Hope to understand."

"I said not long ago. As long as you agree, I can send a few kinetic armored units to your side. They are all worried about the number of enemies." The voice that followed was somewhat helpless. There is still laughter on Mayvis’s side, and can hear the voices of other members who have arrived, “According to the real-time news, the wildfire has spread to the present, and similar situations have occurred in other areas. The enemy is in some decoys. There were many powerful members in the squad. We can't say how much the loss was, but in the end, it was the team leader or assistant assistants who were sent over to suppress the opponent's momentum."

"Mountain fires put a lot of enemies into our line of defense. After the flames destroyed some of the traps, someone went deep into the belt-shaped mountains and lurked. Some areas have begun to dispatch elite teams to the mountains to clear them. Enemy. The situation on your side may not be much different from this, but these teams failed to penetrate the bushfires, and they ran into people on your side." It was no longer Mavis’s voice and became Isabel. Calm analysis.

"But it's three hours late, Mr. Mousse, you are not the last to arrive. Don't worry, it is very important to handle things in your area. We will wait for your arrival here." Isabel said Mayvis is a lot more agile, with the power to calm down naturally and breathe.

   "Thank you, Miss Isabel." Mousse thanked him, and cut off the connection after a few seconds of hesitation. Immediately he picked up another communicator on the desktop in front of him that had already flashed several times, pressed the answer button, the radio signal was automatically switched to the communication machine, and the loudspeaker played out the respectful words of his adjutant.

"My lord, the ground forces that are now accelerating and moving closer to the encirclement are expected to arrive in nearly two hours." The roar of the propulsion device on the tail of the empty boat came. "The other four investigation teams will be in the next three. All died within minutes. No one is speaking on the other end of the communication."

   "As expected, I am also catching up with you." Mousse was not surprised by this, "Focus on the information delivered within three minutes."

"There is not much information. Combined with the corpses not long ago, the following points can be determined at present." The adjutant on the other side said, holding the paper with the written things in his hand, "has the ability to control his own temperature for surgical development, perception and detection. He is extremely capable and has a wide range of perception. It seems that he does not like to use firearms, because from the subsequent communications, I can feel that the opponent is fighting with cold weapons. The physical strength and endurance are slightly abnormal. This is from the later he pursued the reconnaissance team. The intelligence that came out."

   "No matter how you look at the enemy, they belong to the category of top-level elites." The adjutant added finally, "And judging from the fine words in the communication, the number of opponents does not seem to exceed five."

   "Isn't there more than five people?" After hearing this, Mousse had already substituted himself into the enemy's perspective. When facing a whole ground team, according to the number of five people analyzed by the adjutant, how can we clear that ground team within the stipulated time?

   "Looking at it this way, the person with extremely high marksmanship accuracy at the beginning is not the same person as the current person? Is there evidence to support this idea?" Mousse asked. In the standard configuration of each investigation team, there are at least two surgeons with temperature-sensing ability. If the opponent is five, it means that all of them have escaped the investigation.

   The development of body temperature control is much more difficult than temperature perception. One is only to strengthen the local tissue structure, while the other requires precise control of the body.

   The adjutant did not answer immediately, but Mousse foresaw the answer and motioned to the adjutant not to answer.

"Concentrate on getting closer to the ground team. It doesn't take long for me to catch up with you. After that, we will notify the encirclement and move towards the seventh ground team. The sixth and eighth ground teams should not be effective. Delaying a little time may be possible. But the price is probably death. Waiting for the two teams to merge before going to double-teaming, it will be safer."

"By the way, let the supporting airship slow down its speed. No matter when you only approve long-range support, you can never close the distance with the ground team. The enemy will not take the initiative to attack without a reason, there must be their active attack. "Mousse thought for a while, after thinking about all his points, "Perhaps the opponent's goal is the airship formation. We completely control the air supremacy of the belt-shaped mountains. UU reading's powerful fire support must be the enemy. The most worrying thing."

   "Understood, sir." The adjutant replied, only to cut off contact. Mousse put down the communicator, looked at the flowing scenery outside the round window of the airship, and fell into his own thinking for a while.

   He is measuring the best upper limit and worst lower limit of the current situation. This is a measure he himself uses to ensure his own safety. After a person dies, the whole world has nothing to do with him. No matter what rights and status, strength, reputation, etc., he had before his death, it will be shattered at the moment of his death. This is his personal understanding and is convinced.

   The time it took for all the ground teams to die made him have to think about it. Mousse's own surgery stayed in the third stage for a long time. Starting from the fourth stage, it is no longer a competition of personal efforts. Need massive resources, and the necessary talents. The highest stage that many people can reach to death is probably the early and middle stages of the third stage. For Mousse, who has studied for a long time at this stage, of course, it is clear that for people who have been unable to enter the fourth stage under time, the means for them to enhance their own strength is to continuously develop various surgical projects, either horizontally or vertically. Expand yourself.

   Without knowing the opponent's ability and without too much information, Mousse is not willing to fight against someone like himself. Because it is too dangerous. At that time, whether it is oneself or the other party, every part of the body may become a deadly weapon. If you don't observe it carefully, sometimes the air the other party has breathed will be poisonous that erodes itself.

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