Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1724: Desperate Clown (Part 2)

The reason why heavy sniper firearms have become a recognized weapon against surgeons is largely due to the historical role of such firearms, which are used against heavy armored vehicles. To a large extent, surgeons have gradually replaced these thick armored vehicles in history, such as heavy tanks and other weapons that will still appear in small countries.

The cannon on the right side of the dragon's body turned smoothly, and the flames of the nearly three-meter-long muzzle dispersed, and the forest canopy below it could also be coated with a faint orange light in the afternoon light. There was no obstacle in front of the bullet flow, relying on the dragon's capture of the sound source, and the body muscles to control the muzzle direction of the six-barreled cannon. The dark green ancient branches and leaves instantly turned into fragments and floated in the air.

A large pile of bullet shells fell down, and a small cavity was formed in an unbreathable time, connecting the sky separated by the canopy with the forest below, and the dim air inside it can be seen.

"Boom..." This time, the dull sound spread, and it truly entered the ears of the dragon knight Nichols who had reacted. The cannon on the right side of the dragon's body was unsurprisingly turned into scattered fragments, and the bullet chain fell, dragging it out for a long section.

The sound of heavy sniper guns did not stop, but the last thing Nichols could hear was the huge metallic sound of the bullet hitting the armor on the dragon's body. The remaining few people squatted down subconsciously and moved closer to the safest dragon's wings.

The huge size of the dragon became the most obvious target at this time, and it didn't need to be aimed precisely before it could be hit accurately. At this moment, Nichols on his back took a few deep breaths, and finally he was able to calm down.

"There are also weapon modules that can be used, but those are not used to deal with short-range targets. The enemy has heavy weapons in his hands, but for this armor that can resist the guns, it can't pose a serious threat. It's just annoying. What needs to be done now is to determine the enemy’s location and the number of enemies, and then link with the ground team in the distance to achieve the goal of annihilation." As a dragon knight, Nichols was a dragon knight, and the blood splashed by his teammates reminded him to keep Calmness on the head.

While thinking, Nichols removed a small piece of armor on the dragon's back, revealing several black scales. He took off his gloves at the same time, immediately pressed it on a warm scale, and closed his eyes.

The spirit is connected with this, and Nichols has a smile at the corner of his mouth. He is a dragon knight, and if the enemy really thinks that his offensive method is only relying on those weapon modules, then the enemy's results may not be so good.

The dragon's field of vision is almost three hundred and sixty degrees, and the only blind spot is the central axis of the long spine and the middle of the wings. Unlike human vision, in addition to basic things such as color, Nichols, who can share his vision, can directly see a wide range of temperature distribution maps, which is its own temperature perception ability. In addition, his visual distance and recognizable clarity, as well as the ability to capture weak light, allowed him to distinguish the veins of dead leaves on the ground.

Without turning his eyes, the moment Nichols entered the dragon's field of vision, his gaze was automatically focused on the hollow area that the cannon fired just now.

The scene was similar to yesterday, except that there were a few uninterrupted branches on the lonely old tree. Broken leaves and exploded sawdust fluttered randomly around the ancient tree due to the wind of the dragon's wings flapping. The focus of his sight was at a bifurcation in the upper middle part of the ancient tree. The enemy who had not received the slightest injury wore an alloy mask and stepped barefoot on a fresh crater blasted by a cannon bullet. He held a heavy sniper rifle in his left hand and carried it on his shoulder, while his right hand was turning a revolver, full of leisure.

Feeling the line of sight, Nichols saw the enemy stop turning the revolver in his right hand. The moment he held it, he met like an old friend and waved to himself. Immediately, Nichols had not yet emerged from this mocking scene. The muzzle of the heavy sniper rifle and revolver had been aimed at the dragon, and the sparks of the canopy would bloom on the dragon's armor in the next moment.

The calm mood was completely shattered by the sound of metal collision, Nichols roared, but the enemy standing on the tree branch had fallen at this moment and disappeared behind the tree trunk.

The dragon's smoothly flapping wings instantly gathered, and the hovering body directly swooped down in a falling posture. At the same time, the dragon opened its mouth, and the armor on its neck rattled as its flesh and scales squirmed.

The transparent sound of "Om,,,," resembled the ripples on the lake surface, coming from the mouth of the dragon, turning from small to large, swaying forward at an extremely fast speed. The sound wave brought out a series of violent explosions after the air was extremely compressed. Except for the trunk of the ancient tree, almost everything was turned into powder in the sound wave with huge energy.

"First, the same sonic attack as mine. The advantage brought by the size has caused the destructive power to surge dozens of times." Cassia exploded completely, and his body was full of danger signs. The moment he was overtaken by the sound wave, he hid behind an ancient tree, avoiding most of the impact.

As a self who uses sound waves, Cassia's theoretical research on sound waves is not very deep, but he is still qualified to be a researcher. This kind of sonic attack does not have strong penetrability. It is completely a destructive wave using air as the medium. As long as it does not come into direct contact with it, it will not be seriously injured. It would be more reasonable to think of a corrugated air cannon stimulated by sound.

The eardrum was vibrating violently, and Cassia immediately recorded the second article: "With the loud noise, if you don't protect the eardrum in advance, the vibration is enough to damage it and affect the balance of your own movement."

The tremor of the sound wave disappeared at this time, and Cassia directly opened the cross pupils and instantly rushed forward tens of meters. There was an explosion almost synchronously behind him, and within a small area, the impact made the ground vibrate.

After the sound, a high-density air column with a diameter of five or six meters formed in front of the huge mouth opened by the dragon, and hit the root of the ancient tree where Cassia was just now. At the moment of contact, the impact and compression into solid air released all the energy, blasting the roots of the ancient tree into fragments, and bringing the scattered violent hot wind close to Baidu. Countless dead leaves were rolled up and hit on Cassia's back. The collapsed old tree shook this piece of canopy together. U U Reading

"I don't know if it can create the super low sound waves in the Brino region at that time, and directly detonate the unstable platinum gunpowder. But the destructive power of the air cannon formed by compressed air with high-frequency sound is really terrifying." Third The article has been written into Cassia’s head, “I use high-frequency sound waves myself. Compressed air is only as powerful as ordinary bullets, but dragons use them, but they are comparable to aerial bullets. But this kind of attack is obvious, and the speed is not better than ordinary bullets. If you don’t hide it and use it outside of the enemy’s attention, it will have no obvious effect."

The destruction of each initial type dragon is surprisingly amazing, but this dragon is obviously limited by the dragon knight combined with it. Cassia believes that by allowing the dragon to attack freely, it may be possible to pose a threat to himself. Being guided by the spirit-linked dragon knight is actually a restriction, or it is not unreasonable to regard it as a burden.

But Cassia also understands that between controlled and uncontrolled, most of the choices are the former. This is the same as the military school will deal with the freshmen who have more than sixteen inhibitory tubes. Unstable factors are not liked by many people.

The distance from the dragon can no longer be opened. Cassia waited for the dragon knight's follow-up attack, and he also pulled the heavy sniper rifle to help the dragon knight further increase his anger. Because if the dragon knight didn't let the dragon lower his height, he did not have a chance to kill both except to use the breath.

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