Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1714: Rations and wireless dolls (middle)

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Before going to the planned area, Cassia deliberately went back to the airship that made an emergency landing.

The airship fleet that rushed over a few days ago did not simply come to determine the situation and patrol. Most of the materials in the emergency landing airship that were filled with various warehouses were removed, only some of the packaging was broken, and the airship’s deformed part warehouse was left. The materials inside were not taken away.

When the fleet left, the core of the steam furnace was artificially destroyed, and the protected glow tube was taken away. The huge sword-shaped gap on the airship's hull must have been discovered by the enemy.

I don't know what kind of guess the enemy will make about the sword-shaped gap on the ship. Cassia who returned here conducted a thorough search of the airship and took away all the weapons and firearms in the remaining supplies, as well as the corresponding ammunition. The main purpose is steel bombs and high explosives. Cassia remembered that there were artillery and other weapons used in single-soldier combat, but they were all removed by the enemy. What he left for himself was nothing but scraps, which could not play the role he imagined.

In the end, Cassiehe had not only Cassia on his back, but also a bunch of searched things, which were firmly **** by the vines gathered around.

When the first half of the night almost passed, at 11:30 p.m., the night became a little bit darker. At the very edge of the underground network, Cassiehey flapped his wings in an open area, carrying a lot of supplies and Cassia, and slowly went to the night sky. Adjacent to the sea of ​​trees in the southern forest, heading towards the plan execution area.

The speed is maintained at about 400 kilometers per hour, and the distance of about 1,800 kilometers can be reached in only five hours.

Cassia was lying on Cassiehei's broad spine. He shielded the roaring wind around him. The dragon body temperature under him was close to eighty or ninety degrees, making him not cold at all. A deep blue night sky is reflected in the eyes, and the stars in the sky are glittering river sand. Against the background of the clear night sky, they form a static painting that can be admired along with Cassia.

"After this time is over, if you have time, you can learn these artistic things later." Suddenly an idea emerged. Cassia still has a lot of things he wants to do. After this incident is over, he will have to put them on the agenda.

Nearly five in the morning, when he arrived at the planned execution area, Cassia chose a low-lying land and immediately let Cassiehei start digging holes on the spot. Because in order to train Cassie Black, Cassia, who left the southern forest, has read several books about pets. So after giving the order, Cassia dug out a small piece of cut solid red mercury from his body, and threw it into Cassie's expectant black mouth as a reward.

It's hard to say that digging holes is more attentive, at least the speed does make Cassia very satisfied. Cassie is indeed a veteran of digging holes and has extensive experience. It seems to instantly incarnate into a second-class creature that lives underground all year round. The horneous body naturally covers its front paws and broadens its front paws to a large extent, making the already huge claws more like giant engineering machinery. taste. Every claw goes down, there are dozens of cubic meters of soil.

Cassia was on the sidelines sorting out the collected materials, doing basic classification, and conceiving how to set up traps in the current environment. From time to time, I will observe the process of Cassie Black digging a hole. Cassia would like to know who learned how to dig a hole in Cassie Black. The technique is very mature. Most of the excavated soil will be re-squeezed onto the wall of the hole to strengthen it while reducing excess soil and gravel. In this way, it can also reduce the time and effort to deal with excess soil and gravel.

The next morning, the shadow of Cassie Hei was no longer visible in the low-lying land, only a huge pitch-black hole was left, and the dull sound of metal collision that came out from the hole from time to time. This is Cassiehei who dug a big rubble again.

Cassia stood by the hollow, breathing the decayed air in the woods in the early morning. The thin mist was like a veil, slowly drifting among the ancient trees. For some reason, just standing like this and "watching" Cassie black digging holes with sound pulses can make Cassie feel the tranquility in her mood, and a fascinating feeling that can't explain why she feels. It's like some people like to do nothing at a certain period of time and just sit quietly in a daze. This feeling made Cassia very comfortable, and unconsciously, because Cassiehe was so excited and diligent digging a hole, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

This is Cassie Black, in line with its age and pure thought. At this time, Cassia couldn't help but check whether he also had the aura of the noble bosses of the steam factory. But thinking that Cassie Black is just a dragon, not a human being, there is no relationship between oppression and non-oppression.

Today's communication was opened at 3 pm. At that time, Cassia had already classified the materials and had a general idea of ​​how to set up traps. The survey on the actual terrain has been carried out for a half, and it will take several days and a lot of energy to complete the Today’s information is very simple. It shows the progress of the team approaching the planned implementation area, and Changes in plans based on information that changes from time to time. By the way, Cassia proposed a new round of reinforcement supplies. The demand for high-explosive platinum gunpowder is unusually large, but it is not a big deal to have Weber’s backing.

The hacker asked about the induction, and explained to Cassia all kinds of information constantly updated in the hands of the imperial black market intelligence dealer. It can be seen that both the Holy Royal Hall and Kira Andy are gradually falling into silence. Everyone has reached the battlefield they hoped for, and the less others know about the rest, the better.

Hai unexpectedly praised the blood provided by Cassia had played a huge role. The effect of each vial is dozens of times that of the medicine prepared for this operation. The number of second-class creatures that can find each team has indeed decreased significantly.

At the end of the communication, he mentioned a piece of news he had received from within the Hill family about the sacrificial ceremony of the Flame Alliance. He is not clear about the content and meaning of the ceremony, but knows that most of the top figures in the three stages of the Flame Alliance will participate in the sacrifice ceremony.

"Because of the existence of the ritual, the young dragon knights who came to the forest this time can only be those of the second class, so there is no need to worry too much about their strength." Some did not understand the meaning of these words, but Cassia Still said "Thank you for reminding." It's just that afterwards, what Cassia thought about was not the dragon knight, but the sacrificial ceremony. He remembered that when he was in a small country, Kolkova once said that the existence of this ritual was very important and had a special meaning.

Without extra information, Cassia interrupted his thoughts after thinking about it. The time after that was also spent on adapting to the hot body, surveying the actual terrain, and observing Cassie's digging holes in the dark.

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