Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1569: First Prize (Medium)

   Sparks splashed onto the cotton-like leaf fragments, Cassia blew lightly, a plume of gray smoke came out, and after one or two breaths, he saw sparks. A handful of leaves were randomly grabbed from the side, and the sparks turned into flames afterwards, burning with crackling noises.

   Cassia held more leaves, and some fallen dead branches were also picked up at this time. The dry environment became the best combustion-supporting agent. The rising flames brought out the rising hot air, and the leaves above began to sway slightly. After that, it was just a process of constantly adding branches. When the resin flowing out of a tree was ignited, Cassia clapped his hands and went to the edge of the exposed rock in the distance to watch what the small airship would move.

   The smoke has risen, and it is very eye-catching under the clear and cloudless sky. Under the entire blue sky, only the smoke is completely different from other things at this moment. Sitting on the rock, Cassia pulled out the revolver and quietly waited for the small airship to approach.

   Stopping is the result Cassia most hopes to see. After the initial collision, he is confident to control his strength so that the other party will not over-guess his own strength, and find a chance to quietly talk with the other party. If he turned a blind eye to the smoke and went straight to the encirclement, Cassia could only find another way to find Isha and the others, and continue to go further into the mountains from another route.

   Suddenly, Cassia seemed to understand the feelings of Terry Weikang and Adolf along the way. The helpless and bitter face was not a pretense, but the true emotions in his heart. The two of them took a person like themselves by their side, and the situation was no different from taking Isha with them now. Most of the thoughts are destined to be on them.

   The small airship has entered the spherical range of the sound pulse, Cassia directly turned on the low sound wave, and the invisible ripples swayed past. Leaning in the woods at this time, Cassia still didn't want the enemy to see herself at a glance while observing the smoke. Walking slowly among the trees, after a few breaths, the airship shortened the distance between the two by two kilometers.

   "In the limit range." Under the muttering voice, Cassia didn't hide his gaze at all. Under the guidance of the sound wave pulse, he stared straight at the oval shell of the airship over fifty meters.

   At the same time, on the airship, Mousse stood by the round window and smiled at the place where the smoke rose.

   has been standing there for some time. The people in the control room noticed the rising smoke and immediately reported it to him. At that time, he was still discussing solutions to some situations that he would encounter later with several adjutants.

   In addition to feeling surprised, Mousse is more of a rapidly increasing curiosity. Never thought that the enemy would do this, and for a while, he couldn't figure out the other party's purpose, which made Mou Si hesitate in making a decision. This is one of the disadvantages of age. You gradually lose your spirituality when you are young. Unconsciously and naturally, you will actively think a lot. Start to follow certain rules and procedures in doing things, and become one's own enemy abnormally. It is correct to say that being cautious and cautious is praise. It can also be said that there are too many things experienced, and there is subconscious resistance to some things in the heart.

   It's not just Mousse who has always had this kind of thinking-if I'm not that smart, it would be nice if my head doesn't turn so fast. Gradually, it has become a machine just to find the optimal solution rationally among various choices. Many people in the crowd where Mousse is located will laugh at themselves like this.

It is not the most intuitive portrayal of a group like them. Age does not allow them to have any advantages. The family cannot find the future potential of tilting resources in them. It is indeed not attracted by the randomness of irregularities. "investment".

   The small airship slowed down, descended, and slowly approached the faint smoke rising. On the hull of the airship, behind each round window are pairs of eyes, observing the square from various angles. The temperature perception overlaps several layers and falls in the woods below.

"The other party will not fail to hear the sound of the airship's lift device, so the smoke is definitely shown to us after the enemy saw us. It is to attract our attention and let us know that someone is waiting below." Without a word from Mousse, the adjutants began to analyze the information.

   "Time and distance are combined with each other. The probability that the enemy below is the encircled group is infinitely close to zero. Number six, let's call it this way, the person with extremely accurate firearms is him."

"The temperature perception shows that there is no one person at the bottom except the flame. Many people in that team do not have the ability to control their own temperature. Therefore, after excluding the option of hiding in other places, the actual number of people below is greater than or equal to one person, but not There will be more than five people..."

"Why do I have a feeling, does the other party want to talk to us?" The reasons for having female members in many teams are mostly the same. Gender differences are also applicable to surgeons, and due to the assimilation and integration of dragon organizations, These differences are even greater. The way of thinking is different from that of men. Many choices and decisions usually require women’s way of thinking to make some corrections at the end. "Think of what happens in the encirclement circle as a proof of bargaining chip-I can annihilate two teams and also Other teams. Even if we pass, we can still exchange numbers with us under the final collision."

   "But the other party also knows that this thing is meaningless, because we have been thinking about why the other party entered the arena so early. With a correct process, they are completely in the inappropriate place at the inappropriate time."

   "Now, do you want to take the initiative to negotiate with us to make an artificial correction?" The adjutant who raised the question was looking for the most suitable explanation to connect, but Mousse broke out with a violent breath. He turned around, the bright red cross pupils made several adjutants close their mouths consciously.

