Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1684: Dark War and the Giant Cassie Black (middle)

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From the second stage of the operation, the disease completely left the circle of the operator. Without special needs, the skin and body can maintain the perfect state in the eyes of ordinary people for a long time. Li Suman doesn't need any cosmetics for her appearance, and she is not familiar with any cosmetics now when she is dressed up.

After reading the instructions and experimenting on the face several times, the attire officially began. The fingers moved flexibly, but his thoughts remained on the conversation with Emilia just now.

Li Suman believes that Hongmang and Cassia are very similar, and both lack a key link. If they know the clues, when they decide to do it, even if the probability is very low and far below expectations, they will try. In Li Suman's mind, the work on Cassia has been completed. But between Hongmang's head and rationality, Li Suman knew that several steps would be needed afterwards for Hongmang to raise Cassia's importance to the highest level.

Hongmang is very patient now. Even though the information about the uranium gold and the detonating core is very attractive, Li Suman does not believe that the other party will act more than rationally. Hongmang's carefulness is the result of long-term selection, and it has accumulated to a certain degree, and it has become instinctive. This characteristic does not support Hongmang's risk of such information.

"We still need the physical object as direct evidence, and put it in front of Hongmang to make her believe it completely." The face of Li Suman in the mirror was gradually changing under her attire, and her eyes were very penetrating. It doesn’t seem to be a mirror, but something outside the mirror. “Cassia’s line is not working. He is very wary of me. It seems good to start with the people around him, but when an accident occurs, the number one suspect is It must be me..."

"To save Ye Jielin as a reward? It is very difficult to rely on himself, but Macquarie has already made rescue one of the goals of the plan..." Li Suman rarely has such a serious thought process. Whatever you think of, do what you think. Originally, I didn't have any interest in the organization's "Lighting Project", and the initial handling of related matters was mostly because of the agreement with the Holy Emperor. But when she got the clues given by the holy emperor, it is unclear whether she was attracted by Cassia himself and spread her interest in this area, like an old member who has worked in the organization for more than ten years, Li Suman With the will to let that light bloom at a certain moment.

"Using rescue as a bargaining chip will probably not work." Make-up paused here, and Li Suman's eyes finally returned to her face in the mirror. For self-appreciation, as a woman, Li Suman still has some female thoughts. There is a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. The surgeon's fine control and observation are enough to make her do makeup well.

"Cassia has nowhere to start." Li Suman still muttered to herself naturally, she would check the time from time to time.

Unconsciously, after half an hour passed, Li Suman was still sitting in front of the mirror. From the rough to the subtleties, the makeup seemed invisible. Only then, the movement of her hand stopped.

"From Ye Jielin, it seems that a breakthrough can be found. The effect of cooperation with Ye Jielin may be even better than that of Cassia..."


The low sound wave that lasted for nearly six minutes was interrupted at this moment, and the five enemies in the sound wave pulse stopped moving at all. Then Cassia got up from the waist-length grass, walked a distance of nearly one thousand meters, and lay down five people. A tactical knife was added to his head.

The communicator is off, and Cassia is already familiar with this situation. The other party appears to be quite cautious in communication, and each contact has a constantly fluctuating timetable. Only when it reaches that period, perhaps only one or two minutes, will the information report be handed over. The pressure that Infinite Communications puts on the enemy can easily be imagined. They do have the greatest say in transmission, interception, interference and anti-interference, etc., at the top of the empire.

The costumes of the five are different from the sentinel of the Holy Royal Hall that Cassia saw in the morning. They are members of other families. Taking away the compressed food reserves from the five people, Cassia sat next to the corpses and ate while searching their backpacks, but still found nothing.

Except for food for nearly five days, only enough weapons and ammunition to fight a small battle were left, and little information was obtained.

After getting off the airship two days ago, Cassia encountered the first enemy's outpost in the wilderness at four o'clock in the morning. Since they haven't reached the right timeline, Cassia chose to bypass them quietly until one or two in the morning last night. Regardless of the team commanded by the hacker, it was the large number of people from Kira Andi who came here this time, and the first small-scale frontal contact began today.

The locations where the two parties touched are all over the southern forest edge. The vanguard forces penetrated into the enemy's defense line in advance a few days ago. They are like a very small number of time bombs embedded in the enemy's defense line, looking for targets from time to time. This is why Cassia will take the initiative to attack without worrying about revealing his traces.

After eating the food found, Cassia poked half of his head from under the grass. The dark green southern forest is like a boundless mountain range, lying in front of the intersection between the ground and the sky. The distance is not too far, but it takes some time to get there.

Cassia moved very carefully every step, just as the current sentinel was cleared after several bypassed sentinels. You will not kill all the enemies you encounter all the way, and often there are no obvious rules to separate a few, and then choose one to clear, which can be regarded as reducing a little pressure for the rear team.

The high-level surgeons are still near the first city ring line, and until the high-level combat power at the Saint Royal Hall is not effectively contained, it is not the time for these three-stage personnel to exert themselves. If you encounter one of the high-level surgeons, even the fourth stage, it will be an irreversible disaster. However, Cassia was not worried about this happening. The enemy realized that the possibility of acting alone was very low. Moreover, these high-level surgeons were preparing for their own battle. Moreover, compared to the three-stage surgeon, they are the ones who are more afraid of being alone. Before both parties had fully figured out the number of high-level surgeons who came to the forest this time, each loss was a loss they could not bear.

Moving on, the sonic pulses helped Cassia catch the traces of the airship that was scout in the sky, and evade in advance. There was no pressure to move forward. At about 2 in the morning, Cassia was already rushing in the not dense forest at the edge of the forest.

When the branches of the surrounding trees were visibly thick and the surrounding old trees began to appear in the sound wave pulses one by one, Cassia stopped.

At this time, the mysterious feeling that Cassie Hei had when he first entered the tundra appeared again.

At the same time, there was Ruoyouruowu's sight. Cassia closed his eyes, spreading perception, looking for the sight that had always existed, and finally came up with a result that surprised and puzzled him-this sight, just From the thick old trees standing quietly all over the body! This line of sight is like a living being, with no fixed position or regularity, constantly moving back and forth on the ancient tree.

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