Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1667: Change, defection and secret contact (part 2)

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At one o'clock in the morning, Cassia approached the ruins of the building, and the high-frequency sound wave pulse helped him find a good space when he was sure that there was no one around. Committed to entering this small space formed with a corner as a support, Cassia moved a relatively flat brick, and then used the thick black silk cloth to cover all the surrounding gaps, and then took out the lime lamp from the backpack. Light up.

I haven't seen a lime lamp for a long time, but it is very easy to buy. Even in the Manoma area, there are a large number of workers who use it to save money in the periphery.

Take out the utensils one by one and place them in place. At last, Cassia took out the small section of uranium wrapped in protective materials. The silver-white color reflected light under the lime lamp, but Cassia, who knew its characteristics, felt that the luster was really like a demon that seduced creatures. Without thinking about it, in order to prevent the body from absorbing uranium and gold and causing an unstoppable reaction, Cassia started wearing small gloves, and then put them on to a total of seven layers of large, which felt safe.

In addition, this time is only cutting, and the requirements for flexibility are not high. After taking out the tactical knife, Cassia observed the small half of uranium before moving the knife.

The hardness is equivalent to ordinary steel, as long as the material of the tactical knife is passed, plus Cassia's own strength, it will be very easy to cut.

In the military school, I have asked Professor Bruce about the dosage, and I got the idea that I want to make a uranium bomb from scratch and throw it away for experimental use. At least two dosages are needed to complete a good warhead. . Therefore, Cassia need not worry about the uranium gold sample as the last bargaining chip will cause any trouble in the future.

Only one point is needed for testing by research institutions of each family. The small half of uranium gold was divided by Cassia into thirty-five parts, of which thirty-four parts were mostly the size of a baby's pinky fingertip, and the last thirty-fifth part was almost the thickness of an adult's thumb.

First, the uranium bullion was installed with a special high-strength glass tube, and Cassia covered each of them with five layers of protective materials. It is a cloth full of wrinkles for old people. It was then **** with a mild steel rope and packed into a backpack.

After the segmentation was basically completed, Cassia put away most of the tools, and immediately took out another set of instruments for simple surgery. Taking off his jacket, Cassia felt the position where the solid red mercury was implanted, and after thinking about it for a few minutes, he chose a better position.

Putting the last piece of uranium gold into a special glass tube with strong corrosion resistance, Cassia then used a scalpel to break a small opening in his stomach, stuffed the glass tube in like a restraining tube, and then closed the skin. At this point, Cassia once again used sound pulses to confirm that there was no one around him several times, and then opened the cross pupils to allow the perception intensity to reach the limit.

The smell of "germs" does remain in this small space, but it is extremely weak. For a time, Cassia doubted whether this was her own psychological effect. It's just that the focus is not in this space, but the uranium gold in the glass tube implanted in the body after the skin is closed.

Glass is a manufacturer found to get rid of the Atuo ring and paid a big price. It bypasses several layers of middlemen to get the finished product. It is impossible to trace the source. This kind of glass already has a certain insulation effect, but after the glass tube is inserted into the body, Cassia still feels a strong burning sensation.

This burning sensation is like the warm current of red mercury strengthened several times, some of which make the flesh and blood unbearable. But the result was the same as Cassia expected. Her body, or this layer of skin, passed through the germs in the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano and was also baptized by radiation. The uranium and gold emanate from the body.

Can only come in, not go out.

But Cassia thinks that this may not be a protective relationship, but that the body believes that the substances emitted from uranium and gold are excellent nutrients, so it will actively self-absorb. When this substance didn't rush out of the body, it might be completely absorbed by the body.

Not emitting is the best result for Cassia, so as to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of wrapping the glass tube with a protective material and then inserting it into the body.

The wound had healed in the thinking time. After finishing everything, Cassia turned off the lime lamp, sat down and leaned against the corner, closed his eyes, and controlled the movement of the abdominal muscles. He needs to test whether this position will affect his power during battle. In addition, whether the muscle power here can smash the glass tube in an instant, so that the flesh and blood can contact the uranium and gold, also needs to be preconceived.

This is Cassia's thoughts after talking with Professor Bruce and returning to the temporary residence. It is also his last preparation. The solid red mercury is indeed a mobile energy source, allowing Cassia to maintain near-endless endurance. After several attempts to trigger the bio-inductive stress field, the transformation of energy substances in red mercury really helped a lot. UU reading

This is still not enough! Cassia knew very well that the bio-inductive stress field of less than one or two seconds can play a limited role in battle. Considering the fatigue period afterwards, using the bio-inductive stress field as a trump card is already in desperation, and there is no other way.

After that, Cassia thought of uranium gold. Since it is a desperate situation, Cassia believes that adding an unstable factor to himself is not a bad thing. It can absorb uranium and gold by itself, and the absorption process is almost automatic, which is an instinctive reaction of the body and does not need to be controlled by itself. Just what the consequences would be, Cassia did not know.

This is the point of instability, perhaps towards the good side, perhaps towards a more desperate abyss. In short, Cassia thinks it will be two extremes. But at that time, Cassia knew that he wouldn't care what the extreme end things would look like.

After staying in the ruins until 5:30 in the morning, Cassia crawled out of the corner space. It takes time to make sure that the uranium gold implanted in the body will not cause bad effects. After four and a half hours, after the initial burning sensation was adapted to the body, there was nothing wrong with it. Only then did Cassia leave with confidence and drove back to the residence.

On the way, Isha contacted here and told Cassia that he had received a notice from Lord Adolf of the organization office that he needed to go there alone.

"Master Adolf said that the faster the time, the better. It is urgent and important to inform." Isha said in Adolf's tone.

"I see." Cassia put down the communicator for a while, but couldn't guess what the "very urgent and important notification" would be.

"I have time in the afternoon to take a look." Cassia said to herself, "With Li Suman, I have to find a way to get the details."

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