Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1740: Can be described as a rival (middle)

No. Zero didn't reply. In this room like the living room of the airship, it fell silent, and the sound of friction between the airship's shell and the atmosphere during the fast flight could be heard. They were all waiting for No.Zero's answer. Apart from explaining some questions to No.Zero, the other ten people didn't seem to take the initiative to speak.

"Arrive at the target place and the team will meet at night." Zero knew why the silence suddenly fell, so he spoke, "I have no problem with the experimental team. The rest of the team, including the remaining dragon knights, will Affected by darkness on vision. The battlefield is in the forest of ancient trees, which is even darker. There are unlimited flares and cannot completely dispel the darkness. It is a good choice to ignite the forest, but the appearance of flames will cause a lot of smoke to be generated. Flame The brightness is not enough, it also affects the temperature perception ability of some of you..."

"After we meet, it is impossible to encircle Cassia directly. Someone will definitely stop it and delay the time until daytime. It will be tomorrow morning. After the evening, Cassia may act. People like him I like the dark environment the most, because there is no limit to him, but it is a kind of help."

Number Zero said a lot in one breath, and some words seemed to be analyzed in other people's ears. In fact, in the so-called analysis, many are Zero’s instinctive feelings about battlefield movements. Compared with other people, Zero believes that he can understand Cassia's ideas better, and there are many similarities in the thinking mode. If it is said whether the current zero is of the same kind, or who is the closest to Cassia, there are only two that can be discussed together.

"There are indeed many restrictions at night, especially for the ground team. A little blur and obstruction in the line of sight can be an opportunity in the eyes of the enemy." Someone beside him agreed, "The safest and safest way is to bypass the night."

"Mr. Zero, if you decide to set the time in the morning, I'd better inform the people on the upper floors and in that area in advance. The dragon knight is always in the sky, and Cassia is also following the scout team. Now Cassia does. There is no idea of ​​doing anything to the investigating team. After night comes, there will be members of the holy guard in the investigating team."

Zero got up and nodded at the person who was speaking. "Let’s be notified." He said, "I’m going back to my room. During this time, everyone can have a good rest. Once the battle with Cassia begins, no When either party cannot bear the loss or becomes a corpse, there is almost no possibility of termination. Even in the face of the dragon knight, I believe Cassia has not completely liberated his body."

"During the knight attendant assessment, I was able to kill the dragon used in the assessment alone. Then Cassia at that time could definitely do the same thing. In the past two years, I know how much I have grown. Then Kasya In West Asia, he will definitely not lag behind me too much, maybe he has surpassed me. After all, in the bio-inductive stress field, he is indeed one step ahead." The voice fell, and Number Zero disappeared in this room.

There was no word in the remaining ten or so people, everyone said a few words to each other, and then they scattered. Either go to rest, or notify other teams of the meaning of the zero number, or be next to the communication machine, waiting for new information from other teams, etc.

A short time later, on another sky, the navy blue airship was hidden against a light blue background.

"If there are no comments, I will reply here to say that I agree." It was a small meeting, and it was held in a larger room on the airship. The communication was inserted halfway into the meeting process. A dozen people briefly exchanged their opinions and immediately reached a unified decision.

Several maps were hung on one wall of the room, with detailed layouts of the enemy and our teams, and rough estimates drawn with different colored pens in the near future.

After that person had replied to his own opinions in the communication, a dozen people continued the discussion just now.

"I still insist on close combat based on cold weapons." The man who opened his mouth had an extremely strong body, and his bulging muscles made him speak like a top trainer in an ordinary world gym telling his students how to exercise. It's the same as growing muscles like your own. He is huge, spreads horizontally close to the overlap of four adults, and his height is also 2.5 meters, and his voice comes with a concussive sound.

"Except for a few modules that can be as powerful as a cannon, the remaining types are completely abandoned, leaving enough space for artillery and small high-explosive bombs. Everyone knows the news that a dragon knight has died, facing the dragon With high-intensity and high-destructive large-scale attacks, the target can also find opportunities. For kinetic armor, a machine that focuses on team cooperation and conducts combat against individuals, in this joint team, more should be done. Good interference and auxiliary attack work. The main attack must be handed over to Mr. Zero. Even though the kinetic armors of the two deputy captains and I are semi-customized, they do not have the ability to fight the target for a long time. It can only be involved. ."

"Captain, since it can only be involved, would it be better to choose firearms?"

The man looked at it and shook his head immediately, with an atmosphere: "It will not be better, it will only be worse. You have to be clear, it is precisely because of the higher-intensity melee cold weapon, the pre-combat debugging program also focuses on close combat. , We can have the power to be involved with the goal."

"Does this understand? In other words, follow your way of thinking. If the attack module and program debugging are mainly firearms. First, except for the bullet power of a few modules, the target Going out a little bit, rapid-fire machine guns and heavy machine guns, etc., the target will directly resist, quickly zoom in and kill you directly. Second, can you keep up with the target's speed and judge his next move? Unfortunately, you can’t. It’s meaningless if you can’t hit a single bullet. Third, don’t think of intertwining firepower nets to suppress the target. We gather in a small area to form a firepower net, just to rush the target into chaos. A chance to kill. The formation is smashed twice, and we are completely useless on the battlefield."

"The last point is that cold weapons can switch to high-frequency oscillations or red-hot modes to cause substantial damage to the target. Other weapons are just for you to have something to launch when you can’t blend into the battlefield, so you can see for yourself. Going up is an offensive. At any rate, I work hard. It has some effects, so I won't be able to do anything while watching. Doing nothing would be a shame.

"Similar to the applause of the audience, but the applause is replaced by an explosion." The deputy captain said at this time, "Don't worry, you will know why the captain said that after the battle really started. At that time, you guys What I think is not how to integrate into the battlefield and play a role, but how to avoid it, and try not to disturb the two sides of the orthogonal battle. With their full punch, they can directly bring the kinetic armor to your body and completely penetrate it."

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