Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1711: Fiery body (middle)

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Solid red mercury is only as thick as an adult's thumb. After a brief thought, Cassia first tried to cut a slice with the second-generation holy sword. One is to determine the approximate degree of toughness and brittleness, and the other is to use this small piece to do the most basic experiment first to prevent the red mercury from wasting when the guess is not true. But it can't be wasted, Cassie has been staring at the side, Cassia can see the magnified reflection of red mercury in his eyes. As for what is delicious and delicious, Cassie Black has enough "strength" to be a connoisseur.

With the second-generation holy sword breaking a hole in his body, Cassia gently stuffed the cut red mercury flakes in. Pinching the wound with his hand, Cassia sitting down first felt the amount of heat released by the remaining red mercury, and when the flakes began to be accepted by the body, a warm energy weakened by less than one-fifth The flesh and blood flowing around the slices gather into a stream, and then, like the energy and heat flow released by other red mercury, most of it is transferred to the nearest blood vessel and circulates throughout the body, while a small part is absorbed by the surrounding flesh and blood. And there is very little heat flow, as if with self-consciousness, they enter the energy circulation route that appears when the biological inductive stress field is used.

This circular route gave Cassia a weak feeling, but when I feel it carefully, it is real. The heat flow is like nurturing this circular route and gradually making it grow stronger.

"It still takes time for this energy circulation route to take shape." Cassia muttered to himself, "Wait until it can be seen as clearly as its own blood vessels, and a large amount of energy matter is constantly circulating in it. Perhaps at that moment, not only can it be more In order to use the bio-inductive stress field conveniently and arbitrarily, and also allow me to truly transition to the fourth stage?" Of course, this is just a guess. Cassia, who is currently in the early stage of the third stage, did not know much about the fourth stage of surgery. Compared with the large base of surgeons, there are very few high-level surgeons with more than four stages.

The huge torrent reached the fourth stage, and its exit suddenly became smaller, too small to allow almost any material to pass through. Even if there are a lot of detailed information on entering the fourth stage and the transition from the third stage to the fourth stage, but truly becoming a four-stage surgeon, he has entered the ranks of high-level surgeons, and for a long time after the operation, it is somewhat like one Kind of luck game.

In every power and family, no matter what stage they are called geniuses, the expectations given to them are mostly the late stage three, thinking that they can stand in the ranks of the elite within the three stages and reach the top of the pyramid in the low-level surgery stage. After all, many things do need such a powerful three-stage surgeon to complete.

As for the advancement to the fourth stage, no one seems to be able to guarantee. Even the elites and various geniuses will encounter various problems here.

"Except for the appearance of a human after the fourth stage, it is no longer a human being inside. The reproductive isolation of the fourth stage surgeon from ordinary humans and low-level surgeons can illustrate this point well. But the fourth stage Suddenly more problems were involved among the surgeons after that. However, Cassia thought that many high-ranking members of the twenty-third princely family of the empire would still have teenage children when they were over a hundred years old, and determined that the high-level surgeons should be of the same species.

"Ordinary humans, low-level surgeons, followed by high-level surgeons, and finally a brand-new second type of biological species. The change in birth level is roughly like this." Cassia didn't think this circulation route was completely formed. I can naturally go to the fourth stage. Although his physique is special, he is more inclined to the cycle route, which is a benefit that special physique brings to himself in advance.

Without continuing to think about the four stages, Cassia concentrated on solid red mercury. Continuously feeling for nearly two hours, the output energy of the red mercury flakes was extremely stable, without any fluctuations, which made Cassia happy from his heart.

Comparing the volume of the red mercury flakes and the remaining red mercury, a standard surgical anatomy has appeared in front of Cassia. In just a moment, Cassia had already based on the blood circulation path, the position of the main arteriovenous blood vessels, and the nodes of various organs and muscles, etc., combined with many factors, where should the small cuts be placed. There is already a general plan for solid red mercury.

Cutting and re-implanting are the simplest tasks. In order to be safe, Cassia slowed down the speed of implanting small roots of solid red mercury. Because he needs to consider the possible impact on himself if the amount of energy heat flow increases.

A whole solid red mercury can be cut into 16 parts by Cassia. In about an hour, Cassia completed the implantation with four small roots on each limb. After staying here for a while, there were sudden warm heat sources on both hands and feet, which really made Cassia feel strange at first.

What Cassia is most worried about is whether the increase in the amount of heat flow of these energy will affect his control of the body. After some simple activities, Cassia felt that the strength and explosive strength were indeed increasing because of these heat flows. The prerequisite for fine control is the familiarity with the body. Cassia is worried that after the solid red mercury is completely cut and then implanted, there will be a short-term regression in fine control.

After a simple measurement, Cassia finally chose to continue cutting the red mercury. The control can be gradually recovered in the later time and battle, and the change in the energy utilization rate of red mercury may be helpful in the use of the biological inductive stress field. Before the moment of real life-threatening, Cassia will never use the uranium in his body. The increase in energy flow of red mercury should help ease the approaching process of life-threatening moments. UU reading

However, a few solid red mercury was cut and replanted, and the new implant points were no longer on the limbs. Most of them are all over the body, especially the heart. Cassia directly drew a circle with small roots of red mercury, enclosing it completely. The second is around some major blood vessels, and the rest is the throat. On the entire neck, Cassia also took the spine there as the starting point, made two arcs, surrounded the throat with small roots of red mercury, and continued to provide energy and heat flow.

After finishing the re-implantation of all small roots of solid red mercury, it was already the third morning. At each small stage of implantation, Cassia would choose to stop and feel the changes.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Cassia in the depths of the cave network was taking a deep breath. The implantation was completed not long ago. There are dozens of warm currents on the body and limbs, and most of its energy will be collected in the blood vessels, and finally enter the heart.

The beating of the heart did not change, but the heat flow gathered here from the body and limbs, and finally started from the heart and spread to the whole body, causing Cassia to feel that the body has been kept warm.

The liquid gold blood did not become more viscous, but the flow rate did increase. The circulation route used for the biological inductive stress field becomes clearer under the blessing of dozens of red mercury energy. But Cassia still cannot intervene artificially.

However, among the many good news, the only shortcoming that can be regarded as bad news is that this body is full of energy and heat at any time. After a night of changes, even if the cross pupils are not opened, the body temperature has reached close. Fifty degrees. Under the cross pupil and scaly state, the rise in body temperature will be even more terrifying.

Looking at Cassiehei, Cassia understood the general reason why the body temperature of dragons was two or three times that of humans.

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