Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1686: Advance, all extinction (on)

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It was surrounded by dead leaves and there was no trace of biological movement. The light here is even more dim. I don't know why. With a little contrast, you can keenly detect that the growth of trees in a small area is much better than that in a short distance.

The unfolded branches and leaves of the ancient woods are more luxuriant, and the dark green has a bright luster like after being washed by heavy rain. The sturdy trunks of ancient trees even have fresh bark that grows from breaking the old bark. The southern forest has existed for a long time. It is like an unchanging recorder left in time. Unless its core area, the ancient tree has reached the growth limit of its long life as early as in history. The height that breaks through the laws of nature is also limited. When the trees in the non-core area are near this limit, their growth is just to sustain life.

In an irregular circular area with a radius of about several hundred meters, not every ancient tree can break the old bark to re-grow the second spring. On the thick bark full of irregular cracks, there are crooked symbols on the trunks of the old trees that have grown again, like the graffiti of children who have not learned to write.

With a point as the center, there are more or less distorted symbols of this unclear meaning on the old trees scattered around. As for the ancient wood in the center, the bark full of history has already been replaced by new bark. The sturdy tree trunk swelled up a small half circle again, and the unfolded dark green canopy was thirty or forty meters higher than the surrounding area.

After the voice of "Well, ah,", a whole piece of ground covered with dead leaves looked like a huge iron gate opened there, opened by a claw covered with dark scales. The blood-red cross pupils reflected a faint light in the crypt under the "door". Those eyes were full of confused colors, the state of distress after being awakened while sleeping.

Afterwards, the pupils regained their proper look. In the dim light, a head in the crypt under the "door" was pressed against the ground sideways, as if it was capturing the weak vibration signal from a distance.

"Ah,, um, ," this kind of unclear self-talk seems to be the same as the master of these giant pupils saying that he knows what happened. A huge dragon head protruded from the crypt, and the pupils looked at the place where the booming sound came from, and then retracted again. The "door" was pulled up, and then there was a vibration from the ground. The vibration was conducted up by the surrounding ancient trees. The dead leaves on its branches were shaken off, and the "door" was not evenly covered again. , Play a simple camouflage role. There was a faint sound from below the ground, getting smaller and smaller, until it disappeared completely, there was no more movement.

At the same time, the frigate-class airship stopped completely deep in the forest. He broke many ancient trees all the way, but fortunately, the navy blue shell did not turn over after it touched the ground. After rubbing and ploughing a kilometer-long belt on the ground, he hit several old trees again before stopping.

The lift device completely fell off, and all the devices outside the airship were scraped off, leaving only the caterpillar-like shell, the small half sunk into the ground, slanted out a small angle and stopped at an old tree that was hit and skewed. before. The gray smoke continued to spread, and soon turned into a small open flame. A large amount of steam splashed out from the broken copper pipe at the lift device, and steam leaked from the joints of the shells soon after. However, the amount of leakage became smaller and smaller, until it finally became a few strands-the steam furnace was shut down.

There was a crashing sound from inside the airship, followed by the sound of vibration and the cracking of glass windows. People wearing wild camouflage costumes crawled out of windows one after another, either on their faces, arms, or bodies, all with blood stains more or less. The footsteps are crooked, and the discomfort caused by the crash landing has not disappeared from them. They need a little rest.

"Boom!" The deck used for unloading of the airship opened at this time, and several people armed with pneumatic weapons in a red hot state destroyed the locking mechanism and the opening pillar before jumping off. A large amount of unfinished steam accumulated in the boat finally found the catharsis and vomited out, but it quickly lost its momentum.

Some people began to throw down various materials in the boat, and more people found a place around to sit down and rest and do simple emergency treatment of the injury. Nearly thousands of people quickly gathered in a place under the call of the person in charge of the airship. They separated some of their hands to deal with open flames, ash, and steam with mud, while others began to organize supplies and prepare for evacuation.

The crew returned to the control room after getting down, and wanted to use the communication device on the airship to contact the headquarters here. But the communication is closed, only electronic noise.

"Afraid of being caught by the enemy's communication, the headquarters closed the communication channel when it was attacked. Emergency communication is the easiest time for the enemy to capture information." A team of nearly twenty people has gathered around the person in charge. All of them were dressed with the hallmark of the Saint Royal Hall, "How is the loss, and the specific number of personnel." When inquiring, the person in charge looked at the thousands of prisoners scattered in the nearby area with awe. This is not a good sign. Under the current circumstances, these criminals are not easy to deal with. There is also gloating in the laziness of these people, because this is not a good job in the first place, and it is unkind to let them come over.

"As of now, there are 1,174 people, including us, and 32 people are determined to have died and the bodies can be found. However, compared with the total number of 1,350 people, 114 people have escaped due to the chaos just now. This is far from the edge of the forest. The distance is very long, but if the number of people and the number of weapons and ammunition are sufficient, it is still very likely to go out to resist the attacks of Type II creatures."

"Let them run, the more than a hundred people don’t want to think about why so many people stayed on their own initiative and didn’t take advantage of the panic to be like them? It’s okay if the threat is only a second-class creature, but they don’t know themselves After leaving the main team, they are enemies with us, as well as everyone from Kira Andi."

"As soon as possible to determine our position at the moment, and let the communication staff on the crew side pay attention to contact at all times. Let everyone bring enough supplies, rest for 15 minutes, deal with the injury as soon as possible, and then we have to leave here. The goal is great, although Now, don’t worry about the enemy’s They haven’t gotten deep here yet. But the second-class creatures who hear the movement don’t think so, there will definitely be some who want to come over and take a look. Although some dead There is no problem with people, but there are too many, and we are not easy to explain." The person in charge took a deep breath and said with a sigh.

Most of the space on the airship is filled with various materials, which were good equipment for the joint team, but now these people are cheaper. Most of the prisoners have been inactive for a long time, but the foundation of the body is there, and on the way here, they have been injected with medicines that promote recovery, and the injuries are not serious. Everyone is armed with a full backpack, and under the leadership of the team in the Saint Royal Hall, rushes towards the location of the joint team.

The whole team has very little talk and the atmosphere is dull. As time passed slowly, it was inevitable that some small groups in this group of thousands began to talk privately.

Behind the team, in the Holy Emperor's Hall and the crew team, there were perceptive people reporting changes in the team to the captain. But the captain almost didn't listen to a word, or said that after a certain point in time, his energy was pulled over by other things.

"It's too quiet here. It's not a good sign." The captain looked around and said to the surrounding members, "It shouldn't be like this. It's already a distance from the standard line in the deep forest. According to the density of the second type creature, even if it is affected The impact of the landing just now disturbed some people to leave, but there was no other sound at all, which was very abnormal."

"The territory of a certain powerful type 2 creature?" someone replied, "This may be a good thing for us, because the number is an individual, we are a team of a thousand people, and it is easy to solve after meeting."

"According to common sense." The captain once performed tasks here, knowing some things, and did not fully agree with the words of those around him.

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