Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1683: Dark War and the Giant Cassie Black (Part 1)

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"I see, Colonel." The man standing at the entrance of the tent replied, turning around to leave, and the Colonel's words came again.

"How long are the other ground forces expected to reach the designated location?"

"It will be nearly twice as long as the estimated six days. Without the speed and durability of a mobile team, weapons, ammunition, and food, etc., all need to be considered. Of the defense lines established by the Holy Palace on the edge of the forest, the ground is the tightest. The speed of advancement and the difficulty of penetration are not in line with our expectations, Colonel."

"Has the Chiraandi family moved? Their large forces will arrive in the next few days, but the twenty-three major clans have offices in all regions of the empire. The pioneers should not only be investigating. Some. It's weird." The colonel touched his chin, "This should be when looking for things everywhere, there is no movement, and it can't attract and divert the attention of the Holy Royal Hall."

"After the extra-distance aerial bombs arrive, we must ensure that the two can be launched. This time is likely to be the first battle between us and the Holy Royal Hall. The identity processing, we have been ordered to come here. I clearly told him that I shouldn't have to remind him alone." The colonel buried the question in his head and turned to other things. After the person reporting the news left, he was the only one left in the command tent.

When he reached the side of the map, the colonel began to study the route of each team in the next step. Having accepted this mission as a secret, he knew the dangers involved. The team of the Holy Palace may not have strict discipline and combat rules, but a single outstanding individual can deal with an entire team. This is where the colonel is worried. The gap in the number also worries the colonel. He can’t connect with Chira Andi, and can only disguise himself as a mercenary when he dies. Even with the advantage of a hidden third-party team, it can play a role and not Can not control the situation, can only interfere with it.

Almost at the same time, one of the countless tentacles extending from the Southern Forest, a small team of seven was approaching the position given by the Saint Emperor's Hall unhurriedly. The equipment of the Seven is very limited. Except for the cold weapons of different types, the only guns that can be seen are magazine-type pistols.

"How long is there, I can't wait." Among the seven, one of the three in front stopped and pulled out the map to look at it.

"The enemy is not weak this time. If you don't handle it well, you will really die." Someone reminded that it was the captain of the team. "We often stay on the front. Although people from the empire accompany us to move our bodies from time to time, negligence will quickly die. The number of five-stage surgeons gathered here is the largest since the end of the last war, but don’t do things rough because you get the instructions to act freely. The admiral has clear orders, if it’s messed up, we It’s hard to say where to go after a few. Don’t forget that the red star will come in a few years, and the admiral’s punishment will soon be honored on us."

"Try my best to fight, come here from the front, there is only this in my head." The speaker put away the map, showing a simple smile, "If you can think about the ins and outs of things, the admiral will not Let me follow you. I also want to let the admiral give me one level after the end of this mission. The adult is already a five-star general and is only one step away from the marshal. I am still a two-star warrior, as a wartime extreme The rank of an adult who might become a marshal is still not enough."

"Just follow the command of the admiral and follow my command." The other person said helplessly, "rest for half an hour before setting off."

Without the topic, the seven separated by a certain position, and each found a tree to rest. Two of the other four members consciously went far away and acted as sentry posts.

"How far is it?" Among the first three people, the man who had not spoken went to the captain and asked, "The admiral asked us to go to the approximate area and contact each other on that string of radio frequency. Do you think it will who is it?"

The captain thought about it and shook his head: "We are almost outside of the empire's four forces. We don't understand much about the complicated relationship between them. It will probably be someone like the captain. According to the admiral, this is for The person who gives instructions is also the person who provides the matching weapons. I heard that they will all be products of the Weber Arms Company, but I am very interested in this aspect. It seems that Weber is on the side of Chira Andy. ."

"Most of the forces in the Quartet have been drawn in, and the admiral stepped in at this moment..."

The captain looked at the man next to him, his eyes full of warnings: "You and I are also warlords. If we can figure out the stakes in them, we would have been promoted to lieutenant general. It is this kind of incompetent thinking that leads to We don’t have his ease, nor higher position power. We just increase personal worries.” When speaking, the captain looked at the other man, “Perhaps for the position of the marshal, mutual benefit. Even this time. Chira Andi failed, but they still have high discourse power afterwards."


"My help was not in place, so I was on the way there, Miss Li Suman." Emilia Hongman stood by the window, holding the megaphone, "The communication with you soon is a sincere organization. But now, except for some information without the slightest evidence, I have not seen anything you promised, Miss Lisuman. This is not a pleasant exchange."

"The information on Uranium is more than your help this time, Miss Emilia." In a residential residence in a city, Li Suman was answering communications while packing things up, "This is personally determined by the contemporary holy emperor. The news is not the information I forged for you to help Cassia. In addition, as a bonus core clue of the detonation, I did not reserve the slightest information. For the organization's plan, I said a lot of the benefits of the organization in front of Cassia. If he starts preparing for the direction of the uranium bomb, the organization will definitely be his first consideration."

"But this time, if he feels that the pressure is too great, there is no possibility to achieve his goals, and throw uranium gold as a last resort to win over the families within the empire. I think Cassia has made this decision. Vigorous, Miss Emilia." Li Suman said with a smile on her face. In order to let herself see interesting things in the future, she has carefully thought about how to seek support for all parties. Li Suman's interpersonal network is extremely poor, with only a few visible lines. But every thread can play a role when it is important.

"I also ask Miss Li Suman to make more efforts." Hongmang was very plain.

"I went to the Southern Forest in person. I think Miss Emilia, it will be hard for you to find such a hardworking and sincere cooperative ally of mine." Li Suman, who had already thought about this situation, could easily deal with it. Soon after, the connection between the two was severed, and Li Suman went to the window and began to disguise. For her, it has been a long time since she has not done this kind of thing, which is quite strange.

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