Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1699: The Great Sword, the Ancient Tree and the Trends of Various Parties (Part Two)

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For a long time, Cassia, who knows more about his own characteristics, is less worried about enemies of the Flame Alliance. Many times he would rationalize the utopian like a dream-if the empire becomes a flame alliance, will the situation at this moment, status and status, processing speed and convenience of various things, etc., all become simple due to their own characteristics? Fast.

The second-class creatures are not only the advantage of the Flame Alliance, but also their fatal flaw. The Flame Alliance will use potions to make up for the defects, but after making up, it is still the nature of the defect and it is impossible to completely make up.

"When the Weber Arms Company joins, the kinetic armor of the Common State of the Far Seas will probably also have countermeasures and will not become a huge threat. It is said that the first weapon development to deal with kinetic armor was done by the Avalon organization, but later on The top research institutes in China have signed many agreements. Not only the countermeasures against kinetic armor but also other war machines have been distributed to the major companies within the empire. Weber Arms is the main force among them." The whole rough sword-shaped embryo is completely cut out by Cassia. With a roar, Cassia sighed when there was no movement on the side, and then cut a large piece of steel down, grabbed it with both hands and threw it high into the sky, letting it fall accurately on the sleeping Cassiehe in a parabola.

"Cassiehei's living environment is still too comfortable. The powerful second-class creatures in the deep forest will subconsciously march to the central area, seeking opportunities for strength growth and re-evolution. This is the case in almost all extreme regions. Take other creatures as nourishment, and at the same time take oneself as nourishment. However, in the southern forests, dragons often appear in the central area. Needless to say, young dragons, even adult dragons, will be preyed by powerful second-class creatures. Dangerous. If Cassiehe stays here, sooner or later he will lose the advantage of wild species in a comfortable environment. But continue to go inside..."

Cassie Hei got up and said "Ah...", his huge eyes lit up in the darkness, full of confusion. Seeing Cassia staring straight at it, she instantly felt energetic and excited.

Seeing this, Cassia shook her head. He was not at ease for Cassiehei, and let it continue toward the center of the forest rashly. It is very likely that he will not be able to find its bones when he comes back next time. You must know that no matter where you are, on which continent, the main source of Ultra Alloy is dragon bones. In the second category of creatures, in order to enhance their own strength, most of them will concentrate their very few extremely alloy components on their teeth or claws.

For humans, in order to maintain sustainable development, the general method of extracting ultra-superalloys is to rely on the unrestricted secretion of keratinocytes by dragons. The content is dozens of times less than that of bones, but as long as the food supply is sufficient, it can continue to flow like transactions. And in terms of the extraction method, the labor and technical skills of the keratinocytes are a little simpler.

"I can only wait for myself to have free time later, and make a special trip to the Southern Forest to practice, and bring Cassie with him." Of course, this is also Cassia's plan afterwards. Combat experience needs to be accumulated, and many surgical development capabilities need to be further improved. Regarding the sonic impulse and sound-related matters, Cassia has a clue. However, the intervention of the biosensing position is required, so the subsequent practice will mostly focus on the biosensing position.

"It's not looking back, or thinking about the future, not living for the present." Cassia remembered a sentence in the book, and when she sighed, let Cassie help and take the embryo of the giant sword from the airship. Remove the shell and put it aside.

The next thing is a work that requires careful attention. Cassia hopes to rest the temporary giant sword a little bit to make it both sharp and beautiful.


"These three dragon knights, it's okay to leave them all to you?" McGerry stood up by the ancient tree, looking at the famous historical relics in the museum, with a sense of awe in his eyes. He gently touched the cracked pale bark of the ancient tree in front of him, as if he had discovered a secret on it, without hiding his thoughts, "As a reward, the two lent to you by the Chilaandi family You don’t need to return the dagger. I’ll take care of it. In addition, if what you said is true, after getting a few samples of uranium gold from Cassia’s hands, you can get two pieces to help the organization’s red light Emilia explained. As for the Holy Emperor, whether he can survive until the war comes, it has now become a question. The Holy Father and the Holy State handed over, and confirmed to join the plan of the Holy State and Nature Association alliance. Later on the Holy Royal Hall. The control, will no longer tolerate the voice of the Holy Emperor."

"The Saint Royal Hall has no future. It may be fine in 20 or 30 years, but once the number of generations in the ordinary world increases, the forces of the Quartet have to remove its influence. This is something that any family is good at."

"In addition, for the three dragon knights you just mentioned, this reward is not enough." Next to him, Li Suman, who arrived not long ago, took off the alloy mask and revealed the face that had been undressed. "The three dragon knights are It means that there are three dragons with roughly the same strength. Six of them are still very stressed."

"Is it just stressful?" McGree was curious, and looked at Li Suman who spoke easily.

"Isn't it the same for you and Hilda?" This time it was Li Suman's turn to be puzzled. "Let's not talk about this. Maybe it's just because I can use the power of the giant whale. It is more convenient to counter dragons. So I feel nothing. In fact, it is very difficult." Li Suman did not forget to add.

"In addition, the organization and Hongmang, giving her the uranium gold sample is not a reward for me. If the organization gets the result, you can also get huge benefits." Li Suman, who went to McGerry, looked at her likewise. The bark of the former ancient tree, "To tell you the news about uranium gold, I have been thinking about it for a long, long time. I originally wanted to witness and enjoy this joy McGlyry laughed:" Without Miss Hilda and me, you can only get one result for Cassia's way of doing things-being hacked to death by the returning captain with a holy sword. But you don't have to worry about it being painful. The commander has always done things very simply and will not torture you. It is probably just one or two swords that you will be completely evaporated. Just like the knight of the round table from the Kira Andi family. Don’t underestimate the team leader. Having the most top-notch power is to be able to do so. It’s not like we have to collect complete information before and after in order to kill a five-stage surgeon, and formulate a response to various situations. Plan, and invite several people who specialize in different directions to ensure that the plan can be implemented smoothly. "

"Ah...This matter..." couldn't answer at once. In the empire, Li Suman was really only afraid of crazy girls. Because no matter how other people targeted her, she was confident that she could escape.

"By the way, if I can tell Cassia and ask her to intercede for me..." Li Suman suddenly found the only password, and a look of interest suddenly appeared on his face. "If you control Cassia, can you? How much affects your team leader’s work afterwards..."

"Your thoughts are dangerous." McGerry's eyes were sharp, and his hand touching the bark stopped. "How do you control it?"

"Well..." Li Suman was thinking, "Body, money, etc." She really couldn't figure it out, "Forget it, he doesn't seem to lack these."

"Don't talk about this." Li Suman took the initiative to change the subject, and stopped talking about the reward. "I didn't say in the communication that I asked you to find time to come here because the help provided by the organization Hongmang came from the empire and the army. Ministry. I don’t know what your opinion on this matter? When did the military department have such an ambition?"

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