Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1570: First prize (below)

   Cassia knew that it was impossible to speak as soon as he came up. The other party was absolutely unclear about the situation. By analyzing the collected information, the results obtained would only be distorted too far from the actual situation. Because there are precedents, Cassia also thanked the countless analysts in the enemy, including the current and previous ones. With them, in the heads of almost all enemies, he has already become a cold-blooded fierce creature, not even a human being.

   I have always been an amiable, sincere and honest person. Cassia generally considers himself this way, although many times he has to kill a lot of people because of necessity.

   There was the other person's eyes on him, and Mousse also felt the invisible fluctuations around him. The two faced each other on the spot, and a crackle broke out from the burning trees on the side, and the two standing still moved instantly.

I kept reminding myself to control the intensity. Cassia who drew out the second-generation holy sword was afraid of being inaccurate. He worried that the sharpness of the holy sword would cause the first sword to directly split the enemy and the weapon. . It wasn't until a slight "buzzing" vibrato was caught by Cassia that this concern was slightly reduced.

   The body seems to be restricted, and the extremely high-frequency sound wave pulses coupled with the perceptual increase emitted, made Cassia keep his state in sync with the opponent after ten steps. The test before the conversation needs to be achieved to an appropriate level, which can not only allow the other party to dispel the idea of ​​continuing to surround oneself, but also prevent the other party from overestimating their true strength.

   The distance of 100 meters between the two has become far away because of the trees that block the view, and they both lock each other. As the two keep getting closer to each other, the high-speed moving phantom of each other can be seen occasionally between the trees.

   Observing the opponent's changing body, slowly expanding arms and feet, so that the opponent's speed will have a huge burst afterwards. Almost there, Cassia thought, her muscles began to tighten.

   "Buzz!" The sound of a giant bee spreading its wings suddenly erupted around, and the enemy that the sound pulse had originally locked firmly disappeared in the blind area of ​​the huge ripple line created by the buzzing sound. "Cracking crackling" followed by the cracking sound. The trees around Cassia broke from their roots at the same time, and collapsed around the area where he was located.

   glanced at the place where the tree broke from the corner of his eye, unbiased, there was a trace of a brisk cut. The enemy seemed to have done a lot of things during the time when the enemy was running back and forth looking for opportunities.

   did not choose to move, the tree fell down for two or three seconds, and Cassia knew the enemy's purpose. Standing on the spot with the sword in both hands, the strength has begun to accumulate in the throat, and the perception is further gathered and scattered around. The chaotic air flow became regular afterwards, a gust of wind blew from the side, and a light movement of Cassia's shoulder directly shook a fallen tree away.

   The buzzing sound of the enemy's sword is reducing, and the blind area of ​​the sound pulse is also getting smaller. Cassia didn't think about the time when the enemy waited for an attack. This kind of action was of little significance. If you can see through the offensive intentions by yourself, on the contrary, Cassia thinks that there is no need to talk to the opponent.

   Something approached quickly, and Cassia's perception was clearly captured. Knowing her own speed, Cassia deliberately slowed her movements a little, her body twisted violently, and her bones made noises. At the moment before twenty or thirty trees collapsed, the enemy came to the side and lifted the navy blue long sword in his hand from bottom to top without any other movement, and directly brought a gust of wind to Cassia's chest.

   The metal strikes brought the airflow diverging toward the surroundings, and at the moment of blocking this sword attack, there was a very high frequency vibration in the force of the countershock. The field uniform in front of Cassia's elbow was torn directly, and the tremors on the tight skin and muscles were already visible. The navy blue long sword seems to have a built-in mechanism, and the shock effect makes it easier to cut any object.

   The fallen tree smashed at Cassia, but it could only break Cassia’s clothes, and could not even leave a red mark on the skin.

   Mousse sank his body at this time, and his skin turned silver-gray in the blink of an eye, as if it was plated with a layer of metal. The large rays of sunlight that fell suddenly after the tree collapsed made him look like a metal-like statue. The rock under his feet cracked, and the power that Mousse exerted on the navy blue sword suddenly increased, but he could only raise it up a few centimeters higher, and he could no longer move forward.

   suddenly felt the danger, mousse, who made a cracking sound from his neck, instantly deflected his head to the side, and the translucent air channel extended along the way, directly blasting the trunk of a tree behind him to pieces. With a tacit understanding, Mousse snorted at this time, and at the same time Cassia took back the power of the sword.

   Mousse pulled back ten meters, and the shock on the navy blue sword disappeared at the same time. He looked forward, and Cassia pushed aside the tree on his body and walked out a few steps. Focusing on the broken arms of the clothes, Mousse waved his hand when he saw that there was no trace of cracked skin.

   "Your mask is very new." Mousse stared at the simple mask made directly from tree bark and flexible vines, squinting his eyes slightly, "We know?"

Cassia shook her head: "I don't know, but as far as the family information is concerned, I do know some of your information. I didn't expect this to be your supervision area." The words seemed calm, Cassia put away the second-generation holy sword," You know that people like us always use things wherever they go. The most important weapon is ourselves.” He pointed to the mask on his face, “I don’t think we will meet again later, this The time and place are not so appropriate. Although all of this is caused by us."

   "So, can we talk now?" Cassia made a request, the falling sunlight looked very dazzling, and the shadow created by the mask covered his eyes.

   "That team seems to be very important to you, this chip does not seem to be enough." Mousse said, "I want to know your purpose?"

"Purpose?" Cassia sighed, with an indifferent tone, "Speaking of the purpose, in fact, you have already guessed it from the early morning fire. There are far more teams like ours, and some may have entered. The mountains are deep, and I’m waiting for orders to prepare for action.” The thinking state appeared, and Cassia was indeed thinking, “Our luck seems to be not so good. The team that was in ambush has exposed its traces, and it could have continued to go deeper. , But for some reasons, I gave up. As for the future things..."

   There was no word here, Cassia looked at Mousse, the silver gray on his skin had faded, and UU reading returned to normal. Cassia continued his own words: "I don’t think anyone can benefit from being involved in such a big event. In short, for me, I don’t want to stop my life without the last time. The upper-level wind changes, or It means that your goal, that is, Cassia suddenly appeared in other places, and what we did immediately lost its effect. I have this kind of thinking, everyone has consciousness, but I think that this kind of consciousness is used correctly The place is also an important thing."

The doubt on Mousse’s face did not disappear. He looked at Cassia in front of him for a long time, and after noting all his characteristics, he turned and walked to several adjutants: “The team on the encirclement will stay in place and continue to gather when the evening comes. I am. I think these few hours are enough."

"I hope that as you said, there will be no chance to see you again. I don't like the surgical development project in the field of sonic wave!" The mousse who turned his head seemed to praise this ability, and it was also because of the past. The experience vented some squeezing anger. This kind of thing is not important, he thinks he can figure out the approximate strength of the opponent.

   Kassia watched Mousse disappear into the heavy tree trunk, and the corner of his mouth under the bark mask showed a smile. The time in the small country was not without gains. To be precise, it was after meeting Miss Tavier and joining the organization that Cassia discovered another talent of her own.

   "The next step is to wait for Isha and them to reunite." Cassia concealed his breath until the airship returned, and then moved toward the encircling circle again.

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