Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1685: Dark War and the Giant Cassie Black (Part 2)

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The mysterious feeling that can slightly relieve the restraint of the body has been experienced in the tundra. Cassia knows that this is a place where the extreme area is different from the outside world. Most of the second-class creatures voluntarily stay in limited places on each continent. This mysterious feeling is One of the main reasons.

I had the experience of entering the southern forest in the past, but I didn't feel this change in those few times, it should be because the perception under the strength did not reach the current level. Cassia analyzed the reason, and then completely shifted his energy to the weak line of sight moving back and forth among the ancient trees.

By narrowing the scope of perception to improve the fineness of perception, Cassia spent nearly an hour here to observe the weak vision. It was not because of the psychological suggestion effect caused by tension. After the observation, Cassia opened his eyes. This is the first conclusion he came to. The line of sight is real, like a living body that can be attached to, and can move with ancient trees as a medium. .

"It seems that the medium can only be an old tree with a certain age. I don't know whether age is the key or its degree of vigor is the key. Or, both occupy the same proportion." After the weak sight disappeared, Cassia had to stop and observe , "When I leave, I feel the traces captured, showing that the line of sight is directly below the ground, the roots of the ancient trees?"

Cassia thought for a moment, remembering a piece of information he knew before. Most of the trees in the southern forest use a common root network. Simply put, this huge forest is actually a very long time ago. A tree continuously expanded its roots and continuously sent out new trees. Spread little by little to form.

The line of sight is only passed on the surrounding ancient trees, and when you leave, you also escape into the ground, and rely on the roots of the trees under the ground as the transmission line? It seems to have a basis, that line of sight is also something that the surgeon perceives, but because of the huge network of tree roots, its range can be huge.

But perception requires spirit. Whether trees can have a human-like consciousness, Cassia dared not make a judgment immediately. However, whether it is the library of the military school or the various books that have been read over the years, the existence of plants with predation thinking on all continents is a definite fact. Cassia remembers that in an area infested by ‘radiation germs’ in the uninhabited volcano, he had seen trees that used animals as their own nourishment.

Thinking this way, after a little nervousness, Cassia felt a kind of palpitations. If the trees are really conscious, then the so-called extreme area of ​​the southern forest here,, and the so-called special circumstances, the real situation may be the infinitely huge enhanced version that also exists in the ordinary world that will prey on small insects, small animals and plants. The second-class creatures living here are just a steady stream of nourishment in its captivity. Even the dragons that exist here...

Perhaps dragons are not included in the nourishment, cooperative relationship? At this moment, Cassia admired his imagination, and didn't understand why so many things suddenly came to mind. Shaking his head, Cassia wanted to clear up these strange thoughts, but some things settled in his mind, and they took root.

If the conjecture is true, then the first tree a long time ago will be another second-type creature alongside dragons and giant whales? In the stone paintings in the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, the huge tree called the World Tree was also depicted. The fire that ablated the sky caused the World Tree to collapse, and it seemed that it was going to death, but after all, it burned out only the branches and leaves on the ground. The roots of the tree entrenched under the ground were still alive because of the protection of the earth and rocks.

Cassia does not deny that the World Tree has grown new shoots from its former rhizomes, and after a long time it stands in the center of the present southern forest. What he thinks is whether this world tree has the same spiritual consciousness as a human being, can think for itself, make balances, make rational judgments, and of course have his own feelings. This will be a reality that people have to think about, at least for him.

Cassia has seen the same sentence in various books more than once, "History is an infinite loop." The image on the stone painting is like the end point of ancient history. Since then, the world has begun to change. And from ancient history to the present, how many times have you experienced the long time interval? Maybe there is no clear end, Cassia thought.

The huge vortex that appeared in the sky on the stone painting is just above the world tree, which may be an important record and prediction. The unique feelings and competition between the left-phase and right-phase continents for the post-phase continent made Cassia have more things to think about.

"Eternal life may not be the ultimate goal of the veterans of the Quartet forces. They want to reproduce the age of gods before ancient history..."

Cassia knew that he had one more question that needed to be answered, but now that it is connected to the Kira Andi family, this information probably only needs to be actively asked to get most of the answers he wants.

His thoughts gradually returned to the present in the later rush, and the faint sight did not reappear afterwards, which made Cassia a little relieved. Psychologically, he was a little tired. On the one hand, Cassia thought that he was indeed a special individual, but on the other hand, there was a voice telling him that he was actually not special, just a middleman who was chosen at a suitable time, so he was just like that. Everyone acquiesced and became a transit point for connecting countless people.

You can be someone else, but you are yourself now, just because the time is right for you to be in that position. But no matter what the truth is, Cassia believes that these things must be kept for later. Currently, his only goal is to rescue Ye Jielin, nothing more. After all, if the timeline goes a little bit later, you who will eventually follow the path of absolute saneness will gradually lose the power to make this kind of wrong choice.

In the early morning, Cassia, who maintained a constant speed, was still heading towards the activity area that was originally demarcated for Cassiehei. With Cassie's head, even if it digs a hole and lives under the ground, it will not leave that area. Cassie still has this confidence in Cassie.

"Boom,,," a faint roar came from far away, and Cassia did not actually hear the sound, but the sound that was subconsciously imitated in his head when capturing sound waves. It was an explosion, coming from mid-air, and the immediately judged Cassia immediately locked on an ancient tree, climbed the upper part of it, and observed through the branches, only a wisp of light gray smoke that was about to dissipate was seen.

"The airship fleet met? It shouldn't be so fast." Cassia thought, immediately recalling the timetable for the opening of the newsletter, UU Reading www. shook his head, got off the tree, and continued on the road.

At the same time, on several ancient trees somewhere in the southern forest, the few people climbing on the top held binoculars, their mouths full of excitement.

"Both hits all and are falling! The other ship's lift device is damaged, and it may be forced to land!"

"Report the situation to the headquarters immediately! Monitor the approximate location of the fall, and notify the mobile unit to rush over to do the finishing work. Some of the criminals will probably not die and they need to be shot."

"The remaining ship is about to go out of sight!"

"Don't worry about that ship, the ground team has not caught up to the speed!"


The ultra-high pressure steam is leaking rapidly, dragging a long smoke belt with gray and black smoke. The frigate-class airships have difficulty maintaining balance. In the control room, the crew made an announcement of an imminent landing to remind the crew members to prepare for the impact.

The imbalance was only momentary. The airship that was still in balance began to skew. The crew tried their best to control and began to slow down. But the falling speed was still uncontrollable, and the huge steel body of the airship approaching 180 meters whirled in mid-air and fell downward. Fortunately, the altitude was lowered during the process of escaping from the range of the over-range aerial bomb. After only a few breaths of the fall, the airship touched the sea of ​​trees below and hit the dense ancient trees along the way, reducing the size of the final landing. impact.

The ancient tree broke and collapsed, until a rumbling sound, like a huge explosion, the airship finally touched the ground. Birds in a large area were disturbed and appeared over the dark green tree sea, away from this area where a lot of steam, white smoke and gray fog were emitted.

"Well,,, ah,,," somewhere, a loud bang came, and the ground-transmitted vibration awakened something in the dark part of the primitive deep forest first.

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