Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1717: Grab and gather (middle)

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In the future, if there is a chance, he will have to make a similar set of equipment for Cassie Black. With Flame Alliance as a reference, Cassia is not worried about how to strengthen Cassie Black in the future.

This dragon flies very slowly, like an airship, moving in a certain direction little by little. The ripples of sound reflection continue to provide information to Cassia. On the back of the dragon, there are many obscurations and overlaps. It can only be judged that there are no more than ten members on the back of the dragon. Carrying heavy weapons, two of them held columns almost the same height as their height, shaped like artillery firing tubes for single-soldier combat.

But it certainly won't be this type of weapon, because the artillery is only suitable for medium and long-distance combat, and the hit rate is very not optimistic, and it is very simple to dodge. I also saw a sniper, and Cassia judged it was probably this type of unit. The weapon on its back has all the characteristics of a heavy sniper rifle. The long and thick barrel and the brick-like square stabilizer on the front end just illustrate this point. After considering this sniper as the first threat, Cassia continued to observe the situation of the others.

The member of the dragon knight should be a man standing in the forefront of several people. The armed configuration of the remaining few people tends to be normal, with fire guns and other cold weapons at hand. The distance is still too far, there is no member with a strange body, can not see the opponent's appearance, can't feel the breath of the opponent, whether there are people who are difficult to deal with, except that the sniper's heavy sniper rifle needs some attention In addition, it is not yet possible to judge the order of strength of these people for the time being.

Cassia found the induction test body near the dragon's wings. It was regarded as an object, and the whole was fixed by a thin steel cable-like rope to the armor protecting the dragon's back. The person standing next to him is the manager of Ovilia's mouth, observing at any time, and using various medicines to stabilize the condition of the subject.

This is a squad for detection, with a relatively complete configuration. At this time, Cassia tried to find another induction source closer to him from the sound ripples passively received, but there was no corresponding target in the sound wave range.

After confirming that he has not left here, the enemy should move separately.

"It would be nice to know if the other source is a dragon or an airship." Thinking about whether he needs to act here. The opponent's route is not straight opposite to himself, but has an angle. The calculation result told Cassia that when the opponent walked around, the distance from him was not too far, probably within a range of eight or nine hundred meters diagonally upward from the left.

Unless the sensing experiment body is used again for detection, the chance of the opponent finding himself is infinitely close to zero. Cassia knew this, thinking about using the explosion of the steel shell bomb to attract the opponent’s attention, and if he fired simultaneously in the other direction, as long as he had a suitable angle and was not blocked by the dragon’s body to the ballistic line, he turned Six rounds of the revolver can kill at least three of them. The sniper, the dragon knight himself, and the remaining random member, this is the goal set by Cassia. Of course, breath can also be used directly, but there is a corresponding start time. After taking over Cassie Hei's body, after knowing the sensitivity of dragons, Cassia was not very optimistic about this attack method. Did not actively use the sound wave pulse, but also considering that the range of Cassie Heina is close to three times the hearing range of his own.

The dragon with a body length of about fifty-five meters moved forward slowly, and Cassia's suppression of the body became greater and greater: "It was said that the team is ready, and all parties in this area are just waiting for the enemy to come in..." Thinking of this, Cassia immediately stretched out his hand to remove a steel bomb from his waist, held it naturally and pressed it against his abdomen, and buckled his fingers into the detonation tab, and did not move any more.

In the growing wind, whether the dragon or the enemies on it, their images in Cassia's head became clearer. Counting the induction test subjects, there are exactly ten people. I still haven't found any enemies that need to be paid attention to, but the fact that the nine people are more or less wearing alloy armors that protect important parts, which makes Cassia quite concerned.

Others only have some protective alloy armor on their bodies and joints, but the dragon knight himself, like the dragon, has an armor coverage close to 90%. Including the head, there is also a very artistic alloy helmet, which protects the whole head. One person and one dragon set off each other. At this time, there is indeed a respectable dragon knight with identity and power.

But Cassia only cares about the weakness of his armor, and doesn't care about other aspects. The dragon knight and the sniper are definitely the primary targets for cleanup. Even if they wear armor, under the blue silver bullets that are suitable for the revolver sent by the hacker, the nine enemies are equal in accordance with common sense, and there is no distinction between high and low identities.

The distance is getting closer and closer, Cassia has simulated dozens of shots in his mind, and then got up to avoid the process of various subsequent attacks. The wind was fanned by the dragon's wings, passed through the thick canopy, pressed into the forest, and then swooped on Cassia's face.

Cassia's hand immediately shook slightly, the steel bomb flew out, UU reading detonated the pull ring like a ring, staying on his finger. A timing hourglass appeared in his head and began to accurately time. At the same time, Cassia's other hand slowly, like a puppet being manipulated, was mechanically lifted a little at a uniform speed, to a predetermined angle, and changed with the advance of the dragon at any time.

The muzzle of the revolver has not been squared. By the third stage, every surgeon is extremely sensitive to the muzzle's induction. This is a strange perception similar to the sixth sense given to each surgeon under assimilation and fusion, just like some creatures can feel the direction of magnetic force, it will be gradually engraved into the body of each surgeon.

The steel bomb was still flying in an arc in mid-air, and the hourglass in Cassia's head was about to leak the last strand of fine sand.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded with a sense of depression, instantly breaking the tranquility of this area. The moment the sound spread, a ball of flame impacted not far in front of Cassia's right hand, and every two blue silver bullets became a cluster, and within a second, they had already hit the target.

"Ah..." a painful roar came down from mid-air, with anger in it. Cassia, who had already got up, had a sense of pity, the sniper and another random member were determined to be dead because the body was completely exploded. It was just the dragon knight himself. A bullet hit his body, probably only breaking a dozen bones and injuring some organs. It took a period of treatment and rest. The second bullet aimed at his head, but the armor on his head is not all made of high-grade alloys, and its inner layer should be precious biological materials. It has the function of fully covering bones, which can absorb huge impacts. , To protect this kind of dark gun from being able to penetrate its head for the first time.

Cassia no longer stayed, instantly activated his body, and quickly slid down along the trunk of the ancient tree.

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