Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1715: Rations and Infinite Matryoshka (Part 2)

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Three days after the calm time passed, it still continued steadily.

Cassie Hei works almost all day long, not knowing whether he likes to dig holes in the ground, or the attraction of solid red mercury to it is really great. The word rest has never appeared in its head. After three days, the total time for panting is no more than two hours.

On the side, Cassia collected a lot of vines and made a lot of soft and tough threads that were finely rubbed by hand. Cassie dug a hole in the ground, while Cassia surveyed the actual surrounding terrain, took away steel bombs and platinum gunpowder from time to time, and set up early warning agencies on many ancient trees. There are also some traps. Due to the insufficient amount of platinum gunpowder, even if it explodes, it cannot cause serious damage to the enemy, so Cassia puts down very little.

With a huge range of hundreds of kilometers in radius, Cassia has completely detected more than half of it so far. The detection work will continue, but that afternoon, after the contact was opened, the hacker informed Cassia that the reinforcements had reached the designated location. Knowing the importance of the plan, this time the airship was flying slowly over the forest. Other information is that two teams with lightweight equipment configuration rushed to the planned execution area in advance to start the construction of various outposts and dark outposts. Cassia informed the hacker of the secret signal of the trap he had set up, so that these teams that would press into the depths were carefully avoided.

In the first half of the night, Cassiehe continued to dig a hole, while Cassia guarded the edge of the hole, moving his body from time to time, practicing swordsmanship, and improving the fineness of maneuverability. In the middle of the night, Cassiehe will crawl out of the hole and bring up the mud that was squeezed into iron blocks. The excess mud and gravel will be transported to other places in several batches so as not to be left near the entrance Obvious traces.

Nearly 2 o'clock in the morning, Cassia and Cassie went to the designated point together to bring back the second reinforcement supplies. Afterwards, Cassia also appeared to be more busy. High-explosive platinum gunpowder, alloy wires, reinforced steel bombs, etc. have all arrived. It takes time and energy to choose a good location for the placement of the trap mechanism.

That night they started to act. Whether it was Cassiehei or Cassia, they didn't know that they were tired, and there was no mental fatigue at all. They completed their respective tasks quietly and quickly.

By the fifth day, the number of encounters between the two sides in the southern forest became more frequent. The advancement of all teams has reached the planned position, except for the logistics supply will be slightly slower for a day or two.

The network of underground holes has been extended to the distance under the excavation of Cassiehei. Although it is impossible to form a huge network, it can be done relatively stably to move underground in a hidden and rapid manner within a range of tens of kilometers. Cassia's detection of the surroundings is also coming to an end. And today, in the process of advancing toward the depths of the forest, Cassia finally saw an enemy united team relying on sound pulses. It was a team of thirty people, hurriedly retreating.

Cassia did not take action, one is because the number of people is too small, these thirty people will not cause any loss to the enemy, but will reveal some information here. The second point is that it doesn't make sense to simply think that, although it is a matter of one or two minutes, and it can be done so that the other party does not notice that an enemy is hiding behind him until he dies. But the meaningless meaning is that these thirty people looked like dead leaves everywhere in the forest in Cassia's eyes, which could be crushed with one foot. Stepping on dead leaves deliberately, or consciously stepping on dead leaves, is just a waste of energy and time.

After that, Cassia continued to go deep for a certain distance, set up a few simple warning traps and returned to the edge of the cavity. Cassiehei had moved a large rock from the ground up, and was grinding it into a "door" with his claws to cover the exit of the cave.

Cassia drew out the second generation holy sword. When he helped to cut the stone in the past, seven faint feelings came from the depths of the forest. The induction has been connected into a circular arc shape, and the area where a piece of induction object is located can be accurately located according to the intersection of the respective directions. This time, Cassia believed that the enemy should know how to use the sensing experiment body.

"The second induction has finally come. I don't know if Hae and McGerry are ready." Cassia paused for a short time, looked in the direction of the joint team, and froze there for a while, "Probably only In one day, the enemy will definitely send personnel here to investigate the actual situation. The contact will be opened tomorrow morning. If the preparations to horrify them have been completed, you can really let go of this body."

After Cassiehe made the "door", Cassia placed the remaining high-explosive platinum gunpowder around the exit of the cave, and used it to blow up the exit after the cave was discovered. In the evening, Cassia took a look at the hole network with only three branches. On the whole, Cassie Black's labor results were satisfactory, so he rewarded Cassie Black with a piece of red mercury after cutting.

It is still found here that the roots of each ancient tree extending from the depths of the ground heart" are almost the same as those observed not long ago, and the differences are within reasonable errors. In the range. It's just that there is no trunk remains of the World Tree in ancient history.

Cassia spent some time underground, obtaining some important data about herself in the cross pupil and scaly state. After solid red mercury is cut, these two states are most affected. Huge power and extreme speed need more precise control in order to play its due role perfectly.

The temperature control was expected, but the temperature number surprised Cassia. In the scaly state, the temperature everywhere in the body has reached about 110 degrees, and the position of the heart is even closer to 150 degrees. With every beating, Cassia can feel a flow of heat. At the starting point, it spreads through the blood vessels to the whole body.

The heart is the core of an overheated furnace, but instead of steam, it heats things like powerful stimulants. Every time I beat, Cassia couldn't help but feel like he wanted to destroy something.

In the end, Cassia wanted to try to activate the bio-inductive stress field in the scaly state, but thought of its huge consumption, so he suppressed this idea. For the current three-stage enemies in the southern forest, this state is completely enough for Cassia to clean them up.

In the morning of the next day, after confirming various matters with the hacker during the communication, Cassia put on the equipment and told Cassie to hide in the underground network, and then he began to look around. Nothing happened throughout the morning and noon. After walking for several hours, I felt that Cassia, who had made a mistake, stopped, thinking about whether to return to Cassiehe and wait for tomorrow. Suddenly, two very clear feelings came from the sky , And then the remaining five senses are relatively weak, connecting from a distance to lock Cassia.

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