Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1700: The Great Sword, the Ancient Tree and the Trends of Various Parties (Part 2)

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Macquarie was observing Li Suman's expression and thinking about what she meant by her words: "How to say? Shouldn't there be a bit of preface?"

"It's not to be guaranteed this time. I spent a lot of energy asking Hongmang for some support. I originally thought that one or two more ordinary five-stage surgeons would come over to help gather the number of people and hold the enemy's side. People who don’t want to fight but have to show up. The two of them play together, which will not destroy our plan, but also achieve the effect we want. Hongmang said that he has told my contact information. She gave her the so-called support. Just yesterday, these supporters finally contacted me. Out of curiosity, I met somewhere on the edge of the forest. At the same time, it was a general plan and what they could do. ."

"After that, you should have imagined it." Li Suman spread his hands, expressing her helplessness, "Isn't it a member of the military department? Actually, I haven't seen it from that face all the time. Plus, I have contacted the military department several times. The star-rated fighters remember clearly the unique temperament of them."

"But, the most important thing is that they always seem to think I know their identity." The expression on Li Suman's face is wonderful, as if she saw something that she had never seen or imagined." It's a small team, three in five stages, and the rest are in four stages. I remember not long after we talked, they explained their identities directly, and asked me to pay attention to them when arranging tasks, not the kind that easily reveal their identity Things, otherwise you will be exposed to your identity, maybe facing your boss is uncomfortable..."

"What is the strength? Are there any features worth noting?" McGerry, who laughed because of Li Suman's words, suppressed his smile at the moment and asked, "If you can speak like this, the other seven people are all developing towards the line of star warriors. Rather than taking the route of Lieutenant General and Admiral."

Li Suman roughly described what she had observed, and McGerry shook his head after hearing it. As the deputy patriarch of the Kira Andi family, he also held important positions in the clan even when Tovelest was the patriarch, and he knew much more about the military than Li Suman. And it's not limited to the empire and military department. As far as the capacity of the information in his head is concerned, Macquarie may be several times that of Li Suman.

"The opponent is just a star warrior. This kind of performance is completely within a reasonable range." McGerry later explained, "The empire has never lacked careerists, it just lacks successful careerists. Why the empire and the military have been listed by the four forces. As a list of dangerous things, it is strictly forbidden not to get involved with them from top to bottom. Part of the reason is that you see the star warlords."

"I don't have any brains, all my energy is used to increase my strength?" Li Suman asked, "but the seven of them attacked together, and there is not much threat to me, it feels."

Macquarie sighed and shook his head: "Not only in the empire, you will extend the scope to the entire post-phase road. You are also among the top group of people. The number of people in this group will not exceed fifty. People, and still count the entire post-phase continent. If the three star warlords you mentioned are about the same as you, there is no need to plan for this event."

"Do you really don't know how strong you are, or do you always mean it on purpose? Take me to find happiness? Maybe you have such a bad taste that makes others praise you invisibly." McGerry Very serious inquiry.

Li Suman shook his head naturally: "Not long after the last war, I became a priest and ran to the tundra. The information on the empire and the post-phase continent was gradually supplemented afterwards. Got it. I wonder if it should be normal?"

"Don't talk about this, just as you please." McGerry, who didn't intend to continue the discussion on it, changed the subject. "The star war will be one aspect, but the empire and the military are more valued by the four forces. All four-star and five-star generals of the army. Not to mention here, the marshals are mostly involuntary people. People who can truly stand firm as marshals will only appear during the war period. Later, whether it is the military department. In itself, the forces of the Quartet, or the Imperial Assembly, are unwilling to see a dominant marshal appear."

"Among these four-star and five-star generals, there are the careerists you just mentioned. There are many people who gather strength and brains. In addition to the environment of the empire and the military department, because there is a collection of forces in itself during the war. After they regain their rights, they will be the most dangerous person. And the person who has contact with Hongmang, or who has been giving resources to the organization in the dark, will definitely be one of the four-star and five-star generals."

"Good thing or bad news?"

"We need to see what the other person’s ambitions McGerry doesn’t look like someone who wants to talk more about this topic," but at least one piece of news can be considered good, but this It is also due to luck. McGlyl looked at Li Suman, "You are the person who is in contact with Hongmang, and the person who enters the other party's line of sight must also be you. Depending on your strength and your consistent reputation and impression within the empire, the other party probably won't have any thoughts about you. This is good news. "

"You mean, people don't have a good impression of me?"

"You pretended this on purpose?" McGerry smiled, "I will think about this information. Even I don't want to get involved with people in the military. Reasonable people only focus on stars. Among the rank generals, it’s one thing for other members of the military to have no brains. Most of them are lunatics. It’s another thing and an established fact. If you have a relationship with them, you can become a powerful weapon if you can control it. , ”

"The three dragon knights will be pleased to you. Not long ago, for various reasons, you failed to fully let go of the Knights of the Round Table, there will be no restrictions in the Southern Forest. Ye Jielin can be used as an item and can be obtained and lost. It won’t cause any loss of interest. But Cassia, you understand the importance. With the head, no matter what the situation, everything is based on the premise that Cassia is alive. Once there is a problem with him, you don’t have to expect me to be What can I do to help. The commander cuts me with one or two swords. You won't be able to get away if you get the time for these two swords."

"In addition, I hope that the control of Cassia you said is just a joke, don't have this kind of thinking." McGerry reminded, Li Suman nodded, indicating that he knew.

"Then there is one last thing left." Li Suman naturally continued, and looked at the ancient branches in front of him with McGlyry.

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