Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1690: Collect information (in)

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The remaining four people stayed in a warehouse where most of the supplies were emptied, each staying silent, and there was almost no word between them. Sometimes the four of them would look at each other, but they wanted to talk but were scrupulous about something, but they didn't say anything in the end.

Fania is often the one who breaks the silence. According to the law, she will whisper to Gardner every two hours. For the rest of the time, Fania was eating mostly, slowly and carefully chewing, from compressed food to some high-end goods they later found in the airship-canned food. In the end, it was Fania who found a case of wine in the crew control room, and it was a huge welcome.

I don't know if the alcohol has played a role in alleviating the atmosphere. Although the four of them are immune to alcohol for a long time, after each drink one or two bottles, they gradually talked to each other. But it was all gossip, neither Gardner nor the other two talked about the current situation or his past. As for why they came to the forest, because of what was released, none of the four seemed interested.

This day passed, and the silence of the night was even more terrifying. The rest of the four are relatively tacit. One person will always open his eyes when the other three close their eyes, paying attention to the movements around them. At around 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, Gardner's injury behind his back was much better. At least among the four, he was the most flexible in physical activities.

Begin to measure the supplies that need to be carried. After about ten o'clock, Fania went to Gardner, picked up weapons and some things that she would use, and left the airship. The other two naturally followed, like a tacit understanding without talking. The four-man squad seemed to be their idea from the beginning.

The twenty-seven people who survived under Dragon Breath had no serious injuries to their legs, so it would not affect their running speed. The speed of Gardner and others was impressive. Two hours later, they had already gone more than a hundred kilometers away. On the way, I found some traces left by other teams yesterday. Those who left the teams one after another had almost no difference in the direction of advancement, and they all chose the shortest route.

At 12:30 noon, the four of them rested at the foot of an old tree, and Fania has been responsible for guarding the surroundings.

"The range is too big." After a few minutes of rest, Fania fell flexibly from the ancient branches and went to the three of them.

"The surrounding environment is very strange. Although it is the first time I have come to the Southern Forest, based on the experience in other extreme regions, it is like a protected area, not affected by other creatures, and we have not yet Get out of this range." The man speaking looks very young, his face is about 30 years old, and his body is very strong. The kind of people who are often found in gyms in the world are full of muscles.

"I don't know if it is good or bad." Gardner sighed, sitting beside him, "If it weren't for the attack of the dragon knight before, we would face this lord. In short, neither side is good. I hope that before we leave, the dragon knight The remaining deterrence is still there, this lord will not take the initiative to attack."

"After that..." Fania is a kind of person who destroys the atmosphere. When the other three people tried to avoid mentioning the topic of leaving here and meeting the second kind of creatures, she spoke naturally, and she always said Chewing compressed food in his mouth. Large-scale investigation makes her energy consumption extremely fast.

"I hope the people in the front can help us do more." Gardner replied and stopped talking.

The twenty-minute rest soon passed, and the four of them got up again and drove on their way. Occasionally I can see traces of people who left earlier along the way. Compared to staying away from the airship, Gardner and the others are less and less concerned about the handling of traces. It can be seen from the traces that the condition of the people ahead is not very good, and the rest intervals are short.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, after moving closer to two hundred kilometers, Fania finally saw some small bugs in her perception. Their mood was relieved a little, but it was not long apart, and a battlefield with two corpses left them heavy. A large corpse of green wolves, about fifty in number, were scattered around the battlefield. The bullet shells were scattered all over the ground. Judging from the traces and the blood coagulation state, this should be the first group of personnel to leave at night. The corpses have been eaten by other second-class creatures, and many of them have exposed bones. And many of the nibbles are unusually fresh, as if they left shortly after they arrived here.

The four of them did not stay here, and the smell of blood was still permeating the air, and it would not dissipate completely in a short time. Those fresh nibbling marks also worry them. It's like there are more terrifying things around that make these second-class creatures that eat have to leave.

A few minutes later, another trace of battle appeared in front of the four. It was cleaner here, except for some blackened blood and bullet casings on the ground, nothing else. The four of them glanced at each other, and then Gardner and the other three gathered their eyes on Fania.

"There is nothing but bugs." Fania started, also wondering about the abnormality of the surrounding environment. Her instinct told her that she could no longer move forward, and in the direction they were moving forward, something dangerous was rushing over. Just like when you see a heavy truck on the road, you will wonder if the truck will suddenly turn toward you, subconsciously warning and avoiding danger.

"Don't think it's weird?"

"It's no use weird. The most correct thing is to leave here quickly." Gardner replied, but Fania stopped suddenly, and he and the other two became nervous instantly. The basic cooperation is still there, and the four of them immediately separated, each distanced, went to the nearest ancient tree, guarding the surroundings.

"Don't move, just keep your body close to the tree." Fania reminded.

"Is it a second-class creature? What kind and how many are there?"

