Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1668: Fragrance and Attraction Special (Part 1)

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The more the calm time lasted, the more Cassia felt that Li Suman might become a time bomb. Perhaps the situation is not so serious, but once it enters the brain, it is a point that cannot be forgotten, and it will gradually deepen its own sense of existence in the memory, making it necessary to think of it and pay attention to it.

In addition, Cassia believes that there are reasons why he is unwilling to give up the internal resources of the organization. When I first asked Professor Bruce about the uranium gold, when the contact organization knew that they were working on the uranium gold bomb, Cassia knew that the organization would become an important thing that I would always pay attention to and think about later. Like the relationship between waiting for supply and waiting for demand.

It is now a good connection with the Chira Andi family. After this incident, Cassia also had intentions, and wanted to choose the right time to explain the matter about uranium to Macquarie. However, in the organization department, Cassia will not give up directly. Some are like selfishness, but they are also self-protection.

The only point of contact with the Kira Andi family is Noer, and it will take a while for Cassia to completely trust Maggie and them in a short time.

At present, within the empire, because of this matter, most power families are involved. Cassia knew that he was just the best fuse to use and the easiest to ignite explosives. From protecting to rescuing Ye Jielin, perhaps at this moment only she and the people around her are still working hard for this goal.

Other forces would definitely not have any ideas about Ye Jielin's life and death issues, and would not care. Astus has lost four knight attendants. Compared to Ye Jielin who is still in the second stage of surgery, they are obviously of greater value as the three-stage Mevis. But as long as the knight attendants handed out the supplementary documents, they wouldn't care about Ye Jielin's life and death, let alone spend time on it.

The continuous supply of energy. For the Weber family, Yejielin's death may be a good thing for them. There must be three-stage members with better ability and potential than Ye Jielin. After being replaced, the number of knight attendants has not been lost, and they have inherited the team and power of the Knights of the Round Table. The most important point is that compared with Ye Jielin, the replacement staff is obviously more conducive to high-level control, and the identity issue is not so obvious.

Other big families, they are only concerned about the position and chip placement problems caused by this matter. What I saw was only the benefits, and I couldn't let myself lose anything in this incident. As for Ye Jielin's survival? In their eyes, potential is only potential. After death, there is no potential and all value is lost. Besides, Cassia knew that the only one who can enter the eyes of these people is only herself. And he is just because of the connection with Noer.

How many people still care about Ye Jielin's situation? The number of people Cassia can think of is extremely limited. With a sigh, Cassia shook his head, the feeling of dislocation and loss after thinking was uncomfortable. His heart was filled with unspeakable strangeness.

From the beginning, the source of the problem has never changed-it has been and will continue to be the third generation of knight kings in the empire.

The dead have no value, and even if they have, they are just food for captive dragons or anatomical samples in the laboratory. The Chira Andi family helped themselves, but in fact they were only considering their own interests and the attitude of being incomprehensible with Nuoer, so as to bring themselves.

"So the words in the book are not unreasonable. Reason is sometimes a terrible thing." Cassia, who went back to the temporary residence, looked at the thirty-four pieces of uranium wrapped on the table, and said to herself, "But sometimes not Reason is a more terrifying thing."

His mouth lost its taste because of these words, and Cassia found the juice to pour a glass of it and drank it, then collected the uranium gold and placed it in a cassette.

Sitting at the desk, Cassia took out the notes and began to read. The above is all the thoughts written during this period of time, and every subtle clue that I got from every corner of my head is on it. The handwritten date on the last page stays three days ago, which is a summary page.

Judging from the notes, Cassia's thinking returned to the simplest point at the end-destruction.

Cassia really couldn't think of another good way, and for himself, it seemed that he could only do this. And he also holds important premise items in his hand, which can support his thoughts in time. The actual destructive power of the uranium bomb is not yet known. From Professor Bruce, I learned that the Empire had tried to explode a few, and it was in some no man's land. However, compared to a huge territory, its location also requires constant data to be well determined. At present, there is no good way to obtain the information. The uranium bomb is too special, like a sealed item, the name will be noticed by some organizations.

Today, Cassia, who picked up the pen, never added anything new to the notes. Thinking was over three days ago, and he didn't think there was anything worth thinking about. Although UU reading rationally told him that there is no Holy Emperor Hall, there must be other forces replacing the Holy Emperor Hall to become one of the new Quartet forces. However, what I don't want to see now is the Saint Royal Hall, and it doesn't need a deep reason.

Close the notes, and Cassia uses the books he has read to hold them down. With a pen in his hand, he turned aimlessly, looking through the window to the far sky. Today is also a sunny day, with strong sunlight and not a single cloud.

After lunch at noon, Cassia found Isha alone and asked about the details of Adolf’s contact in the morning. After that, Isha contacted the past on her behalf, saying that she could go there at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

After lunch, Cassia, Hesley, Isha and others began a new day of intelligence compilation and analysis. There are constant news about the zero number in the black market, with new tricks almost every day. But it is a foregone conclusion. Unless the zero has a chance to meet Cassia, actually defeat Cassia in the battle, and is recorded throughout, otherwise it is impossible to exceed in influence. And Cassia will never give zero such an opportunity. Even if they met, Cassia didn't think there was a high probability that Zero would outperform him. It is also a very possible result to become your own propaganda pedal.

No. Zero or Tovelest, neither knew what was waiting for them. Because from the actual situation, Cassia did not dare to say that he knew his body well.

At about 3 in the afternoon, Cassia made simple preparations and drove away in a limo to the only stronghold of the organization in Manoma. It was an inconspicuous clothing store on the edge of the central area.

And there, a woman wearing a lace hat happened to enter the shop.

"There are still many styles here." With a slightly surprised tone, the woman put down her hat and glanced around and said.

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