Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1568: First Prize (Part 1)

"As long as we guard the defensive line of the encirclement in the past, let us prevent the enemy from breaking through, and then shrink at a normal speed?" an adjutant asked, expressing his understanding, "but the time will go to about four or five in the afternoon, when it is in the mountains. Here, the light has started to dim."

"No, the enemy is also moving in the direction of the encirclement, which will speed up the time we meet." Someone immediately responded, "But the five enemies saw the encirclement that had been actively let go again and began to gather. According to this information, it should be It can be guessed that we have already supported the past. When they start to act, we will also appear to counteract it? Will the enemy make such a decision-forcibly break through the encirclement? We are on the encirclement, plus There is no chance for them because of the gap in numbers."

Seeing the expressions of other people, the adjutant explained: "The opportunity I mentioned is based on another team. Isn't the purpose of the five enemies to protect this team from evacuation from the mountains? Let's add the encirclement. Regardless of whether it is in frontal or other forms of combat, in the end, probably only those five people and the person in the other team with extremely accurate marksmanship have a chance to survive and evacuate, right?"

"In other words, assuming that the enemy is roughly thirty people, if you give them a number, in addition to the number one to five in the encirclement, there is a chance to leave the number six with the exact gun. If you have other numbers,..." It became the result of the acquiescence of the adjutants. The current information was combined with the intelligence of other regions, and it was analyzed that this was the case. They could accept it, because no one wanted to collide with the opponent's strong one so quickly.

"But so far, we still don’t know why these powerful enemy members came to us. The time hasn’t reached the time when they should have appeared,...or, will we really get it? Grand prize?" Among the eight adjutants, the only female member made a sound while others were pursing their mouths. Don't be afraid of bold ideas. Not only are the other people around, Mousse, who has been leaning on the chair, also turned his head and glanced at her at the moment, with a smile on his face, "You dare to think about it too".

"Even if you haven't seen the experimental body in the knight attendant assessment, in the past two or two years, because some things went to the Astus family for a few periods of time, you should have seen that pure humanoid machine. "Mousse said, "If there is really a target in this team, Cassia, then it will be much easier for them to break through the encirclement. Just kill all the members of the ground team directly, there is no weapon that can crush the scaled defense. In addition to the physical strength, as long as there is enough time, this kind of ground team can kill as many as there are."

"Furthermore, Cassia really does not have the need to enter the banded mountains now. All he needs to do is stay behind and wait until the collision and friction here are completely opened, and then choose the appropriate way and route. Secretly bypass here and enter the empire. Those who will come to the band-shaped mountains are either teams from small countries, fighting with each other, pulling part of our attention away. Or it is to replace Cassia’s bait, substitute something like that, The same energy is used to attract the main members of the region-that is, us-to spread the pressure evenly and not concentrate on one point."

"Besides, I really can’t think of why the enemy would let the real Cassia into the mountains. Unless Cassia, who has been in a small country for more than a year, is acting alone, but according to the Astus family’s According to the news, there is indeed a high-level surgeon around him. It is absolutely impossible to act alone..."

   All the people in the room fell silent. The unknown reason did make them curiosity, but after careful thinking, the abnormal behavior made them suspicious, which in turn gave them a bad premonition.

   "Let's talk when you get to the encirclement." Mouss got up, but for half a minute, vaguely, he himself did not believe what he had just said. Maybe this time you really won the first prize? He shook his head without thinking about it. Because even if you win, this luck will not bring good things. Near the age of fifty, he has a thorough view of many things-Cassia who can collide with number zero is not something he can deal with alone, and he never thinks that he can swallow the first prize alone. .


   When the sound ripple of the small airship was captured, the navy blue hull of the airship was still a small black spot in the line of sight. Cassia then observed the surroundings from a rocky location, but no empty boat formation was seen, and no moving target was within the range of the sound wave pulse.

   Guessed the membership on the small airship. Small airships are not suitable for support, and more suitable for protection during movement.

   Various information converged in his head instantly, and Cassia thought a lot. The development of the situation in this mountain range did not follow his expectations, and now it smelled of being off track. Of course he doesn't regret not having spent ten more minutes not long ago to annihilate the ground forces gathered and Nighthawks are indeed a burden, and Cassia himself knows this very well. But the unchangeable conditions Cassia never thinks about, the reason is not in Yisha and the others. Starting from the train station in Larsa, the return journey itself was full of errors, focusing on how to solve the problems before it.

   The small airship got closer and closer to him. Knowing that there was not much time left for him, Cassia thought a little and made a decision.

"When the airship goes to the front, the encirclement shrinks again. Isha and the others have no other way except to continue to venture deeper into the mountains. These people can never be killed, and there is no need to kill them all. .I have the confidence to drag all the main members of the enemy, but the enemy will definitely not put all the elites on me. As long as there is a lieutenant to be divided out, with a team of people to encircle and suppress Isha, if they are lucky. , Wait until I finish solving the enemies around, maybe Isha and the others are still alive." Muttering Cassia went to a sun-dappled place, grabbed a lot of leaves and rubbed them into cotton, muttering to herself. "Luck is always risky, and those who are willing to believe in it are eventually caught up in misfortune."

He took out a few bullets, twisted the shell, poured platinum gunpowder on a rock, and then wrapped it with kneaded leaves. Cassia picked up another stone, and when he raised his hand, he thought for a while, and was sure that it was unexpected in the current time. After other good methods, he smashed it hard.

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