Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1566: Mist and return (middle)

When the communicators of the sixth and seventh ground teams did not turn off, there was a violent explosion sound, which was nearly two minutes later. The bombing did not last long. Although the load of the airship fully supported the full coverage of that area, there was no such necessity.

The airship where the adjutant was located was raised a little at this moment. Under the cloudless sky in the afternoon, the sound of the bombing had been absorbed by mountains and trees on the way to here, but the rising gray smoke could still be faintly visible from the heights. shadow. The other ground forces still evacuated to both sides according to the order, avoiding that location as quickly as possible.

Soon after, the teams on the encirclement circle joined in twos and threes, and the order to stop closing the encirclement circle was issued by the adjutant. After the merged team was asked to choose a better terrain nearby to establish a defensive circle, there was no further action. Waiting, the adjutant gave the answer. The adjutants couldn't tell how long they had to wait, and they were worried whether the enemy would continue to pursue the footsteps of ground troops.

The speed of the enemy analyzed in the latest information will not exceed ten minutes to catch up with other teams. Once locked, it indicates that there will be ground teams will be annihilated in a short time. In the eyes of the adjutant, the defensive circle established was just a psychological comfort to those teams. It may delay the time of being annihilated from three or four minutes to seven or eight minutes, but the result will never change.

The fleet of empty boats also flew high, no longer clinging to the woods between the mountains. Go to the top of the mountain, further increase the distance from the ground team, and support the ground team at the limit of maintaining the range of the aerial projectile. In the belt mountains, everything that has air supremacy is of strategic significance, and they play a huge and effective role in large-scale battles.

The adjutants looked at the encircling circle on the map, where a huge gap was released. They also fell into waiting. The first thing that needs to be spent is a period of ten to fifteen minutes. If the ground team is not attacked again, it means that the enemy roughly understands what they mean.

"The ground team stayed in place, and if we unilaterally approached, the time to rendezvous with them would have to be extended by a little more than an hour. It would be about 4:30 in the afternoon to get there." An adjutant reminded, "Mousse It will take more than ten minutes for the adults to catch up with us. If you take a small airship later, you can compress the time in more than an hour. When we pass, the enemy should have evacuation long ago? They just have bad luck, think When I was going to go deep into the mountains, I happened to encounter the ambush team? This is too sudden and very unreasonable."

"Their strength can easily break through the encirclement and leave without any hindrance. After the ambush team is annihilated, as long as the traces are cleaned up, there will be no problem in going deep into the mountains again. Or because they are too careful, So I chose to return directly? But the speed is too fast. The distance from the ambush team to the ground troops in the encirclement circle..."

"Two teams?" A lieutenant asked, something suddenly came to mind. He looked at the other two adjutants, and saw the same thing on each other's faces. This was not tacit agreement or accident, but something that his analytical ability would naturally come out of with enough information.

In less than a minute, the airboat formation where the adjutant was located lowered and went to a position 100 meters above the woods. They lined up in a row according to the limit radius of the temperature sensing range, and moved forward while searching the inside of the woods below. At the same time, about fifteen minutes later, all the information went to Mousse's head after being gathered again by the adjutants.

"Two teams, the one in the encirclement circle should be to open a hole in advance for the deep team and cover their unimpeded evacuation." Mouss, who heard the message, gave the final answer. His voice is full of smiles and intense interest. Things may have surpassed their predictions long ago. Even if the information is constantly improved and updated, it can only create more fog. "I want to know more and more. What's going on. But only after encountering an enemy and catching a few interrogations can we get some information."

"You are ready to catch up with you soon. Including you, select 27 people from the team to form a team of 30, and rush over with me to see. If the speed is slow, the enemy It’s time to evacuate.” The mood has changed from thinking in doubts to comfort, is it always exciting to explore the unknown? At least Mousse’s answer here is yes.

"Continue to let the airship search below. You did a good job. The team that encountered the ambush may still be on the way to the encirclement circle. If we meet halfway, maybe we can know the two teams sooner. specific situation."

After telling the estimated time, Mousse in the room put down the communicator and closed his eyes.


The aerial bomb exploded behind him, and Cassia could feel the impact and heat wave that was set off in the woods. Having left that place, the only effect of the bombing might be to make Cassia hear a few huge I wanted to chase the airship formation based on the smoke trails of the aerial bombs in the air, Cassia I gave up this idea after seeing the empty boats in front of him in an open location that were raising height. The enemy guessed his purpose, and when the airship was higher than the top of the mountain, there was really no way for him without suitable weapons.

Then he ran along the edge of the arc. A few minutes later, Cassia "saw" other ground teams establishing defensive positions on the spot. The three ground forces converged, and the number was close to 1,300. Occupy a small area, relying on a higher terrain to build a dense firepower net. Just a good heavy machine gun, Cassia can see no less than a hundred. In addition to other firearms and weapons, portable artillery, Cassia estimated that it would take ten minutes to completely annihilate them. And if he rushed in when the low sound wave effect broke out, he was also likely to be injured. After all, the intensity of the firepower network is indeed too dense.

"I chose to take the initiative to let go of the encirclement." A few kilometers away, Cassia simply calculated the size of the opening in the encirclement, and murmured, "At the speed of the airship, the enemies who are chasing can catch up with Yisha and they still need Fifty minutes, still within the time I rushed back. But the enemy’s current evasive action is clearly under unified command. The person in charge of this area should have started to act, but I’m not sure whether it’s him or his adjutant and his subordinates. ."

Finally, he glanced at the team of thousands of people diagonally in front of him. Although ten minutes was just enough for Cassia to fill up the fifty-minute time course, he gave up after thinking about it.

The annihilation of the two teams was enough to attract the attention of the enemy, and Cassia was unwilling to increase his strength in the enemy's information. Although identity exposure is a certain matter, the length of time difference between exposures can later affect the development trajectory of many events.

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