Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1698: The Great Sword, the Ancient Tree and the Trends of Various Parties (Part 1)

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After opening her eyes and taking a long and deep breath, Cassia felt much better in her chest.

"Kaxihei dragged himself up?" Not far from him was that nearly vertical downward cave. Although invisible, Cassia could feel the moist hot air flowing slowly in the cave network. If there is light, a piece of steaming heat should be visible above the cave.

"I don't know how long it took to sleep this time." Sitting up, Cassia raised his hand subconsciously and tapped on the mechanical watch. In expectation, the faint fluorescent flicker, Cassia couldn't help but admire the benefits of money. In addition to the disadvantages of valuable things being a little more expensive, there are indeed reasons for their expensiveness in other aspects.

The mechanical watch can still work normally. Originally, Cassia had assumed that it would be damaged directly under the depth of the cave. After all, the pressure built up by groundwater at altitude is enough. Recalling the scene of the last time he watched time, Cassia realized that it was close to a day since he and Cassie entered the cave.

Completely within an acceptable range, Cassia still has a long time to act alone, so don't worry about it. Touching the clothes at this time, Cassia found that it had been dried by the temperature conducted by the ground.

At this moment, whether it is deep in the cave or the underground lair of Cassiehei, it is the same as it said. Destroy a little of that thing, it's really warm here. However, the temperature of the warm ocean is close to 90 degrees Celsius. The reason why the air current can circulate in the network of underground holes is also powered by this heat wave.

"It seems that it is a wreck of the World Tree, which was left in the rock formations and was later found by these tree roots." Cassia got up and moved his body while sorting out the information in the illusion. He has a feeling, which is not yet certain at present, but has a basis similar to intuition.

It is experience, but this experience is only one time. The last time the illusion relied on the swallowing method to corrode Cassie Hei's body and gain control. It's just that the first time the illusion didn't have such a huge consumption. At that time, it seemed to have gone through a long time in the illusion, and it was only a momentary thing to correspond to the reality. But this time, time is almost synchronized, not to mention, the consumption of one's own spirit must be huge.

Cassia believes that his often overflowing spirit should stand among the top group of people at the same stage. Unless he exercises and fights with high intensity for a long time, he will not feel tired. In addition, Cassia also felt that the real reason why he would withdraw from the world of illusion when the main branch of the world tree fell down, the real reason might not be that the scene has only such a period, but that his own spirit cannot support him to stay.

Combining the above information and thinking about all kinds of unusual situations when he entered the southern forest this time, Cassia came to a conclusion that he guessed-this time the illusion is probably different from that of Cassiehei. If Cassiehe said that it was passively triggered by the swallowing method, then this time it was most likely due to some reasons, actively triggered.

This may explain why I feel tired. Passive triggering is just to receive some influences without too much operation. It is as simple as someone handing over a file and reaching out to take it by yourself. But to take the initiative, Cassia combined her feelings in her dreams several times. It is probably that she has entered the spiritual world of other creatures. To maintain the connection, both parties need to pay basically the same energy to maintain it.

"If this is the case, the vision in the illusion will definitely hide some important information. The master of the spiritual world wants me to see these scenes and know some important clues from them. What would it be?"

Cassia knew that within a short time, he could not get the answer. He is more or less accustomed to such things. Fortunately, all the scenes in the illusion were stored in his brain in the form of a large number of pictures, and he could call for observation at any time when needed.

When moving her body, Cassia did not forget to "visit" this warm nest of Cassiehei-in essence, it is a larger cavity dug out in the ground, except for one place where Cassiehe curled up to sleep. In addition to the shallow pits, there are more or less items in other spaces.

Most of them were huge, nearly square rocks, which reminded Cassia of the throwing objects that the four prisoners had said when he met. In addition, almost all of them are sword-shaped rocks that were made by Cassie Hei as a long sword, and the rusty machine wreckage that Cassie found from nowhere. Cassia identified some, including the skeleton of the empty boat and flying Hull fragments on the empty boat These wrecks were squeezed by Cassie Hei, trying to become a sword-shaped state, but without the temperature, after all, they could not follow Cassie Hei's idea to become the giant sword that Cassie He wanted to fit its body size.

While waiting for Cassiehei to return, Cassia has been studying the strange words and symbols on the sword-shaped rocks. Some of them have appeared in the six-pointed star patterns I have seen, and Cassia thinks they have a certain It was night time when Cassie came back. Going down to the hole with it to retrieve the second-generation holy sword inserted on the wreck of the World Tree, Cassia did not continue to waste time, and went to the airship that forced landing with Cassie.

It is expected that it will take more than half a day, Cassia thought. However, whether you use the airship's shell to make a temporary sword for Cassie Black, or tell Cassie Black about the next thing-how it can help yourself, what you need to pay attention to, etc., it is all necessary A buffer time transition.

Knowing that the Flame Alliance had also joined, Cassia increasingly wanted to find clues to figure out what the enemy's true purpose was in this incident. This is probably very important, because knowing the purpose of the other party can make rational use according to this purpose, create traps, develop countermeasures and so on.

In this way, Cassia used the second-generation holy sword to cut open the hull of the airship little by little, while using the simplest language to lighten the standing eyes, staring straight at her Cassie Hei. Things to pay attention to next. In the end, it also simulates how the situation will change after the Flame Alliance joins in, how to deal with it, how to play its role in all aspects, help themselves, and also help them reduce casualties and maximize their benefits. .

"The next communication is at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. After the information of the Flame Alliance is determined, the team should also be adjusted." Cassia muttered to himself, "Need to let him step up time to prepare a large number of small bottles. I'm fine, others. When a person encounters a team of the Flame Alliance, the fighting power of the second-class creature is not so easy to deal with. But fortunately, the opponent does not know his own details, his own blood, or Cassie’s blood, both of these things It can largely inhibit the attacks of the second-class creatures."

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