Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1728: Start at the apex from 1 (top)

Sasir raised his height again and had seen the attack range of Breath with his own eyes, but he still didn't believe much about what he saw. Intuition tells him that the target Cassia is not only an absolutely sensible person, but also a deceiver who is extremely good at disguising and will use various scenarios to deceive the "audience" and create false information.

Nichols and his dragon are falling. The armor on the dragon's wings did not have the ability to defend against the breath, and the wing membranes were all burned to ashes by the breath, leaving behind a punctured cobweb-like pitch-black bone. No matter how you fan it, it will not be able to support its body to stay in the air. The dragon can only rely on its wings at this moment to adjust its balance, maintain its posture as much as possible when falling down, and use the strength of its body to bear the impact of falling to the ground.

At this moment, on the other side of the forest, Jeremy had stopped the team searching for traces. When the violent breath came from the front, he had already climbed up the ancient tree beside him very quickly. At that time, the first breath of white light passed through the gaps between the leaves and dropped mottled white spots on his face.

The information in the hands of the Saint Royal Hall is much more abundant than that of the Flame Alliance and the Common Nations of the Far Seas. Before arriving at the joint team’s station, the ten members of the Saint Guard had contacted Zero in advance. They actually heard the knights from the mouth two years ago. Encounters during the appraisal of the attendants.

"Let us fight this monster head-on, it is simply a torture. In contrast, it is better to stay in jail." Jamie squinted his eyes and made him sigh with three consecutive white lights. The upper limit of each Saint Guard member is the knight attendant. Jamiri already knows the final outcome of Mevis and the seven, so from the beginning, his own plan was to make the experimental body the main force and wait for the rest of the members. Provide information and interference, etc.

Now, even if he has heard of the attack method of "breath" from the mouth of No. 0, Jeremy still has a little bit in his heart regarding No. 0's description and the explanation of No. 0's destructive power of "breath". Not sure. A few kilometers away, Jeremy had the opportunity to feel it personally, and the only fluke in his heart completely disappeared.

"It can only be considered that the attack method of'breathing' is very expensive. For Cassia, it also has a strict limit on the number of times and has side effects. It cannot be used as a normal method. Otherwise..." Jie returned to the ground. Rimi gave an order to retreat. The number zero and the large number of experimental subjects are still hundreds of kilometers away, and the main members of the kinetic armor team are also on the other side. Apart from him, Komishuer, and a few dragon knights, there is nothing else to participate in. Members in this kind of battle.

I thought that when I came to the ground today, I could move my body a step earlier than Comishur, but after seeing the white light of his breath, Jeremy suddenly lost interest completely: "Even if there is that group of experimental subjects as the main force At the forefront, but if Cassia is the same as before, there will be three breaths at the first meeting. Except for the zero number and the dragon knight at a safe height, no one can withstand it."

After shaking his head several times in a short period of time, Jeremy at this moment finally understood why they were allowed to form a team with the dragon knight and the kinetic armor team to hinder the action of the target Cassia, rather than directly It's killed. High-level judgments and decisions have always been supported by a large number of reasonable basis.

There was a roar, and Jeremy, who heard that it was the roar of the dragon, turned his head and smiled: "Mr. Nichols, you really are the first to die."


The sonic pulse showed the status of the dragon knight in the sky in real time, and Cassia adjusted her position, breathing deeply to reduce the dryness in her throat. The burden of three breaths is not too big. Cassia estimates that before cutting the solid red mercury, five times is his limit. The side effects of physical loss will make him lose the ability to move.

But now, Cassia's only feeling is that his throat has become dry. Physically, although the stored high-energy fat has been lost, it can be completely ignored. Only the energy contained in the blood, coupled with the assistance of the solid red mercury energy after cutting, can make oneself complete three consecutive breaths.

"Ten times, this shouldn't affect the number of times I act. Pursuing the limit, after fifteen times, it will have powerful side effects." Based on the data just now, Cassia has already calculated the theoretical number. This is completely enough for Cassia, at least in dealing with the dragon knight.

The "crack" from the sky interrupted Cassia's thinking. He raised his head, his body adjusted his position continuously following the position of the dragon. The wind pressure appeared, and the dragon whose wings were pierced finally appeared completely in Cassia's field of vision.

The dragon fell extremely fast, and it couldn't slow down at all with the flapping of its wings. Entering the forest, the dragon directly grabbed an ancient tree nearby, but its weight and the weight-bearing capacity of the ancient tree were not on the same level. The ancient tree slammed off from the middle, and the dragon immediately released it. With the help of a short gliding, its tail and four sharp claws moved separately along the way to catch everything that could cushion the impact of its fall. Accompanied by the crisp continuous cracking sound, ten or so ancient tree trunks fell one after another, but it only reduced the impact of the dragon's fall a little bit.

"Boom..." The dull sound trembled the air, and the ground and surrounding ancient trees were shaking violently. Ahead, a large piece of soil mixed with rubble splashing tens of meters high, the falling dragon fell like a meteor, smashing a huge crater close to a kilometer range, the atmosphere and impact mixed with the sky and dust swept all around, and the old trees collapsed in pieces. , And the flames burning around Cassia also went out under the impact.

The dust makes the surroundings look like a winter dusk, a bleak color, like a dead zone. Cassia closed his eyes, stood behind an ancient tree, and while waiting for the dust to fall a little bit, he thought about and how to deal with the dragon knight not far away. The sonic pulse confirmed that except for the Dragon Knight, the rest of the entourage had all died under the influence of the breath just now. Above the sky, no other dragon knights or airships appeared within the sound wave pulse range, and there were no traces of ground teams around. Cassia roughly guessed the enemy's thoughts, and then judged according to factors such as the dragon knight's character and combat performance what he already knew.

In the team, no matter which country or region it is, these people will hardly be liked by others, especially the team captains or commanders. Unstable factors often ruin interlocking plans at critical moments.

"It's so pitiful..." Cassia muttered to himself without emotion, "I have encountered too many lucky people like you. If you act cautiously, it won't affect anything, right? As a dragon knight. Whether it’s a coach or a variety of theoretical teachers, they should be talents with both strength and experience. It’s impossible for them not to take the initiative to cultivate your self-consciousness..."

The roar of the dragon generates a hurricane, which directly blows away the surrounding dust. The thinking was interrupted, and Cassia once again confirmed the surroundings. At this moment, except for the other dragon hovering in the sky through the line of sight, all the surroundings were his own team.

"Since none of your team members have the will to come and rescue you, as a reward for my exposing that I can use the information of three consecutive breaths, you should fight hard before you die. As a dragon knight, when fighting your prey , What actions will you make?" Cassia thought. After walking a few meters, she remembered something, and the scales on her body faded one by one. There are still people in the sky watching, and they can't let them know more information.

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