"Get ready, let's go down. You can't stay on the airship anymore." Mouss went to the locker in the room and took the long sword hanging there, twisted his neck and said, "The other party wants to negotiate with us. But it’s not as low as you imagined. I have to go down, otherwise it won’t take long, probably five to eight minutes. Except for the few of us, everyone on the airship will probably have to die.” Mouss noticed An essential element.

Mousse, who walked to the door, turned his head and looked at the people behind him: "The enemy had given us a signal long ago, and only then did we discover that it was our negligence. If you feel your surroundings carefully, you will find something more. Psychological preparation, waiting below is the same prey as us, don’t die below.” He tapped his temple, “hearing is very important, and the other party’s main ability is absolutely related to sound waves. You must be absolutely cautious. This intangible thing can reach death at any time!"

   "My lord, we are not going down and,,,," The adjutant asked when Mousse hadn't gotten started.

"Of course it is negotiation, but the two teams in the encirclement circle are not enough for me. What you can do, in my opinion, cannot be a bargaining chip." When the voice came, the airship had already begun to slow down and its height further increased. decline. The adjutant saw the woods below him getting closer and closer, and then he walked out of the room and looked at each other.

   The captain of the other team members came to the corridor at this time, but was called back by Mousse. They will only allow the enemy to find a chance to kill, nothing else. Without much preparation, the abdomen of the hovering airship is unfolded, and the cylindrical connecting protective plate is first dropped to form a cylindrical protective circle, and then the rope is lowered from the center of the cylinder to ensure that it will not fall to the ground for a short time. Attacked by the enemy.

   The distance from the ground is only fifty or sixty meters, Mou Si grabbed the rope directly and slid down. Two or three meters apart, the adjutant followed one by one. When all the adjutants were on the ropes, the surrounding protective plates suddenly rang loudly and clankly.

   is six sounds, and the interval is too small, causing them to stack up like an explosion. A dent has appeared on the bulletproof shield, the last adjutant reported the situation immediately, and at the same time, their somewhat relaxed mood just disappeared completely. As Mousse said, with a slight negligence, some of them will die below.

   When someone in the adjutant explained that it was certain that the enemy below must have the number 6 with accurate marksmanship, the explosion-like noise sounded again. The sound came from the same place. The last adjutant looked over and saw that the bullet-proof shield was violently swinging. The bump suddenly burst under the continuous fixed-point bombardment of several bullets, exposing a hole the size of a fist. Subsequent bullets continued to drill through the hole and grazed the rope they were sliding down.

   "The rope is about to break! Be careful!" Perhaps it was the sound of "chi", and the feeling of suspension went to the nine people. The last few adjutants immediately took off the ropes and supported themselves on a cylindrical bulletproof shield less than two meters in diameter by spreading their feet. The bullet arrived shortly thereafter, still accurately positioned, all hitting the position supported by the last adjutant's foot. The power transmission is separated by the bulletproof board, and although it cannot cause substantial damage, the accuracy and the judgment of the position make the adjutant feel the pressure.

   A few people immediately dropped the remaining thirty meters high and went to beat Mou Si. The formation was now unfolded, and the gunfire seemed to be left in the woods. Nine eyes were superimposed on the arc-shaped area in front, and they saw the spreading fire light and a larger area of ​​smoke spreading in the woods.

   "The perception is very sharp, I don't know how the enemy judged my footing." The last adjutant whispered, "Really a sound? Echo? Is the hearing too sharp?"

"That's a sound wave." Mousse looked at the falling rope on the ground, then raised his hand and pointed to the front. "The enemy is there, about six hundred meters away. He is looking at us, of course, we are now His every move is in his eyes, including the action I point to him.” Very interested, “one of the top surgical development projects in the perception I heard that there will be more advanced surgery The follow-up method to improve. But only now is extremely tricky. After you go back, you can look for relevant information in the family database. If you encounter this type of enemy in the future, at least you won't die too much. "

   "Another kind of temperature perception, is it possible to look at it like this?" An adjutant asked carefully. A few of them watched the surroundings, but they didn't notice anything. They were listening to Mousse.

Mousse shook his head: "No." He didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to explain. "The enemy's attack has just begun. This is where the sound waves are difficult to detect and deal with. If it weren't because of this kind of surgical development project in the past, After painful memories, I won’t feel these things today. It seems that the other party still gave us basic respect, at least it gave a signal, and it’s up to us to judge."

Turning the wrist of the long sword made of navy blue material, Mousse walked towards, "You stay here. The other party's perception range should be more than 1,500 meters, and the surrounding effect is not very effective for him. I will go and see for myself. That’s it, it’s a great loss for me if some of you die."

  Six hundred meters is not very far, but when Mousse narrowed the distance to within a hundred meters, Cassia gave a signal to stop. This distance is enough for Mousse's perception to cover him, thought Cassia on the other side. The other person came by alone, letting him breathe a sigh of relief. It's not that the number of enemies has decreased, but that this action often means that the other party is here to talk with him, or has the idea of ​​talking, and there is a great chance.

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