Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1719: Surprise and Mark (Part 1)

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The short contact ended here, and information began to be transmitted between the networks established by each other, and quickly became new intelligence, incorporated into the follow-up reference factors of the plan.

Above the high altitude, two giant dragons flap their wings, slanting toward the depths of the southern forest, continuing to raise their heights. The air was thinner here, and the thin clouds that could be counted with one hand were thrown far below by the dragon. The wind at high altitude is stronger and colder. The closer you get to the invisible and only sensible deep blue area above the sky, the more the wind will turn towards a sharp hurricane.

Several people on the back of the dragon were all lying on the protective armor to prevent themselves from being blown out by the powerful wind.

The dragon, which was nearly 65 meters long, let out a roar, and the airship fleet concealed its optical camouflage in front of it, revealing a huge navy blue body. The three airships stood side by side, and the whistling sound of the lift device was all taken away by the gust of wind, and it could not reach the ears of several people on the back of the dragon.

A cruiser-class airship deployed its tail-abdomen armor, and the two giant dragons immediately approached there, sending all the people on their backs into the airship, and they followed the airship around and flew slowly above the sky.

"Nichols was put in a jar as soon as he came back, and there are two fewer people, but there is the remaining body wreckage." Inside the airship, similar to the large living room commonly used in commercial airships, there is a similar spaciousness. The room, but the exquisite tables, chairs and decorations have all turned into piles of weapons and supplies. "The corpse can be bombed like that, either with sniper firearms or blue silver bullets inside the empire. The armor on Nichols’ abdomen was not penetrated. Sniper guns can be ruled out. Sniper guns are probably the only general-purpose weapon that can threaten your dragon knights in the dark."

"Well, the blue silver bullet... the opponent is at least a member of the enemy at or above the deputy captain level. Otherwise, you won’t be able to control the blue silver bullet weapon. Don’t say that you observe that your dragon knight does not immediately evacuate, but hides and seeks opportunities to attack in the dark. This is not the strength and courage possessed by ordinary members of the enemy." Seeing the dragon knight team leader walk into the spacious room used as a meeting room, a man immediately put down his wine glass and moved from a small circle of close to 30 people. I walked out of the middle, went to the captain, and handed a chair to sit down, "You guys, would you like a drink?"

The man snapped his fingers, and a capable female member immediately walked out of the small circle of more than 30 people behind him, and she skillfully brought several glasses and a bottle of wine. Open the wine, fill the glass, put them one by one in front of the remaining four members of the Dragon Knight team, and the rest of the members, and then leisurely pull a chair to sit down-the whole process is natural and elegant, it is difficult to not think of it. This female member will be a skilled hotel attendant, not a member of the so-called powerful Saint Guards in the Saint Royal Hall in the current airship.

"Thank you, Miss Mishur." The leader of the Dragon Knight team drank half a glass of wine. But alcohol has no effect on strangers at his stage.

"Nichols won't affect the next action, right? The only time for him to be treated is tonight. Tomorrow morning, he will continue to investigate and search for the target Cassia in this area." People who care about Nichols here Except for this captain, no one will take his injury to heart. "If you can't, please Captain Sasir Huer, please make arrangements for replacement of personnel as soon as possible. The target is in the area below us. I’ve been here for some time, and I want to see the focal point who suddenly appeared when I was in prison as soon as possible."

Listening to Ke Mishuer's cold words without any temperature, the wine remaining in Sasir's mouth was faintly bitter, losing its sweet taste.

"Don’t worry about Nichols’s situation. Just like Mr. Jeremy’s analysis, the enemy fired a total of six shots and selected three targets. The sniper and heavy weapon members died. Here, Nichols, an accurate shot hit the head. , Was blocked by the composite biological armor; a concentrated abdomen, the impact was transmitted to the body, broken a lot of bones, and injured some organs. Don’t worry about injuries, don’t worry about patrols and investigations. This is my guarantee. He will do it early tomorrow morning. He appeared in front of us in a healthy and healthy way." There was a sense of formality in Sasir's words, but Mishur and Jeremy did not ask much, nodded, expressing their knowledge and agreement.

"It's a revolver." After a short pause, Jeremy grasped the message in Sasir's words, "The enemy uses weapons that are not of the kind that can be handled well. What happens next?"

",,, Nichols has a personality defect, and I was above him at that time to stop it. This kind of war situation, the consequence of overheating is that the head may explode due to various reasons at any time. Keeping calm is everyone's first priority. The mental quality that needs attention."

After talking about the situation explained by the other people on the dragon’s back, Sasir placed his clip-on pistol on the table surrounded by several people, and looked around at the other three dragon knights around him. “There will be similar things next time. Things, I will not shoot the dragon's head, but your head."

"Mr. Jeremy, I don't know what information you can get from it?"

"Not much information, but at least..." Jamiri is very polite, because Sasir has always had respect for him and Komishuer. No one will not dislike this kind of polite and humble person, and the other party is very kind, and the conversation is relaxed and easy, "At least Nichols is blocked because of Captain Sasir's action. His life was lost. The opponent only attacked once and achieved the effect. The effect is that when Nichols is protected by armor, it kills two people and injures him. However, from the enemy's attack to the Nichols counterattack , There is an interval of a few seconds between, ,, using blue and silver bullets, it is impossible not to be unfamiliar with the revolver reloading, ,,"

"It was the enemy who made a mistake in the prediction of Nichols' next counterattack. He thought the counterattack was in the next moment, so there was no follow-up attack to keep up. However, the enemy was waiting for the dragon to fall into the forest, but it was certain. Yes. In my imagination, as long as the dragon descends to a certain height, it will be the moment when all the Nichols group dies except for the dragons."

"Death height, let's put it this way." Jeremy turned the glass as if the height of the wine in the glass represented the death mark. "Looking at it this way, the opponent should be a captain-level figure. His first thought is not behind the secret shot. Leave the scene as soon as possible, but wait for the opportunity to kill a dragon knight."

"Combination target Cassia is also in that area... Maybe Cassia was nearby at the time!" With a smile on his face, Jamiri blew a whistle, full of interest, "Tomorrow's investigation, let the Holy Palace's People are with you. You can consider bringing two experimental subjects. If you encounter a situation that cannot be resolved, or today’s situation, you can just activate them and land them. This can buy you a lot of time."

"Besides, please allow one of me and Miss Komisul to go with you tomorrow, Captain Sasir."

"I have the same idea, Mr. Jamiri."

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