"It's not a second-class creature, it's almost certain that it's another surgeon." Fania has closed her eyes, and most of her energy is focused on investigating her surroundings, "I don't know the number yet, and I'm not sure if the other party has discovered it. Us. But we better keep this situation as good."

"Fania?" After Gardner's voice came, Fania opened her eyes and looked confused.

"For the same type of surgeon, the other party will also use sound waves to detect the surrounding situation. I caught the sound wave pulse signal sent by the other party. I don't know how wide the other party's detection range is. At least at this time, the other party is far away from us. Two kilometers away. Only this information, be patient." Fania spoke softly, "I will speak out in time if there is a situation, and be ready for battle."

It was only the voice that took a few breaths, and Fania felt something else. Her mouth moved, as if tasting some delicious food. At this time, her gaze focused on the front, and after the trees, Fania seemed to see something, she was thinking about various possibilities.

"Captain, shall we surrender?" Less than a minute after the last sentence, this sentence that suddenly came out of Fania's mouth made Gardner and the others wonder how to answer. All three of them looked over, and there was no need to interpret their questions.

"Because of the strength of the throat, the strengthening of this part of the structure has not been completed, which has caused my use of sound waves to remain at a very early stage. The detection range is indeed dominant in various employment tasks in the past, far more than inducing heat. It’s close to three times the range, and the team’s battles have hardly suffered. This is the main reason why you are willing to believe in me, Captain.” Fania’s words were very slow, some of them seemed like last words, “The opponent is in the sound wave The use of is much stronger than me. I should have discovered us a long time ago, but the other party will also use sound waves to detect because of me. Maybe he is using this to test and consider something. But a minute or so ago, these tests and The consideration is complete, and the opponent has launched an attack. It is a low sound wave, and there is no obvious response, just because the energy savings are not enough. We have about two to three minutes to consider, please make a decision as soon as possible."

"Also, there is no obvious solution to this kind of attack. At least I know that there is no good way except relying on physical strength to resist, or kill the opponent, or escape the range of influence. But this There are three methods, none of which we can achieve."

"Where is the enemy, since they have already come here, are those people who set off in advance?"

"Maybe they are all dead, maybe there are people who survived. It's not clear." Fania immediately responded to the other two's questions. She kept staring ahead, "I don't know where the enemy is. The other party clearly knows my detection range. The limit has never appeared in the range. I suggest surrendering, so that we have a chance to live. Because the other side only needs to stand around us and wait for a few minutes to make us lose our combat effectiveness. In other words, when we really die, I don’t even know where the enemy is or what it looks like."

After speaking, Fania suddenly opened her mouth and breathed in: "I chose to surrender, time is running out, I don't want to spend it here! The other party should be right in front of us!"

"Surrender!" Gardner chose to trust his players. The remaining two looked at each other at this time, and they could see the struggle from each other's eyes.

"Then..., surrender. One or two of us don't have enough strength to walk to the edge of the forest. The distance is too far, and the supplies are not enough, plus the injury on the back... What should we do? How can we know that we have chosen to surrender?"

"Just follow me." Fania breathed a sigh of relief. She immediately left the old tree, stood in a relatively open place, threw the backpack and weapons, etc. in one fell swoop, threw them to a place more than ten meters away, and then used the common posture-raising her hands and standing in the original position. The ground does not move. Gardner and the others also followed Fania's movements until the four stood in place in a posture, Fania immediately felt the powerful, low voice ripples disappearing from her perception.

"The other party did not attack anymore." Fania's words have always made Gardner and the others feel puzzled, because they can't feel those things at but the three of them suppressed their thoughts and waited for her. The said enemy appeared.

"There is only one person, two kilometers away from us."

"One person?" The other two spoke first. Fania didn't react at all.

"It's very fast, 1,500 meters." Fania continued talking about the detected situation, "I'm still alone, no one else followed."

"That's right, are we four? Can we find a chance?"

"One thousand meters, there is still no one to follow." Fania continued her own words, ignoring the words of other people around her, "It's best not to have other ideas, the other party's speed is at least 100 meters in less than three seconds, very flexible. "

"I think that after seeing the other party, we can make a choice according to the situation. If the other party does not let us go, we have no reason to stand here and wait for him to be killed?" The speaker saw that his words did not receive a response, and he closed himself. Upper mouth.

"Here." As soon as Fania had finished speaking, a figure appeared in the gap in the silhouette of the ancient tree. After one or two breaths, a masked man stood ten meters in front of the four.

"Are you the last batch?" The masked man walked around and asked.

"Yes, there is no one behind." Gardner was about to speak, but Fania rushed to answer.

"In that case, please ask two questions first, please answer honestly, because it is about your lives." When speaking, the man observed the four people in front of him, especially their facial expressions. And Fania also captured extremely high-frequency sound pulses with extremely high intensity. "The first question, are you all prisoners who just came out of the prison? The second question, starting from the current time, you entered the prison. Time. Miss, let’s start with you."

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