Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1697: World Tree Wreck and Vision (Part 2)

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The wind pressure became huge, and the main branch of the World Tree was about to fall to the location of Cassia. Cassia clearly knows that this is an illusion, a fragment of the scene left over from the ancient history for various reasons, but at this moment it is inevitable that there is a feeling of palpitation. That branch was too huge, and it was nothing wrong to regard it as a substantial sky.

I still try to keep my eyes open. Every picture and existence here may have hidden information, which can become some nodes in the future, connecting clues that are not connected one by one, to answer his increasing questions.

The downward pressure squeezed the air, making it heavier than iron. Cassia didn't understand why he could feel so real and clear at this moment. His eyes were under tremendous pressure, and the moment the blade-like atmosphere reached his eyes, his vision suddenly turned black.

But at that moment, Cassia still captured something about the main branches of the World Tree that was about to fall-the hidden red charcoal-like flames have magical life, and they are more like a kind of self-carrying extremely high After the fire was extinguished, the mildew organisms attached to the world tree, using the branches as nutrients, while multiplying and exuding extremely high heat, it corroded everything in the world tree a little bit. And near these hidden red flame "mold", there appeared creatures recorded on the stone paintings.

It looks dry and thin, but it can only be described as a delicate body, pointed ears, human hair, and most importantly, two, four, or six wings spread out behind them The thin and transparent wings.

Although they were injured with mysterious protection, they did not all die in the fire. The numbers are extremely scarce, and the surviving ones are all surrounded by the faint red flame "mold", helping the collapsed World Tree to extinguish the flames attached to its branches.

The main branch fell down, and Cassia didn't feel any pain, only a sense of fatigue came from everywhere, and then the mental body couldn't support it at all, and she fell asleep.


"Don't you think that this kind of thing can avoid my detection? In today's world, there is no more equipment that can stop our level of spiritual body. If you want to, pay attention to the surrounding movement at any time, not only My place, as far away as the vortex of the extreme sea, as well as the depths of the endless sea, as long as you are close to the rhizome of the World Tree remaining in the veins, you can actively enter and see the same scene. Don’t be clever, the arrival time of the six red stars is very It's short, you can only watch if you don't have enough preparation."

"This time is not the right time. The only opportunity has disappeared as early as the ancient history. The power of the red star is about to be completely exhausted. Perhaps the creature that left last time actively interfered with the operation of the red star, so that it can operate indefinitely. It has a problem, so that the world becomes what it is now. This is not what you hoped for, Manicoroa. I can help you and help this world restore the original power of the red star."

"Do you remember how many times you said the same thing? I definitely won't believe you, no need to say it. You just need to know that I have the power to suppress any of your actions, even if it will pay some price, but I am It doesn’t matter.” In the deep blue area above the sky, the cruiser-class airships can’t completely defend against the heavy and sharp winds. A huge and luxuriant canopy of trees exists here in a very stable manner, unaffected by high-speed and powerful hurricanes. Impact.

In the middle of this vast canopy, perhaps the new world tree rose up when it was growing up, or the dragons who later lived here worked together-a huge rock is like a lonely giant island in the deep sea, covered by this canopy The bottom of the layered wrapper, like a nest built by dragons, is not affected by the slightest, and becomes an empty island that only a few people know.

There is a huge rock column similar to a mountain peak in the center of the sky island, which is covered with unknown rust and blood-colored moss. On the platform at the top of the stone pillar, Manicoroa curled up, closing his eyes, as if resting.

"I will not leave. It has nothing to do with whoever of you wants to leave, who wants to try this opportunity. My duty is to continue to grow, gradually connect all the rhizomes left by the world tree in ancient history, and pull back little by little. The land plate lost in the ocean reproduces the prosperity of the continental group."

"Then re-enact the age of gods, you become the first god?" Manicoroa was talking to him in the spiritual world, "The rhizomes left by the world tree in ancient history, indeed, most of the rhizomes remain active. As long as you find a way, you can activate them. But your thoughts are too idealistic. First of all, you don’t consider whether other continents have bred new life for a long time, but only consider the distance. This is an impossible thing. The formation of the continent group does not rely on the world tree. The role of the world tree is only to exist as an institution to stabilize the continental plate after the construction of the continent group is completed. There are many other institutions that cooperate with the world to ensure the stability of the continent group! "

"Moreover, UU reading, do you still think that the disappearance of the continent group is only planned by the guy under the extreme sea vortex?"

"I didn't think so, but that guy definitely participated in it. The force exerted on him will only weaken when the mainland group collapses and leaves, so that he can survive in time instead of dying at the set final time. During the collapse of the continent group, some of them have self-consciousness that wants to break away from this mode and are unwilling to connect with other lands. But most of them are definitely not willing to leave.

"I'm going to repeat the issue we've been arguing for so long. I'm not interested. You can think about it slowly." Monique Roja's voice suddenly became lazy, "Recently, be quiet. If you get along with each other in peace, I think the time can be extended a lot later. If you don’t want to, as I said earlier, I don’t mind paying the price."

"As soon as the things under the extreme sea vortex come out, you will definitely pay the price."

"The price is the same, but my price is definitely much lower than yours. But here is good news. People from the other two continents seem to think they can handle that thing. For a period of time, we can watch their performances. I think those guys from the whales are also willing to see this kind of thing, although they still have to rely on them in the end. But the whales have shown that they don’t care about the human conditions on the land. How long will they stand up? This question will There are many sayings."

The World Tree stopped talking, withdrew from the spiritual world of Manicoroa, and lost its voice. Manicoroa opened his eyes at this time, turned his head and glanced at the side, then closed his eyes and continued to rest. When nothing happened, he was always like this. In many cases, he was just like the stone pillar underneath him, motionless for several months, or even years.

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