Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1691: Collecting information (below)

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The four of them kept their postures and were surprised by the man's words and questions in front of them, but now the initiative is in the hands of the other party, and they can only do what the man said honestly.

Not only the other two, Gardner also had other ideas when he knew there was only one person. But when the opponent is standing in front of him, he can only know the fact that the opponent is standing there, and he can't feel anything else, he already knows the gap between himself and the opponent. As the captain of a mercenary, Gardner knows what circumstances can show that the gap between the two is too large. One is to feel the terrifying oppression from the other party, and directly make oneself lose the desire to fight and resist. The other is the current situation. You can't get any information through your own perception, you can only know that the other party is an operator.

Fania and Gardner were both imprisoned five years ago. The other two, men like fitness coaches, went three years ago. The last one was two years earlier than Gardner, seven years ago. Enter the prison.

"In this case..." The masked man subconsciously touched the position of his mask's chin, as if thinking, "You all have no potential threats. Congratulations in advance for saving your lives. It's just about the situation in the last few days. I need you to spend some time to elaborate."

The man lowered his hand, and Fania also noticed the extremely high-frequency sound waves emanating from her throat, the intensity of which made her feel dangerous. Fania opened her mouth, and when her body was about to make a dodge action before a step, a cloud of blood had already splashed beside Gardner.

There was no need for Fania to speak, and the remaining three people turned to avoid. And the corpse of the strong man also fell straight at this time.

"That's it, you don't need to come out, and you who are hiding behind the ancient tree can feel more at ease. As for why I killed this person alone, you don't need to know the reason." The three did not run far after hiding. The man waited for a while before speaking, "But you should have guessed a little bit in your heart. I suggest that your guessing ends here."

"Dear Sir, I don't think we have the information you want to know." After a brief silence, Gardner bit his head and spoke. There is an old tree away from the man, but he can still feel completely covering his sight, staring straight at him, making him extremely uncomfortable, "Now we don’t know the reason why we were released, we only understand that it must be Used as cannon fodder in the forefront of a certain task. As for what the task is, where we are going, and what we are going to do, the people in the Saint Royal Hall never told us on the airship.'Arrived at the destination, Let you do whatever you want', this is the only available information we have received."

"This point, the people who walked in front of you have already told me. What you said is the same, it seems that you are not lying." The man replied, "The third question, after you leave the prison and enter the airship During this period of time, have you noticed other actions in the Saint-Royal Hall? For example, the people in Saint-Royal Hall went to meet some powerful prisoners in the prison, such as these actions."

"I already know that the other two airships have been destroyed. I don't need to explain anything related to this later." The man reminded at last, "I hope to cooperate with my inquiry. Among the 27 people, the three of you are the most. Hope to survive."

"The other people..."

"They are all dead. The people who are walking in front of you are probably nervous because of the second type of biological attack, and have no idea of ​​talking to me. So I did not waste too much time to gain their understanding, that is The conversation didn't go well."

"Okay, please think about my problem." The man reminded afterwards.

"I might know a little bit." It was the person who entered seven years ago. "The bottom of the area where I was was the place where some powerful prisoners were held. I remember that there seemed to be less than five people, and I was taken out of the prison. Someone from the Saint Royal Hall had been there alone, and the formalities came down shortly afterward, and then the prison guards went there to release people. As for who it is, I don’t know this very well, but there is only one person."

"How do you feel about the person in the Saint Royal Hall who passed by alone?"

"It seems to be a manager of my prison. If I remember well, I have seen him three times. The official position is not clear, but it must be the middle level."

The man nodded and turned his head to look towards Gardner.

"What I know can be regarded as information about other actions... We were riding in a frigate-class airship, but during the take-off process, a cruiser-class airship ascended into the sky first, and its direction was roughly the same as ours. Nearly ten minutes later, it was in sight, and it gradually moved away from us later. But it was determined that it was not the route that caused it to head in the same direction as us. The destination should be the same."

"It was also from the prison? Or, the place where you took the airship was a meeting point, where thousands of prisoners gathered."

"It's all gathering there," Gardner replied.

The man fell silent, thinking about it for a while, and then he connected, "Let’s talk about other things. The first is about the injuries behind your back. Twenty-seven people have the same burns. I care more about them. In addition, after the airship crash-landed, What happened, please be sure to elaborate on this point."

The situation during this period of time is what the man wants to know in detail, and Gardner and the others are clear and they must be careful. Of course, what satisfied the man was the addition of Fania afterwards, probably because as a woman, her mind was more delicate, and what she said made men very interested.

"There isn't a bug, and the environment is extremely quiet, but you don't feel the oppression you should have as a local lord, or the smell left as a warning?" The man repeated some of the important points in Fania's words, afterwards Muttered to himself, "It seems that it has developed in the same direction that it was taught before. The original meaning should be to make it more The latter part of Gardner and others did not understand. But he didn't dare to ask at all and could only wait for the man's question.

"I roughly understand the whole process." After the man himself digested the information captured by the three people from different perspectives, he had a conclusion in his mind. "One more point, this lady. The short time before the dragon knight's breath attack, Did you see dozens of huge rocks falling down?"

"I'm sure, the reason why I left the defensive circle without hesitation at that time was because the sound wave pulse observed these things. The attack of the dragon knight... can be said to be completely unexpected."

"Then do you think the reason why the Dragon Knight attacked you is because of you, or some other reason?"

"Probably because the lord creature was near us and was noticed by the dragon knight in mid-air. The dragon's perception must be stronger than ours." Fania answered the man's question carefully. But she knew that this was not a problem, but that the man was answering them for them.

"That's it." Thinking was interrupted by the man's words, "First of all, thank you for your answer. In addition, if you want to live, I personally suggest that you should deviate from one direction and move forward to the evening and choose a good place. Killing a few creatures of the second category as food storage, then dug a hole at least forty to fifty meters deep, hiding in it, this is the best choice. As for the time, you will come out in two months, maybe It is possible to survive. The second-class creatures on this road are not something the three of you can deal with, let alone some of them have been given medicine by the Saint Royal Hall and become more aggressive."

"Are you really willing to let us go?" said Fania behind the old tree. Because the high-frequency sound waves have not disappeared, she knows how the man killed the person just now.

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