Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1567: Mist and return (below)

  Worrying about Isha and them is also one of the reasons. The speed of the airboat is much faster than that of walking. Cassia didn't think the enemy hadn't thought about the situation on his side. If he was aware of it, the opponent would definitely formulate corresponding measures. Among the enemies pursued, there is a very high probability that there are members such as the enemy's captain or adjutant. Isha Nighthawks and their strength, there may be a little chance when encountering one of them, but the more the number of enemies increases, the lower their chances of safe evacuation.

  The three-stage is the most severe transitional zone in the circle of surgeons. The biggest reason should be that the end of most surgeons is here. As a result of the accumulation of time, the people who eventually stay here are too dense. Time allows these people who stay to develop various ability projects, or always specialize in a certain point. If there is support from family forces behind him, the gap will slowly widen in time, to a point that makes people feel terrifying.

   New surgeons who don’t have any accumulation have only a little advantage in comprehensive basic data over the latter stage of the second stage. For people who have been in the third stage of surgery for a long time, the difference between the early and late stages is equally huge. Only the assimilation and integration of dragon organizations can affect the time and completion of some ability development in the future.

   Isha and Nighthawk seem to be very young to Cassia. Of course, this refers to the environment and experiences. When encountering people in the empire who are in various tasks, they really don't seem to have the ability to fight back.

   The speed was accelerated to the maximum by Cassia. The forged steel sword that came with it had broken during use, but I picked up a few tactical knives of the Empire standard to supplement it. The body is still in a state of excitement, the physical consumption of fighting is indeed huge, but it is not easy to see the fatigue on Cassia.

   There is no need to slow down in the last ten minutes, and the route is fixed. Calculating the distance Isha and the others have traveled, Cassia expects to see Isha and the others in less than thirty minutes. The surrounding area seemed quieter at this time. The bombing had scared away the birds, and the cicadas did not reappear for a long time after they disappeared.

   Cassia thought about how to make Isha and the others smoothly evacuate from the gap in the encircling circle out of the banded mountains. Their speed is not fast, and it takes two hours to get to the gap. During this period, the enemy with an airboat was enough to do too much with the convenience of transportation.

  The most worrying situation is the bombing carried out by the enemy after searching for Isha and the others by the airship, and the pursuit led by the adjutant. There is no good way to deal with the two situations. Whether it is an empty boat or a team led by an adjutant, Isha and the others even provided cover for Cassia-it should be said that it is qualification. This word popped out of Cassia's head- nothing. Just like the knight attendant assessment, apart from the four forces, most of the members of other families are based on the mentality of seeing and feeling.

   From time to time, passing by the bare open positions of the rocks, Cassia would stop and look at the surrounding sky. The airboat formation encircled the circle went to the other side of the mountain, and no shadow was visible at this moment. Behind him, only the gray smoke produced by the bombing of the aerial bomb was slowly dissipating, except for the mixture of dark green and light gray mountain peaks, and a light blue cloudless sky.

  This kind of hot weather will continue for a while, and the heavy rain that Cassia expects will not come in the next few days.

   "We still need to take advantage of mountain terrain and fire." Even if the team's current situation is caused by the mountain fire at night, it can't be denied its role. The only way to avoid the enemy is to set fire again. The flame temperature shields the temperature perception, and the smoke can also block the line of sight. In addition, looking at the structure of an airboat, flying over the forest fire is not a good choice.


After    couldn't see Cassia's figure, the team advanced more cautiously. The dappled light under the woods is like erratic shadows, always reminding people of bad places. The surrounding area is like a mist, and everyone in the team feels this. Not long ago, they could focus on running with peace of mind and focus, but later they had to separate their energy and focus on their surroundings.

   Although Cassia said that they could rest on the way, the sense of danger coming from behind made them no idea of ​​taking a break. If they knew what was happening ahead, they might have sympathy for the several ground teams in the encirclement. The feelings of the two should be the same now.

The Owl ran diagonally down from a height and went to the side of Nighthawk and the others: "The enemy has overtaken it. It is an airboat formation. Our speed is much slower. Sooner or later we will be discovered if we continue." He looked at a few strange faces and the support team, "It must be divided into teams and dispersed. As long as the general direction remains the same, it is only a matter of time to catch up with Mr. Soriatu."

   "When Soriatu returns, if we can't find us..." Isha said, "Look at the current situation. If he returns, he will directly hit the enemy's empty boat formation."

Owl pursed his mouth, and no one from the team responded to Issa's words for a while: "We can only do this, otherwise we will be overtaken by the empty boat and no one can escape." Owl paused here, "Now except for choosing to trust Sori Mr. Yatu, I don’t think there are other options. We cannot be his help, but not a point for the enemy to restrict this is the only thing we can do."

   Isha did not persist, nor did she persist. She just wanted to talk about these things, especially to let other people in the team know this.

   Then it seemed to have acquiesced, the Owl did not take the initiative to assign a team, everything happened in silence. The whole team quickly dispersed, becoming each individual acting alone, following the central axis connected by the signs, spreading out in this mountain range, and continuing to evacuate along an approximately parallel route.

   At the same time, a small airship chased up at the airship formation where dark shadows could be seen behind him. After the three adjutants and the selected 27 team members were transferred to the small airship, they leaned toward the enclosure at a faster speed.

   "My lord, will the search for the ground continue?"

"Go on, the airship in mid-air won't lose anything because of this. If you don't find the enemy, it should be an immediate training." Mouss replied with indifferent, "Since it is two teams, then the one that is covered must be In terms of speed, they will not exceed the airship. They should disperse in the mountains, avoiding the formation of airboats to search. After all, the volume and sound of the airship cannot be exposed."

"But as long as you know that they can't run the empty boat." Mouss said with a smile, "Isn't the encirclement still there? The enemy's target must be the empty boat, but those formations have all evacuated." The laughter was strange. A sense of mockery, "In the next step, probably those five enemies will choose to come over to prevent another team from being overtaken by us."

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