Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1710: Fiery Body (Part 1)

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Cassia set the short-term goal on the utilization of solid red mercury in the body. There is no specific data on the amount of energy contained in solid red mercury. According to rumors, its energy is at least a thousand times that of a standard glow tube. The energy produced by a standard white limestone can be used in a non-industrial city for about one and a half years, while the standard glow tube is roughly equivalent to about one-fifth of the standard white limestone energy. In this simple calculation, the amount of energy contained in solid red mercury is almost as if it is almost not exhausted.

The degree of utilization is indeed increasing with the growth of body and strength, but now Cassia still feels that he can't keep up with the rate of consumption. Leaving aside the unfamiliar biological inductive stress field for the time being, most of the physical energy consumed in a long-term high-intensity battle has to be provided by itself. The solid red mercury can only be regarded as an auxiliary function.

I hope to find a more efficient way to use it, otherwise Cassia believes that even if the body is transplanted full of solid red mercury, it is still a form of waste that can not be used by guarding a lot of precious things.

The clue lies in Casey Black. Cassia remembered that when he was in the Brino area, the rebirth dragon used red mercury more than a hundred times more than himself. There does not seem to be any restriction on the energy drawn from the solid red mercury, and it is completely released according to the degree and how much it needs.

After calming down to study Cassie Hei's body, Cassia discovered that the solid red mercury that was given to Cassie Hei nearly two years ago had already been absorbed by it, and completely lost its trace in its body.

Attention was focused on the solid red mercury that was only fed to Cassie Black. Under the effect of the penetration of high-frequency sound pulses, Cassía's information was very limited. So I said to Cassiehei, of course it didn't count, it was just a simple hello unilaterally. After Cassie got the control of the body, all the energy was concentrated.

The solid red mercury in Cassie Black's body has moved. Although he didn't understand the principle, Cassia determined that Cassiehe had swallowed red mercury into his stomach. Examining its body again, it was found that the position of the red mercury was on Cassie's chest.

Just as the chest position naturally leaves a fixed groove for the red mercury, the red mercury has a mosaic-like form and is just right there. Not far from it was Cassiehe's huge heart beating vigorously. Where the red mercury is located, although there is no larger aortic blood vessel, from the perspective of inspection, small blood vessels are everywhere, like countless fine tentacles derived from the arteries and the heart feeling the red mercury by themselves. Encapsulated by mercury, its number density reaches ten times that of weaker locations.

Continue to observe the surrounding tissues, especially some small places, and a long period of investigation will begin.

The next day, except for the time when the contact was opened in the morning, Cassia devoted all his energy to analysis. There is only one thing that needs to be analyzed. After setting the starting point, the workload seems to be huge, but Cassia, who is completely relaxed, does not insist on what he can get in the expected three days. There is good news, this is the goal he set for himself.

In the evening, Cassia basically understood the general situation of a whole piece of solid red mercury. In a state of half-knowledge, you will get a lot of results if you continue to study it carefully, but every little bit hides a lot of information. He has no biological basis at all. He only relies on a little basic biological knowledge. When analyzing, many structures seem familiar, but in fact I don't understand its function at all. Apart from lamenting that it is the structure that the second type of creatures have evolved to adapt to various environments for a long time, Cassia is completely unable to analyze and complete any detail.

Another day passed, and Cassia changed his strategy and turned to feel.

The process of analyzing the structure, Cassia believes that it is almost the same as when he tried to enter the third stage of surgery. However, when entering the third stage, the analysis is about one's own body, which has a natural sense of familiarity, and whether it is size or organs, a large part of it is not out of the human category, and it is not extremely complicated.

The dragon's body structure does make Cassia feel like discovering a new world. But this feeling is vague and untouchable.

On the one hand, I sighed that in terms of scientific research, it is true that as long as an operator has a stronger brain, he can surpass ordinary people. On the other hand, Cassia began to experience different feelings around the solid red mercury in the dragon body.

After feeling the fiery torrent that always existed in his chest, Cassia thought he had found the right direction. Then he began to penetrate into this feeling. In a slow time, as the solid red mercury was continuously absorbed by Cassie Black's body, Cassia seemed to find a more critical point.

"Compared with myself, the form of dragons absorbing red mercury..." In the network of burrows, Cassia leaned on a rock. In the dark, he held a red mercury on his abdomen with his hand, then pulled out a tactical knife, and took it out after breaking his skin. Cassiehei smelled something delicious, and after an "Ah" sound, she immediately felt energetic, and her breath became stronger with excitement.

"It's not for you." Cassia gave a sentence, UU reading www.uukanshu. com knocked off Cassie's excitement.

"There is a substance in dragon blood, which can act like a corrosive drug and has a mold-like effect. It can be directly adsorbed on the surface of solid red mercury, and red mercury is used as a nutrient to decompose it into fine particles. These particles will be used as nutrients. The substance is absorbed by the surrounding dense blood vessels, and then enters the heart or giant arteries, and circulates throughout the body. "The only useful information that Cassia got is here.

"But there is no similar substance in my body, and this method has no effect on me..." muttered, an alternative idea appeared in Cassia's head.

"No one has said that solid red mercury will lose energy when it is cut into small pieces. There is no such idea before. The main reason is that the efficiency of red mercury absorption is calculated based on the volume of red mercury. If so. The volume of red mercury can be even larger, which means that the heat flow of energy will increase..., but this idea may be wrong..., the absorption efficiency is not the size of the red mercury, but the quantity... Situation, it may also be related to the size of the area in contact with flesh and blood..."

Called Cassiehei, Cassia must be smiling in the dark. He needs to try-if he cuts a solid red mercury into several small pieces and then implants them in the body...

Perhaps the energy and heat flow released by a small piece of red mercury will weaken a little, but will their total double directly? This is an alternative method. When there is no mold-like substance in the dragon, the physical properties of the solid red mercury turn into particles and "sprinkle" it into the body. Can a similar effect be achieved?

A few minutes later, Cassia took a solid red mercury and stood in front of a rock that was cut in half, using it as a cutting board for cutting vegetables, ready to start the experiment.

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