Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1741: Can be described as an old enemy (part 2)

"In their eyes, all the enhancements that the kinetic armor has given us, they can't even reach the top two and the most basic basic value. This body can resist bullets and small-range high-explosive bomb defenses, not so much to deceive themselves. Senses and eyes, rather than in the eyes of both, are paper-like things that restrict ourselves." Another deputy captain joined, with a smile on his face. Although this kind of comfort before the battle will not yield substantive effects, it will not prevent people who may die later from death, but at least it can help others find a little relief and peace of mind psychologically.

"Our role is to interfere and assist. There is nothing else, know?" The huge man spoke again, letting the members in front of him remember this sentence, "Now the time is set, just as there are on the airship. There is ample space. When the program is debugged, I hope you all hurry to get familiar with it. Go down the airship, join the other members, and enter the forest. Then you will find that the air is frozen."

"I will briefly describe and explain the captain's words." The two deputy captains got up at this moment, and one of them said, "If there is a hierarchy in this mission, it is the one with the highest difficulty and no chance of survival."

The following words are mostly reminders. When only the captain and two deputy captains were left in this room, one deputy captain took out the glass and wine from the cupboard and filled three glasses.

"I hope we can go back together. Of course, this is probably impossible." The captain raised the cup and said, mostly with emotion.

"We were still very excited when we knew that we were selected to participate in this mission. We thought it was a rare opportunity for ourselves. Now,,," said the vice-captain a little helpless in the voice of clinking glasses, but there was no regret in it.

At night, after ten minutes of walking at zero o'clock, two small airships with all lights turned off stopped over an open area by a river in the forest. A large number of packed weapons and ammunition, as well as a number of nearly sixty kinetic armored teams landed here smoothly.

According to the assigned material handlers and order on the airship, each piece of kinetic armor carries various boxes and approaches the agreed place. After traveling for only half an hour, the entire rigorously trained team stopped in the blink of an eye and lost all movement. A scream of insects interacted with each other, and the darkness in the water-like forest in front of the team opened a bright opening, like a hole from **** to heaven, opening a small door.

A group of people entered in an orderly structure like a temporary dome that was artificially made in front of them. The dome structure relies on the old trees in a range as the support point, and the hanging lamps always emit dazzling cool light, making the air white and colder.

Put down the supplies in an open area, the three captains of the kinetic armor team unarmed, and waited for their members to guide them to another location.

"Captain Saoya, you are the one to arrive the latest." As he approached, some of the thirty-odd people in that location came to greet him, lowering his voice to welcome.

"It's a long distance, waiting for the airship to pick us up, but also preparing all kinds of materials and choosing the right kinetic armor module. These things took a lot of time." Saoya bent over to apologize, "It shouldn't be too late, Weir. Mr."

Weir just smiled, and this led the three of Saoya and the others to more than 30 people. The sights were cast over, as if the signal was confirmed, and the pre-war preparation process started.

In the middle of the crowd were Sasir, Komishuer, and Zero and another gentle-faced male Saint Guard. The first process is that Sasir speaks first, but Mishur added on the side, again with pictures and texts drawn in advance, detailing the battle between the target and Nichols this afternoon.

Many information and nodes are equipped with time counts in seconds, so that people who are not present can feel the actual situation of the battle between the two in more detailed data. In the second process, Zero takes itself as a direct sample, and tells the approximate range of the target Cassia’s figures on the spot, so that more people will feel a similar sense of oppression on Zero in advance, and have a true situation of the target in their hearts. The general understanding.

Especially in the scaly state, the zero number is displayed in detail. Using the most basic experimental methods, such as handshake and wrist-wrenching, allows people around to realize the most practically why the goal is the goal and why they can unite. Swordsmanship has also been shown, and the incision on the dragon's body is the point that these people care most about. Only Zero can only show the speed of swinging the sword and the power of slashing. This is the case, and the results shown are enough to surprise others.

Finally, there are the things that the members of the Holy Guard have observed through the perspective and senses of the dragon with the members of the holy guard, explaining the surgical ability development projects that the target may currently have, and the effects and strength of these projects. They gave a detailed introduction on the sound wave. With the dragon's senses and the analysis and interpretation of Komishuer who was on the side at the time, they have basically determined that the sound wave pulse is one of the important methods of the surgical project developed by the goal.

When discussing the division of labor during the round up, it was already around 2:30 in the morning. The three teams gathered, and it took only 20 or 30 minutes from each idea to the final point. Because among the crowd, only Zero and the Dragon Knight have the conditions to fight Cassia head-on. After this point is clearly subdivided, the others will quickly find their own positions.

They each spread out and rested in the dome structure, and the time just went to three and a half. They are all elite members. What should they do when fighting? They have a clear self-position in their hearts, and there is no need to repeatedly confirm and emphasize them.

In addition, their task is always to hinder, not hunt. Negotiable points are also simplified due to the content of the task.

In the early hours of the morning, two hours have passed since the conclusion of the discussion. However, there has been a little dark light in the sky, but the forest has remained quiet and dark. The people in the dome structure say that they are resting, but none of them can really sleep. Most of them close their eyes and never enter the semi-sleep state. They only show the action of closing their eyes.

"Well..." I don't know how long, the zero suddenly turned his head, and the doubting voice was not loud, but it did break the silence in an instant. Immediately, several members of the Saint Guard and the captain of the kinetic armored team, Soya Slow Zero, took a while before they looked in the same direction. After that, Sasir and others had roughly the same intuition.

"Alert!" The roar spread in an instant, and the zero number has turned into a dark red stream shadow. In the blink of an eye, the veiled curtain was rushed out of a small opening and disappeared into the silent black behind the opening.

This small mouth is like the long breath of a cetacean, and it absorbs all the light inside the dome in an instant. Immediately, the absorbed light was released from this gap towards the inside of the dome in an instant. The white light pouring in from the gap directly flooded the white light of the lamp. The next moment, the entire dome structure broke under the impact, and the white light directly fell, filling the entire space.

"Buzz..." Fluctuation finally heard slowly from a distance with a sound.

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