Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1718: Grab and gather (below)

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The roar then completely turned into anger, which happened to provide Cassia with a passive sound source. The first element of dealing with such things is anger, rather than judging where the attack came from, or allowing the dragon to hover and move, avoiding being locked again and other actions, indirectly making Cassia feel sorry for the second time. If he expects this kind of reaction from the opponent, this few seconds is enough time for him to load the ammunition and shoot three or four times. Even if it doesn't hit the same position, the inner layer of the armor on the whole body of the dragon knight will not have biomaterials that can absorb the impact, and it will be enough for him to soak in the culture tank for several months after he returns.

When Cassia went to the root of the ancient tree where he was, the canopy was rustled by a fierce fan. The dragon began to hover, and the six battery cannons on both sides of the body instantly exploded, roaring like continuous muffled thunder. The muzzle expelled a tongue of fire that was nearly two meters long, and the sparkling fire light illuminated the many leaves, and dropped a few mottled bright spots into the forest.

The rate of fire is not extremely fast, but the power of the 20mm caliber bullets directly tore the canopy completely, and countless leaf fragments fell and scattered. The location of the branch where Cassia was just now was full of penetrating bullet holes in the blink of an eye. , Amid the cracking sound, large branches of branches fell from the sky.

Cassia observed the angle and position of the dragon hovering in the sky, following its hovering, avoiding the brightly colored cannon ballistic lines with a spiral, and one or two breaths away from the area being fired indiscriminately. Two or three hundred meters away, Cassia did not continue to evacuate, but hid behind the ancient tree, waiting for the enemy's next move.

The blast of the cannon directly opened an irregular circular gap in the area below it. In the afternoon sunlight that fell in, an ancient tree trunk that almost lost most of its branches stood alone here, full of irregularities. crater. The surrounding area was full of fluttering sawdust and leaf fragments. At this moment, only a small part of the enemy's body that was blown up by the Cassia revolver fell from the dragon and hit the ground severely.

Seeing that old tree, the enemy knew that he was wasting too much time. The cannon stopped immediately, and only the dragon kept hovering.

"Ah..." The dragon knight's roar rang down from the sky again, and there was a cough of coughing up blood due to excitement. The blue silver bullet hit his abdomen a little bit upward, and it must have hurt his stomach.

Cassia was looking forward to it, expecting the other party to let the dragon fall directly into the forest to find herself. In this case, the moment the dragon hits the ground, there is no need to land. A certain distance from the ground is enough to give Cassia a chance to kill them in large numbers.

The hovering dragon began to rise upward, interrupting Cassia's thinking. In the sound ripple, the blurry look gave Cassia a not-so-good feeling. The dragon was ascending extremely fast, and after raising its height by a few hundred meters, it suddenly hovered in the air and its wings were fully deployed.

"Breath!" Cassia didn't want to immediately go to the back, hundreds of meters away, but a clear collision sound spread, and the feedback of the sound ripple made Cassia stop.

A bullet fell straight from the sky, hitting the armor on the dragon's head directly, erasing the sparks of the shining canopy. The pre-action of the breath disappeared immediately, and the faint red lines rising from the dragon's black scales also completely dissipated wherever it was not covered by the armor.

The dragon continued to hover, and Cassia cautiously climbed up the ancient tree next to him, observing the situation in that direction through the gap between the canopy layers. After half a minute, a shadow appeared above the dragon, and it grew rapidly. After a few breaths, another dragon with a body length of nearly 65 meters fell straight down like a giant cannonball, and suddenly spread its wings beside the dragon.

The alloy armor reflects cold light, and as the huge translucent wind pressure hits a large area below, the larger dragon stabilized its body and hovered beside the other giant dragon. Only the dragon knight himself existed on the dragon that fell from a high altitude, wearing the same armor.

"The captain or something." Cassia judged, before he could get more information, the two dragons flapped their wings at the same time and rose into the sky. The pity in my heart became heavier. If he had heavy sniper firearms in his hand, in this case, Cassia would definitely give the dragon knight who had just arrived a shot to try to prevent them from leaving. Whether it was the armor with biological materials on the dragon knight or the armor on the dragon, Cassia wanted to actually see their structure. The most important reason was that Cassia had oversimplified the dragon knight's thinking from the beginning, which caused him to be a little worried about Cassie's black state after seeing the dragon knight. The gap in weapons and equipment can be made up by one's own strength, but it is better to have it than not. As long as this dragon pursues himself, Cassia is confident that Cassie will wear the same thing later to deal with other dragon knights.

It’s just that it’s different from what Cassia expected. Or, let’s say that the leader of the Dragon Knight team, aside from his strength, at least he is a sensible and calm person who will not have the useless pride and pride of the other person. Sense of honor.

The two-headed dragons have gone out of the range of sound wave detection. Cassia waited again for a few before turning on the sound wave pulses intermittently. In the detection range, there was a team of more than fifty people behind him, advancing cautiously. It is a member of my own side, and the gap is moving.

"Hay and Macquarie are indeed ready. But the enemy,,, I don't know if the other party will come in on their own initiative." On the ancient tree, Cassia chose to lie down in a comfortable position, "The next communication may be possible. Use heavy sniper rifles as reinforcements. The revolver's blue and silver bullets can be used for defense. Of the remaining weapons, only sniper rifles can be used."

"This brief contact also gave me a higher level of alertness. It is completely different from previous battles, whether in an empire or in a small country. The battle in it is more or less intense. But they are not systematic. They are all internal personnel of various forces, even if many are elites, there is still a gap compared with the collision between real forces. The most obvious is the various war machines and weapons and equipment. Authority and attention The degree is different, and perhaps there are many default rules among the powers, which cannot appear inappropriate for a certain period of time. The dragon knight armor is one of the proofs, and most of the senior leaders of the Flame Alliance have experienced wars. The experienced ones know that In the battle of this kind of power collision, the danger often comes from all aspects. In the case of insufficient information, a dark gun or a strong sniper will be a nightmare for many people, unless the strength is top and the perceptual acuity trained by it In order to feel those who are not aiming at their own guns. But there are really too few such people..."

"I don't know what other characteristics of the Dragon Knight are. The relevant information I have learned in the past is too superficial." Closing his eyes, Cassia continued to think, waiting for the team behind to disappear from his senses.

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