Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1729: Standing on the apex from 1 (middle)

The front is like a man-made dragon nest. The old trees are neatly dumped around, and the thick and twisted roots are picked out of the ground, entangled in groups, covering a large area in the pit. The broken rock blocks under the ground did not pierce the ground, all because of the lush roots of this layer.

Cassia walked slowly to the edge of the mud arched around the pit, standing next to an ancient tree that was almost fallen down, and when he looked past, he was facing the sight of the dragon and the dragon knight with his body arched on its back. . Cassia beckoned, said hello, and signaled that the other side had something to say, it's better to take advantage of it now. He also expected the other party to have something to say, because whether it was the dragon or the dragon knight, the situation observed at this moment was not very good.

The cobweb-like bones on the wings fell off a little, and the position on the dragon's chest that was directly hit by the first breath was still charred. The carbonized material fell under the impact of the fall. At this moment, it looks like there is a few meters in diameter on the chest. The shallow pits are in.

Among the armor spreading over the body, all the four sharp claws were scrapped and could not be used again. For a short time when Cassia approached, the dragon also took the initiative to split the armor on its claws, exposing the claws with **** scales falling off. There are gaps between each piece of armor, and a small part of it is exposed around it, and it seems that the dragon has also cut it down by itself. Only the armor on the tail remained close to the nine layers intact. In addition, where the impact made the dragon visible, there were torn wounds. The scales did fall off, but for the huge number, it was stuck. West Asia does not think this will be a problem.

The injury still exists in the body. This giant dragon has been lying on his stomach, but when he saw it coming, he didn't use his limbs to prop up himself. The wings are closed and no longer spread out. In a short time, the torn wounds began to heal, and the dragon's body temperature rose rapidly. As long as Cassia observed only a few breaths, he clearly felt that the surrounding air began to refract light due to the temperature. This is the embodiment of energy consumption and conversion.

The opponent probably needs more time to recover some of his own state. This is what the Dragon Knight hopes, and it is also a situation that Cassia is willing to see.

Give hope, the other party will struggle desperately to catch Hida and expose more information, which is in line with Cassia's purpose.

Standing on the edge of the arch, Cassia waited for the dragon knight to get up. Silence fell, the dragon knight only had blood foam on his mouth, and the impact of the fall injured his internal organs, but the rest of the injuries were not seen. The other party didn't want to talk very much, except that the line of sight had not left Cassia, and there was no more action.

Cassia let out a sigh of relief. At this time, he should take the initiative, otherwise the other side hopes this kind of silent situation: "It seems that your teammates are not going to rush over. You, it seems that you have been abandoned?" Finally, deliberately Use the question, the tone is full of regret. After finishing talking, Cassia deliberately looked at the sky, where the shadow of the hovering dragon can be seen, and the people in mid-air have been paying attention to it.

",,," The other party just took a deep breath and didn't reply.

"How much time do you need, or should I find a place to sit? Standing is indeed a bit tired, after all, it was a lot of consumption just now." Cassia dragged his tone and sighed deliberately, "You don't need to worry, just recover slowly. Up."

"Are you Cassia?" The opponent opened his mouth, but with a smile, "I think you'd better start attacking now. The opportunity now is very rare for you, and you will no longer have it later. You don't understand at all.' The meaning of the title "Dragon Knight"."

Cassia took off the alloy mask: "I greeted you just because I didn't understand, and wanted you to explain it to me. Of course, depending on your appearance, you should be a less talkative person, definitely an activist. By the way, this face should be the same as the portrait you received? I remember that in the black market, if there are rich details, my portrait can be sold for tens of thousands of sacred coins." Wrap the alloy mask in a black bag, Cassia found a correct direction and threw it out so as not to damage it later in the battle.

"However, although I don't quite understand the meaning of the title of'Dragon Knight', you don't seem to know enough about me." Cassia pulled out the revolver and filled it with bullets one by one. From the beginning of the dialogue, the high-frequency sonic pulses spread out around the enemy. In his head, Cassia has recorded new information-the dragon knight's injuries can be quickly recovered by the dragon itself, similar to the situation in the Brino region.

The opponent's feet seemed to stand normally on the dragon's back, but the high-frequency sound waves told Cassia that the palms of his feet were actually connected to the dragon's body from the beginning. Even from the image of the penetrating texture, a blood vessel is directly separated from the dragon's aorta and is completely connected to the blood circulation network of the dragon knight.

"The ribs that broke yesterday are fully recovered today. Is the root cause here?" Thinking, after the revolver bullets were loaded, Cassia did not think much, and fired a shot at the dragon knight's chest. The next moment the warhead was bounced off, bringing out a large swath of sparks.

"Sure enough, scale formation is just an accessory for the dragon knight, and there is no need to develop it. In terms of the strength of the black scale, it should also directly dock with the dragon. The stronger the dragon is combined with the dragon, the dragon knight is in each position. The aspect is also stronger."

Only partially, Nichols' chest was covered with black scales after taking off his armor. The blue silver bullet shot down several scales, but they were quickly replenished afterwards.

"Huh,,," Nichols gently patted the place hit by the bullet with his hand, as if fanning away the dust there. He breathed out a sigh of heat, and his body and mind were fully replenished at this moment. Immediately, he opened his hands and stretched his body, his bones crackling. At the same time, the black scales spread to the whole body with the chest as the center, and a large amount of dragon tissue enters its body through its feet. In a standard body shape, the muscles are stretched horizontally in a few seconds, the body size is expanded by half, and the height has also reached nearly two. Meters and a half.

There is quite a feeling of human-shaped kinetic armor. When the black scales cover Nichols's hands, dark keratin is immediately secreted under the, turning his hands into dragon-like claws.

"First of all, I don’t know if I should thank you for giving me this time, or if I should be angry with you for your contempt. However, it doesn’t matter anymore. I will give you this opportunity later. , Give you this time." The connection with the dragon was severed at the sole of the foot, Nichols clenched his fist, and every step he took, the black scales all over his body trembled, and the high-temperature heat flow of the distorted air dissipated.

At the same time, above the sky.

"Is that the upper limit in your mouth?"

"No, it's just a method that a trained dragon knight can use." Sasir replied, "He is buying time for his dragon. The damage of falling impact and breath is superimposed, and it takes time to recover. Nope. It's very long, just a few minutes, we just wait."

"The fleet will be here in twenty minutes." At this time, Mishur narrowed his eyes and suddenly said, "The upper level asked us to drag the target as far as possible without losing its trace. It is already a dead order. Troublesome matter. No. 0 and the experimental body team, as well as the kinetic armor team, are all rushing here. I contacted Jeremy and asked him not to evacuate. The fleet said that the experimental body has begun airdrops and will soon Come into our sight."

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