Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1666: Transformation, defection and secret contact (in)

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"Listen to you, this is absolutely bad news for us." Hilary Li added on the side, "If you don't talk about the issue of heads or heads, plus the current mad girl, it has only appeared in the thousand-year history of the empire. There are only three knight kings. Chilman, you also said, because knowing that there is a way to continue this level of power in the alliance of the Church State and the Nature Association, the empire has been working hard to find its own way. For the power of the knight king class As long as there is a little possibility, many families will want to put some chips on it, right?"

"After all, only the Holy Royal Hall is the only one that signed the agreement with the Church. It is unknown whether other families know the content of this agreement. Regarding Cassia’s actions, except for the high-level leaders of the Flame Alliance, the only thing left is the Holy Royal Hall. The Holy Fathers. Most of the other families are connected by the relationship of the Holy Royal Hall. After the news spreads, the neutral family naturally needless to say, even if they are still neutral on the surface, it can be foreseen that they will move towards the Kira Andy The family is inclined. In addition, those who cooperate with the Saint Royal Hall may have more thoughts in their efforts."

Hilary's words are the final summary, and the three of them fell into a silence of their own thinking. It was Noroska who spoke again a few minutes later. He got up and walked to the door of the house, "There is nothing to discuss. Before the arrival of the Holy Royal Hall, I will let the students establish the fifth camp as a gift to them. "

"There is really nothing to discuss. After discussing for so long, I will know what the situation is after the beginning. Moreover, Ye Jielin is still in the hands of the Holy Emperor Hall, and there is no news for a long time. It is also the Holy Father who is waiting for Cassia to finish. Your own card. But it won’t be long before the Fathers can’t sit still. With a zero number alone, even if many people expose him from all aspects, it’s still a few years late for Cassia. This kind of thing is The difference between the first place and the second place can be remembered by most people. Most of them are the first. And the zero number is so many years too late."

"First impression?" Nonoska said, standing at the door.

"It's not a very suitable replacement understanding, but it's roughly what it means. To change the first impression, there is a lot of effort to do, and the time for zero is not enough." Chilman finished the data. Rolled up and held it by hand, there was no sound. After a dim light flashed, a volume of data disappeared without a trace, leaving only a little black ashes in his palm.

"The control is still not good enough to completely evaporate." Chilman clapped his hands and stood up to follow Noroska. "Go to sort out the latest information. Just remember to notify us if you have news, Hilary Riley."

Watching the two leave, Hilary Riley then sat down on the table, tilted her head and looked towards the closed wooden door, lost in thought. I don't know when, a long sigh interrupted this thought. She got up and took a glass of water from a rough wooden cup to replace the effect of wine on the body when she was troubled.

In fact, the situation has never been better. In Hilary's memory, after receiving this task, every step has been extremely difficult. Now it seems that the situation is tilted to one's side, but in fact there are too many variables. She could feel the pressure built up on Noroska and Chilman. Because at present, it is far from unknown whether it will succeed in the end.


A few days of calm passed. After the blood data was disseminated, Cassia made a special trip to let Ato Ring help collect all kinds of response information that could be collected in the black market. He wanted to see what kind of feedback he felt about it, whether it was a big power or a circle of surgeons who were treated as a lively.

In response, Tovelest disseminated the blood test data of number zero less than two hours later. However, it hasn't waited for Cassia and McGerry to take action on this. In the black market of several prosperous regions of the empire, including Manoma, there are others who helped Cassia complete the response plan first.

First, there were doubts about the data of No. Zero, and then the time to disseminate the data was made.

Why is it later than Cassia? Why wait until others have released blood data before spreading these same things...

Of course, these are all forms of self-questioning and self-answering. Someone gave the answer shortly after-it should be that the data on the zero number itself did not reach such a level and did not reach the point of dissemination, so it was not announced. But seeing others spread, I can only bite the bullet and follow others. However, I am afraid that the data is forged...

Regarding this, whether Cassia, Macquarie and others are just looking at it as a way of relieving pressure, they will not think that this kind of public opinion can play a role. What has changed is only the opinions of the bottom part of the surgeon circle, but for the surgeon class below the head, the effect of these fermented news is to make the top people feel uncomfortable for a second or two .

However, it is also true that the proportion of blood dragon type zero has not exceeded that of Cassia. Tovelest categorically did not dare to falsify this information, because he understood that all the data and photos released during this period about the zero number would become something he had to verify later.

At a later time, the status of the zero number can only be higher and stronger than those shown on the information materials, not lower. Tovelest knew that the biggest card in his hand was number zero, and if something went wrong with him, the consequences and impact would be relatively serious.

Cassia only pays attention to the latest developments in this area when he has free And this time, he can finally feel the comfortable feeling of mastering initiative. Although it cannot be said to be in a hurry, but time is indeed sufficient, and there is no need to spend a lot of energy thinking about what the enemy will do next. What needs to be dealt with is the enemy. What I need to do is to grasp the right time to play the cards, besides, to pay attention to the reaction of the target group.

However, although calm, Zero has done something in this large area of ​​Manoma recently. The collision with the forces of the dark world, the conflict with the criminals of the surgeon, and the performance in dealing with the attacks of the "Assassins" and so on. Tovelest and the Holy Royal Hall did spend a lot of effort in promoting Number Zero. Afterwards, the Three Primary Colors Group also participated. In recent photos, several photos appeared to mimic solid red mercury.

Cassia had already anticipated this situation. Each of the 36 ferocious creatures evaluated by the knight attendants had two solid red mercury in their bodies. The five knight attendants of the Astus family were used as the base number. In the hands of the Astus family and Number Zero, there are also six Avalon Institutional Red Mercury in total.

There are ten in total in the photo. Like Cassia, Zero treats them as suppression tubes and implants them into the body as a source of energy at any time.

There was no response to this, because Cassia had taken the red mercury with him when he took photos of the bio-inductive stress field a few days ago. Now he just needs to wait for the right time to spread it out.

Three days later, the calm continued. McGerry contacted Cassia during the period and let him wait for notification. Cassia was also happy to do this, because Delya also happened to return to Manoma. According to the information provided by Professor Bruce, Cassia prepared the corresponding materials and went to the ruins of buildings in the area around Manoma alone with half of the uranium.

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