Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1692: Cassie Black's new weapons and full-scale war (part 1)

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"I don't care. You were caught by the people in the Holy Royal Hall later, and maybe it can help me to pass on the interference message." The man's answer didn't matter. He knew why this lady was worried. It was also the thought that suddenly flashed through his mind that stopped the steps he was about to take, "You remind me of another thing. Since you are not in a hurry, then answer a few more questions. As a reward , I can give you something."

The man put down his backpack and took out a few small bottles of potions: "The ones found in the Saint Royal Hall can eliminate the smell for a while. This should be very important to you."

"Excuse me, what is the problem?" Fania was very careful, the high-frequency sound waves disappeared from her perception, and her mood eased a little.

"It's very simple. You are the first person I have encountered whose ability to initiate surgery is sonic impulse. I have only seen this kind of ability on type 2 organisms before. According to your experience, a surgeon with this ability how many?"

Fania recalled quickly: "I was born as a mercenary, and the number of surgeries encountered was at least 10,000. Let me think that the base is 10,000, but only I can use sound pulses. In addition, among these 10,000 people, There are definitely no more than one hundred people who have undergone temperature-sensing surgery. I think only fifty people are acceptable. I don’t know who you are, sir, what kind of circle you are in, but just The environment of our mercenaries, temperature perception and the ability to develop heat-resistant surgery on both hands using pneumatic weapons can all be regarded as top development capabilities."

"Most of the surgical development is not muscle kinking, or rapid muscle proliferation. Surgical development related to perception requires a huge price, and it is difficult to buy all kinds of matching drugs." Gardner interjected, as Captain, he knows more about this aspect than Fania. He also wants to experience satisfying men’s mood and increase his chances of surviving. “Even the development of bone augmentation surgery, due to the limited resources of the corresponding medicine, few people complete the first stage. Many resources are available. Being controlled, there is no channel and network of connections, and if you don’t work for those powerful nobles, you can only go to the dark world to squat for opportunities. But such opportunities are rare, and people who get inside information take most of them. The person who made an appointment in advance will take a part, and it is completely unknown whether a little will be left."

"It turns out that this is the case, these things are so scarce?" The man thoughtfully, he thought of his own power, it seems that there has been no shortage of these resources, thinking that as long as the money is enough, he can get it, "Is it possible to understand that In the black market and the bounty system all over the empire, famous or powerful mercenaries and bounty hunters are more or less related to certain nobles?"

"It's not more or less, it definitely matters. Things in the dark world are very expensive, not to mention whether money is enough, even if the funds in hand are enough, most people will not be able to turn it down from the top."

The man nodded and placed the bottles of potions in his hands under his feet: "I won't delay your journey." He speeded up abruptly, ran forward, and quickly disappeared from the perception of the three.

After a minute, Fania repeatedly confirmed that the man had indeed left and that there were no other abnormalities around, and then exhaled heavily. Gardner and the other person were also relieved when they saw this. The three immediately picked up their weapons and equipment, and stood together beside the bottles of potion that the man had put down.

"Will there be other biological poisons attached to the bottle?" Among the three, the man who had been in prison for seven years spoke. Fania had already picked up a bottle, uncorked the bottle, and spilled the potion on herself.

"He doesn't need to kill us in this way, it's meaningless." Fania said, "If you don't need it, I will put it all away." The man waved his hand quickly when he saw this, and still poured a bottle. On myself.

"Then..." Fania looked at Gardner, waiting for his judgment.

"Follow his words. If you can advance here alone, this strength is not comparable to ours. You have also seen his weapons and equipment, all of which are cold weapons. Doing close combat with second-class creatures, no Shoot the bullets, I won't do it." Gardner turned his head, looked in the direction of the man's disappearance, and sighed, "The other party will prey on the people of the Saint Royal Hall. We dare not imagine."

"The captain, why do you think he let us go without..."

"It has something to do with the time of imprisonment. This is easy to think of. There can be no other reasons. A point in time between three to five years is a limit. If you exceed this limit, you may guess his identity? I think so. Yes, otherwise he wouldn’t be wearing a mask. It’s only been five years, and I don’t know what has changed in the Empire.

"First think of a way to get out of the forest alive."


After confirming the next action of the three people behind him in the sound wave, Cassia took off the mask and revealed a thinking face.

The three people filled in the information he needed. The first few batches of people cannot be regarded as not cooperating with his inquiry, only that there are more people with other ideas. In addition, the trio's voluntary surrender was completely beyond Cassia's expectations, and he did not expect this to happen. It just doesn't affect your actions, and you have the right to pass by to clear a group of enemies.

"None of the three frigate-class airships reached their destination. The information given by the hacker yesterday was not the action he commanded, nor was it from Kira Andy's side. It seems that it was another person who entered the venue. If you can know the identity , It’s even better to get in touch.” After linking and sorting the information, Cassia got a general idea of ​​what happened in the last few days.

Of course, the most concerned is the area where Cassiehei is. With the information obtained from the last three people, Cassia determined what the abnormal breath he felt during the evening yesterday. That was the feeling of dragons, brought by dragons patrolling high above was nearby at that time. The reason why the dragon knight will directly attack with breath is that It is sensing that there are threats around. The huge rock block,,, it can be inferred that Cassiehei has gone a long way in the skill of digging underground crypts. "I remembered that when I came here to look for Cassiehe before, it had already learned to dig a hole and hide under the ground. For a long time, I don't know how skilled Cassiehe was with this skill.

Cassia knew that Cassiehe should be in a state of fear. The dragon knight's breath comes from mid-air. For Cassiehe, who has been attacked by airships since birth, does not have himself by his side. Attacks from the sky will make it instinctively scared, let alone that the opponent is also a dragon.

The other important message is that the Flame Alliance and Cassia and the others guessed it, and joined the incident. Cassia also faintly felt that the opponent dispatched a dragon knight, probably also prepared to deal with him. Fania and the three only know that the breath comes from the dragon knight, but Cassia can basically judge that the dragon knight attacking them will not be an adult based on the size of the damage they described, and their injuries. The effective damage range spreading three kilometers is not very large. But this probably also has something to do with whether the opponent uses his full strength.

"The Flame Alliance is a dragon knight, and the Saint Royal Hall is No. 0 plus the experimental team. It seems that there are some powerful criminals. Will ,,, be kinetic armor on the Far Sea Common Country?" Cassia thought. He didn't worry about these things at all, because it was not very threatening. The heads of No. 0 and the test subject are shortcomings, and the kinetic armor cannot stop the sharpness of the second-generation holy sword. As for the dragon knight of the Flame Alliance, after seeing Cassiehei, Cassia believed that naturally there would be a way to deal with it. Domesticated captive dragons are inherently inferior to wild species.

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