Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1723: Desperate clown (middle)

The inside of the warhead is full of dust carrying radiation "germs". The explosion itself creates a high-intensity impact, allowing these dust to spread in a large area so that it can attach to everything inside the forest.

"But how do I rely on the mark of radiation'germs' to find the target? For example, myself? The closer to the explosion point, the deeper the adhesion of the germs. The dust does not have the tendency to control, and it adheres indiscriminately. If it is windy, it will be attached. The range and objects can almost double. When there are radiation'germs' on the surface of everything, it means that everything is gone. It can be understood like this... "The dragon is still hovering, and Cassia keenly senses the key point. Just on this dragon.

"Relying on the keen perception of dragons, or something else?" Cassia thought to herself, keeping her body calm. The pathogenic substances that exist in the body have not been active for long, and this weakening of too much dust does not arouse its interest. The burning sensation on the skin gradually decreased. When it was about to disappear, Cassia opened her mouth and breathed, sucking the dusty air into her body.

The burning sensation from the throat is stronger, but the smell is really the same as inhaling a lot of dust. Under this limit, Cassia uses the spirit and perception he uses, paying attention to the changes of germ dust entering his body.

Because Cassia faintly perceives the reason why the dust is attached to his skin without obvious manifestation-the toughness and strength of the skin has gone to the level that ordinary tactical knives can hardly cut, and its defense against intrusion of various bacteria and biological agents is also It should be several times, and or dozens of times as many as the current three-stage surgeries. Perhaps it was the protection of the skin that prevented the dust in the warhead from invading the body at all, resulting in no subsequent occurrence on Cassia's body.

The defense inside the body is indeed weaker than that of the skin. On the mucous membrane of the throat, dust that was originally considered lifeless by Cassia began to become active. In essence, dust is a kind of second-class biological pathogen with tenacious vitality. Contact with living organisms is a condition to activate it from a self-protected sleeping state. As for radiation, Cassia tends to two points. One is that this kind of bacteria does exist in the test site of the uranium-gold bomb, or in the test site of the uranium-gold bomb. The second is that the people of the Flame Alliance deliberately expose them to radiation in order to strengthen their vitality. Cassia still has an impression of the various animals and plants in the volcanic no man's land that have changed due to radiation.

Although the principle and function of the mark were clear for the first time, the second problem immediately appeared in front of Cassia.

Bacteria do wake up and actively attack their bodies. Cassia believes that he himself, who is a carrier of radiation "germs", would be a hotbed of such bacteria, but the actual situation is that after the bacteria invade themselves, they can't bear what is contained in the blood. The concentration of self-radiating bacteria has long exceeded the survival limit of such bacteria. The light green blood is not only a component of radiation germs. It relies on self-defense and learning mechanisms. The biological toxicity of the blood is also one of the self-protection mechanisms of Cassia's body.

Standard online and offline surgeons can't bear the toxicity of Cassia's blood at all. Even if they have a certain strength, they will only guarantee that they will not die immediately after they completely lose their combat effectiveness. But without immediate treatment, the result will not change.

Finally, Cassia had forgotten the super corrosive nature of his blood. The bacteria in the warhead and the radiation concentration of the blood can't pass the barrier, and the other factors are completely ignored. In fact, the main cause of the death of this kind of bacteria is the corrosiveness of blood, the earliest contact and the most direct cause of death. The physical damage of toxicity and radiation relative to corrosion requires a little bit of short time.

Cassia sighed slightly, and looked at the hovering dragon depicted by the passive sound ripple through the heavy tree canopy. Cassia recognized that this dragon, and the dragon knight on its back, were the combination that he attacked yesterday. The armor on the dragon knight's abdomen and head has been simply repaired, but the pits made by the blue silver bullet still exist.

Cassia determined that the blue silver bullet hit her abdomen, causing the dragon knight to break more than a dozen bones and injuring a part of the abdominal organs. In theory, receiving top-level treatments, coupled with his own strong self-healing ability, from yesterday to now, these injuries can be repaired in most of a day. It's just that Cassia doesn't think the strength of this dragon knight will reach this level.

The value of the theoretical value, Cassia is based on his own standard. His own self-healing ability can indeed recover from such injuries in a short period of time. But this dragon knight, ,, and Cassia can only incline him to be a dragon knight, because the name "dragon knight" makes him different from the surgeon.

"However, even if your injury is completely healed, your reaction to the attack yesterday and your subsequent actions are destined to be a dragon knight, but there are differences in most things, and you can sort out good and bad situations. Down, you can only be at the very poor level."

Cassia did not continue to think, the dragon was still hovering over the forest, waiting for the mark to take effect. Perhaps they have not considered the situation where the mark will not work at all.

Climbing directly on the ancient tree next to him, Cassia, standing on the branch, took the heavy sniper rifle with his back behind him, pulled the peg, and the sound pulses were turned on simultaneously. On the back, the two people lost yesterday have been made up, but the sensing test subject and its manager have also been replaced by other members. The dragon knight himself is alert, standing in the position of the dragon's wings, which is a blind spot from the bottom to the top, attacking from the position of Cassia, it will definitely not be able to bypass the dragon.

It's just that Cassia's goal isn't him either. UU reading www.uukanshu. The com heavy sniper rifle shifted the muzzle, and there was no need to hide it. The high-frequency sound waves allowed Cassia to calculate various deviations.

"Boom!" The dull sound aroused a visible sound wave around Cassia. When the muzzle spread out a large flame, the 20mm sniper bullet like a cannon had already pulled out an almost endless half in the sky. The transparent air channel is gone. After a while, three corpses, whose chests were completely missing upwards, broke away from the back of the dragon and fell towards the forest due to the centrifugal force of the dragon's circling.

As he approached, the second air passage was almost parallel to the first, taking away another enemy with a little head exposed. With the third shot, the armor on the dragon's chest was directly sunken, and a pit with a radius of nearly three meters appeared.

"Boom,,," Until then, as expected by Cassia, the roar like yesterday was heard, the dragon immediately turned its angle, and the cannons on both sides of the body began to rotate. It's just that it was all in Cassia's expectation, and what actually happened was almost the same as what he thought.

People who can be predicted what to do next, Cassia has always regarded such people as walking corpses.

"Boom,,," the heavy sniper rifle made a low voice that was more powerful than a roar, echoing each other. Immediately, the six-barrel cannon on the left side of the dragon's body exploded into pieces.

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