Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1571: Fortune Man (Part 1)

   Back on the airship, Moussi briefly explained who would follow him to the mine where Mavis was, and fell into silence. Several adjutants took the order and did not leave. Seeing this, Mousse picked up the navy blue Tibetan sword placed on the table, holding it tightly, the sharp buzzing sound brought out the rhythm of the air. When the concussion stopped, Mousse found the only place on the sword where it intersected with Cassia’s second-generation holy sword, flicked it lightly, and the fractured mouth with metallic silver-grey thumb-sized pieces dropped onto the steel. The floor made a crisp sound.

Mouss bent over to pick it up with his thumb and index finger, and held it up in front of the adjutants: "Delayan, I remember that your bone enhancement surgery development is the longest time among you." He nodded. The smile on Mousse's face has a shifting taste, "Do you think that compared with this long sword, for example, if you just use the sword to slap your bones, did the sword bend because of this, or your bones will break?"

   Knowing that the adjutants would not answer this question, Mousse got up and put the navy blue Tibetan sword back on the shelf of the locker.

"This fragment is here for you, Delian." The thumb-sized fragment was thrown out. Delian didn't thank him for catching it, but Mouss continued the words, "Just for a brief contact, this sword must go back. It has been re-smelted and manufactured. You know its value very well in your hearts. In the family, the merits you have accumulated are only enough to replace the shard in Delian's hand. Do you think the loss this time is large or small?"

"I think the loss is very small, at least you are still alive. The hand of the enemy definitely has the ultimate alloy composition, otherwise it will not exceed mine in hardness and sharpness. Fortunately, even if you report the real-time situation, I I also want to come over and take a look, otherwise you are required to deal with such an enemy. Only by the strength of gas weapons, death is only a matter of sword."

   "My lord, the identity of the other party is indeed a member of the Kira Andi family?"

Mousse gave an affirmative answer: "It looks very young, but I don't know if it is due to the biotechnology of the Chira Andi family. If yes, the side effects should be quite large." As he said, he began to sigh, "Thinking about the future We still have to fight against such an enemy, and it is very likely that we will go hunting the rumored target Kasya in person soon."

   At this point, Mousse felt a headache. Soon after the handover with the airboat formation was completed, several adjutants were left behind to deal with the defensive matters in this area urgently, and the rest went with them to Mevis.

   explained the situation to Mayvis and the others in the communication, but Mousse did not get the answers and information he wanted. There will always be so many people in each family who have been hidden forever, and they will only be transferred when they are most important. Everyone is aware of this situation, and the discussion on this matter was completely driven to the edge afterwards.


   Ten minutes later, Cassia sat on a large rock at the end of the mark and waited. Thinking of the enemy I met not long ago, I learned something. Judging from the weapon, it should be an elite figure in the family, and after a simple fight, Cassia obtained a level.

   There are more knight attendants on this level that really rely on their own strength, and their strength is much stronger than those encountered in the forest on the border of the Flame Alliance. Cassia knew that this was an illusion that the second type of creature would be somewhat useless after encountering him. But this kind of restraint will always exist in the third stage, unless the opponent is a young wild dragon or the offspring of some powerful second-class creatures.

   When the first member arrived here, the time went to 3:30 in the afternoon, and Isha and Nighthawk arrived one after another in the next twenty or thirty minutes. When the personnel were complete, Cassia once again led them toward the encirclement. The words in the middle are still those few words, Cassia can't help afterwards, he reminds Isha that they must be careful.

"I don't know what you think. I personally think that after you successfully leave, it is best to draw a clear relationship with the organization." Ignoring the facial expressions of Nighthawk Isha and others, as they have been cultivated by the organization a long time ago, Ka West Asia’s words are tantamount to making them abandon their home and run away.

"I believe in the goal of the organization and hope that the lighting project will succeed, so that the small countries will be completely independent from the cracks of the three giant countries and have basic rights. But the time has been too long, and it has been so long that many things have begun to decay and lose their original taste. "When she said this, Cassia thought of herself. This is only nearly four years, as if the time has passed in the blink of an eye, "It can help the organization like other places, but..."

Without saying too much, Cassia sighed to the owls during the rest time afterwards. They told them the location of the Waters factory, and told them that if there is nowhere to go, or if they need some financial and relationship help, they can Try to check it out here.

After   , it was a silent process. Passing by the place where the seventh ground unit was annihilated, the corpses were everywhere, and the blood was half-solidified, and there was an uncomfortable slimy touch when they walked over. In the **** air, Nighthawks and their faces were full of complex expressions. For Isha, this is a natural state. She was thinking of something else.

   Stepped through the encirclement, and moved forward about ten kilometers again, Cassia stopped.

   "At your speed, including the rest time, you will be able to walk out of the banded mountains around one o'clock in the morning. After that, carefully dive back into the city and hide for about a week or two. Maybe the things here will be over. It will not be too late to come out."

   "Mr. Soriatu, I think it's okay for you to go back with us." It was the owl who spoke.

   Cassia shook his head: "No, the task still needs someone to continue. As the center of me, I can achieve the task alone in the past. This may help you later, at least the **** task is completed."

"Let’s go, don’t waste time, it’s a reassuring thing for me to go back safely." After that, Cassia waved his hand, "Be careful on the return journey, although there will be no other enemies, but separate some more. It’s not a bad thing to pay attention to your surroundings."

"Thank you Mr. Soriatu, I hope there will be a chance to meet again sometime in the future." This sentence and the speaker do not believe that This is not the world of ordinary people, just like them, Not even the opportunity to leave a contact form. There is rarely a personal communication radio frequency that remains unchanged for a long time. They don't have a fixed residence, and they never have this kind of thing when performing tasks everywhere. Long-distance communication requires advanced communication equipment, and most of them use enhanced radio or composite radio frequency. Owls would not build such a machine for themselves. As for the reason, it is because there are almost no people to contact, and there is no need if there is no need.

   is often separated in a mission, each is something that has been walked in a certain period of time in their respective world, and can only become a memory.

   Cassia waved, as if sending them to a long-distance train. After a crowd of people disappeared from the trees, Cassia looked at them with sound pulses and continued to **** them out for nearly 20 kilometers. It was about 6 o'clock in the evening and the surrounding light was dim.

"It's time to do my own thing." Cassia muttered to herself, standing on the rock watching the sunset surrounding her. "There is a lot of time, but the next time Trevikang and Adolf contact Isha and them, that's when my identity is completely exposed. What do you do? I don’t know who will be here this time? Fat Atohuan? Or Selman? Or other new members?"


   "Master, it's time to start." Lyle clicked the wooden door softly outside the door, and then pushed it open. Sitting at the table, Ji was carefully wiping his cane and sword with silk cloth, as if performing some kind of ceremony.

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