Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1716: Grab and gather (part one)

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Cassia turned and ran backwards. After walking hundreds of meters, he stopped thinking of something, climbed up an ancient tree nearby, and looked in the direction that was sensed in that short time.

There was still no feeling in the forest. At this time, when he went to higher places, Cassia felt the heat brought by the strong sunlight. The air is warm, with a clear fragrance of leaves under the light. That direction is a light blue sky without clouds, and the field of vision can extend far, far. Squinting and observing carefully, Cassia was able to find a few black spots representing the airship, but the light blue sky background board was exceptionally clean, and no trace of the airship was found.

"Flying over the forest?" Within a distance of nearly one kilometer above the sea of ​​trees, it was indeed a blind spot in Cassia's vision.

After spending a few minutes on the ancient tree, Cassia, who had got nothing, could only lean against a branch, thinking about how far away the clear sense was from him.

"The longest is only about 20 to 30 kilometers, and the sensing is clear and strong. It should be that the enemy has arrived at the location where the sensing experiment was locked in the last time, and immediately verified the sensing situation." The line of sight has not left the sky, no Limited to the direction of the induction, Cassia began to slowly reduce the various activities of the body, "The enemy just wants to confirm that I am still here, just try to sense it. But the intense reaction of the sensory subject also made them feel uncomfortable for a while. Know how to act?"

Cassia doesn't know how the induction test subjects react to the intensity of induction, and can only imagine that they are simple machines that can behave in a clear way for the user.

There was no moving object in the sonic pulse. After the solid red mercury was cut, the limit range was increased to about 6,500 meters, and Cassia did not find the enemy's ground team in it.

Cassia knew that he needed to give the enemy some time, and by keeping patience, he would be able to see the enemy in the near future. Cassia lay on the tree branch, forcibly suppressing the activities inside her body, quietly letting time pass.

There was only the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze, and Cassia didn't even turn on the sound pulse, but passively accepted the reflection of the ambient sound to judge the situation. Ten minutes passed quickly, this area still remained quiet and peaceful, and everything that happened just now had nothing to do with it.

Half an hour later, Cassia on the tree branch was still motionless, which was not a long time for anyone. It's just that the sound of the wind has become louder, and Cassia can feel it. He can distinguish the sound of leaves rubbing because of the change in the magnitude of the wind.

"Something is coming, with a violent gale." A stronger sound ripples to the front, but the source of the sound is still outside of Cassia's observable range, "Airship? It doesn't look like it. Lift. The sound of the device is very loud, and its vibration is enough to be transmitted to my body over a distance of several kilometers. I can feel the sound of the strong wind blowing the sea of ​​trees in front, so the sound of the lifting device should be caught by me a step earlier. The only things that can travel in mid-air are the dragon knights of the Flame Alliance and those flying second-class creatures."

The opponent’s patience is obviously very limited. Cassia doesn’t know whether this is in line with the temperament of most dragon knights. As the domesticators of the second type of creature dragons, they clearly know how powerful dragons like their own pets are. Power, and terrifying destructive power. Facing the surgeon at the same stage, or the stranger, the power of the dragon knight is almost repressive, and it cannot tolerate other people's resistance. It was horrified that because of the sacrificial ritual, the dragon knights who went to the southern forest were only the second batch, not the top few. But even though it was only the second batch, possessing creatures like dragons to help oneself naturally had a huge advantage. It can even be said that as long as the dragon knights are careful and don't get too close to the ground, there is almost no danger to their lives.

In the Flame Alliance, each of the dragon knights has a high enough status. It is said that it is the second batch, and it is only compared in the dragon knight range. Feel free to take one out of them and put them in other circles, and they will all stand in the top position.

I don't know the actual situation of the dragon knight circle, but at least the one who is approaching in this direction, judging from his identity and current behavior, in the eyes of Cassia, he is not very careful. Thinking that the other party is a member of the Flame Alliance, they have never actually contacted themselves, so that these dragon knights must pay attention to the news spread in the black market. The conditions are not fully met, and they can only make them highly vigilant. And impatience is not a big problem, the power of the dragon can completely make up for his shortcomings. But there are some shortcomings, but they are fatal in some cases, especially after being firmly grasped by some people who are good at looking for opportunities.

The sound of the wind is getting louder and louder, and the sound ripples are becoming more obvious. A few minutes later, among the intertwined ripples, Cassia passively accepted the sound waves, and saw a huge dragon flying slowly over the forest in a vague manner. The body shape is different from that of Cassie Heidow. When the observed scene gradually becomes clearer, Cassia realizes that the difference is that the opponent is a captive breeder in the Flame their resources, technical support, And how to train more than a few levels.

In comparison, there was only one black-scale Cassie Black all over his body. Nearly 80% of the dragon's body was covered with alloy armor. The two sides of its huge body are equipped with weapon modules. The preliminary judgment should be a six-barrel cannon with a caliber of 20 millimeters, and a small, lightweight, and superior artillery launching platform. Directly below its body, there are two rectangular cylinders with a length of several tens of meters around its stomach. Combining the information that Cassia knows, they should be the protection of two powerful aerial bombs that are used for long-range attacks. box.

Excluding these simple weapon modules, the claws of this dragon have claw-shaped weapons similar to boxing gloves, which completely envelop its four claws, which provide protection while providing greater sharpness and rigidity. Similar structures also appeared on its wings and long tail.

The whole body is equipped with highly adaptable weapons, and even if these weapons or armors are damaged in battle, the dragon knight can still use the dragon's own structure, which is extremely powerful and destructive, to fight.

With double insurance and rational protection, Cassia judged like this, while suppressing his desire to turn on high-frequency sound pulses.

Cassia had a strong feeling. He wanted to know if there were other delicate mechanisms in this dragon's claws, wings and tail. Judging from its appearance alone, during battle, some of the mechanisms in these three armed forces are very likely to enter a state of red heat like a pneumatic weapon, causing their destructive power and threat to rise again.

Turning to think of Cassie Black, Cassia suddenly had no thoughts. The giant sword that he had cut out for Cassie with the second-generation holy sword seemed to be a toy in front of these weapons.

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