Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1725: Mixed test and information collection (part 1)

The explosion sounded, and the hot wind reached the ground team, losing its violent power, leaving only a sense of warmth.

"Mr. Jeremy, the situation is completely different from what you said."

A team of ten people appeared from the side and came to the ground team that was resting on the spot. The kinetic armor as the captain greeted him, and the alloy mask unfolded automatically, revealing his sweaty face. The captain turned his head and looked at the 30 or so members who were lying down or sitting on the roots of the old tree behind him, and signaled to Jeremy the situation at the moment.

"Next time there is no more detailed information. I don't think we will have any more cooperation, Mr. Jeremy. This kind of temptation is too dangerous. If you don't pay attention, the whole team will be completely wiped out in a few minutes. It depends on the mood of the enemy. We don’t even know where the enemy is, how many people there are, and how far away it is from us. We don’t even know what is contaminated with the enemy during the course of the journey, so as to reach the symptom onset. In time, without noticing it, it can't stop the deterioration of symptoms at all."

The captain said a lot at once. In his cognition, he did not have the same symptoms as the dozens of other kinetic armor members, and he was completely dependent on the protection of kinetic armor.

"Fortunately Mr. Nichols has arrived, otherwise we..."

There were successive explosions nearby, and the captain and Jeremy would turn their heads to look in the direction of the sound from time to time, and each would briefly think about their own affairs.

It's just that Jeremy smiled unconsciously when he heard the name "Nichols". There is also enjoyment in thinking of funny things. Observing the powerlessness of these people in front of the strong, listening to their unprovoked guesses, and feeling the fear in their bodies, eyes, and expressions has always been Jeremy’s entertainment. This kind of thing makes him feel that he is right. Enjoying happiness.

Jeremy asked the captain to lead the team to evacuate as soon as possible, and the enemy would definitely surround him soon. In their current state, they will never be able to break through like this after the time is late.

"Captain, almost all organs are damaged or bleeding." Jamiri continued to move forward, and two people who had observed the injuries of the ground team members approached behind him. "No obvious biological agent component was detected, more like a physical one. Caused by."

"It's a sound wave, a sound wave that contains energy." Jeremy said. He and the team next to him were not moving fast, and there was no idea of ​​rushing to Nichols immediately, or that he appeared at this moment, just came down to the ground to collect the necessary information. That’s it, there’s no other purpose besides that, "It seems that Nichols has encountered the enemy’s main force. However, if there is only one enemy, it is an elite member of some family, or our target, Cassia, the chances are all It is equal."

Jeremy thought for a moment: "We continue to search for all kinds of traces. As for Nichols, ..., Sasir and Komishuer will take a good look."

At the same time, a giant dragon was hovering high in the sky. Sasir stood upright, closed his eyes, and did not need to touch the body of the dragon like Nichols, in order to directly establish a spiritual connection with the dragon under his feet, sharing its broad and precise vision. But Mishur sat cross-legged next to Sasir, looking like he didn't sleep well, his eyes opened and closed from time to time, and there was no pattern at all.

"How, when do we need us to help him?"

"I don't think Nichols needs help. This will only hurt his strong self-esteem. This kind of injury is more painful than he had broken a dozen bones yesterday." Sasir spoke calmly and kept talking about the situation below, and My own prediction, "has caught up to the distance and forced the enemy to stop. Nichols' next step must be to initiate a larger range of air wave attacks, press down from above, to achieve the purpose of limiting and weakening the enemy's mobility. Depending on the situation, he will choose a compressed air bomb that is low in strength but can be used continuously."

"It's a standard and streamlined training process? It's like a steel bomb to remove the ring and then throw it next to the enemy. Has your coach taught you to count the seconds?" But Mishur half asked, half of the tone of the statement. "Four people died when they met. The other party was not a secret whistle, but a captain-level figure who was specially guarding this area and preparing to hunt. He was similar to you and me. Nichols wanted to rely on the usual streamlined training to kill him. , It’s impossible, on the contrary, it will leak information about your dragon knight’s excessive offensive methods."

"At this point..." Sasir suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Kermisul, who was sitting cross-legged. "Miss Kermisul, every dragon knight is somewhat peculiar. Common things are just forged. The lower limit of the dragon rider, but the upper limit spot that is fancy, is not determined by these general training."

"Nichols' upper limit, Captain Sasir, should you have information?"

"Yes." When Sasir replied, the shock wave from the explosion of high-density compressed air formed a huge hemispherical cover. Even if it is not connected to the vision of the dragon, Sasir also believes that it can be clearly observed only by his own eyesight. The shock wave continued to expand, and it was completely dissipated after more than ten seconds. "Oh,,, Nichols still hid something. I don't know how long it took him to let his dragons learn and practice offensive methods."

"It seems that Nichols can give us a surprise today? Fortunately, the bigger surprise is on the enemy he faces?" But Mishur followed the surprise in Sasir's tone, "Captain, you haven't answered yet. Finish the question I just asked."

"It's not that I don't want to answer, but I was interrupted by the movement below." Sasir said to excuse himself, "The decision of the upper limit can be It's like Miss Kamishul, you guys. The surgical development project for this type of surgeon is the same. Of course, this is a bifurcation."

"Remember that in the Surgeon Development Project, as the top surgical ability,'scaling' should be the most famous kind in the empire, but Miss Mishur? You can think of Nichols' upper limit as a state of'scaling' , This is also his biggest reliance on our batch. It’s just that if you want to show this kind of “scaling” upper limit in practice, it will not go smoothly. It is not that there are various conditions and rules that restrict Nichols. , Simply because his own upper limit is not enough, relying on the power of the dragon to force him to this position. But forcing him to use it, the huge side effects may cause Nichols to be directly assimilated by his own dragon. Also. In other words, Nichols’s body was directly swallowed by the dragon, and then the spirit was dependent on the dragon, and then completely dissipated in a short period of time, completely dead. So this is how we know which way Nichols is learning, but all He is not optimistic about the reason. He dare not use it, and even if it is used, things of concern can definitely fill his head.

"And here, it is the bifurcation that I just mentioned. The top dragon knights who did not come to the dark forest can not only use the upper limit similar to the "scale state" with a safe side effect limit, they You can also reasonably develop the top-level upper limit method that best suits them with your own dragons. In other words, the teacher teaches us, and all the things we learn are actually the experience data left by the top dragon knights in the past. This kind of sequential relationship stopped us in the second batch."

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