Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1750: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (9)

"Run at full power! Carry out the second retreat order!" The mask unfolded, and Saoya screamed, with obvious vibrations in his throat, "The deputy captain keep up with me!"

A piece of kinetic armor sprayed out several wisps of white smoke, and the closely-fitting alloy sheets were active at the same time, as if they grew and expanded, they expanded the slender and beautiful body of the kinetic armor by nearly a third. Its speed increased again. After a few breaths, except for Saoya and the two deputy captains around him, the rest of the members had already evacuated toward both sides in the form of a team of several people, far away from the target and the area where Zero would rush over. area.

"How long does it take for the experimental team?" Sawyer roared in the communication, and Tornos's voice was connected later with a burst of electronic sound from the channel cut.

"I have tried my best to catch up with you. It will take five to six minutes to count your speed. In addition to the experimental body, I also have only members of the Saint Guard and several administrators of the experimental body. The other members have been dispersed. Around, we will support the main battlefield according to the situation and orders.” The communication contained the sound of howling wind and the sound of strong rhythmic footsteps. “Captain Soya, the experimental team did not arrive, regardless of Mr. Zero and No matter what the condition of the target Cassia is, you are not allowed to approach them. You can just run backwards now, even if Miss Henoy falls on the ground, don't stop."

"Is Cassia's target not us, but the other members of the team?" Sawyer heard something from Tornos's tone.

"All the information has been aggregated to Ke Mishuer, and the result of her analysis is this. Cassia wants to reduce the number of our team as much as possible in order to give his ground team more living space. The main target is the experimental body, and the few of us are just casual candidates. If there is a chance, Cassia will not let go. Soon, our team and the enemy team will meet around this area. We only need to perform the original mission. The order to hinder or delay the goal and deny it the possibility of support is considered to be the success of our mission." Tornos is not a positive answer to Soya’s question, "In short, we just have to let it as much as possible. Cassia can’t support anywhere else. It’s a success if he stays with us."

The communication was cut off, and Soya turned around, behind him only the dead leaves taken up by his running, and the ancient trees that were getting farther and farther away.

Tell the two deputy captains of the arrival time of the subject, and Soya's thoughts began to move. After thinking about how to do what he can do after seeing the target, instead of watching from the side, he can't find a chance to enter the field. I started thinking about this question a long time ago, but there has been no answer.

"Captain Saoya, where are you currently?" At this time, the voice of Dragon Knight Foster interrupted Saoya's thinking, "Mr. Zero and the target Cassia are extremely fast, and they are already moving in the direction of your rush. It's about three kilometers!"

Soya immediately turned around and made sure that the scene he saw was still a darker forest interior. Only after a few violent take-offs did his heart ease down: "It's about 1,500 meters."

"You have been within the detection range of Cassia, Captain Soya!" But Mishur's voice entered the communication channel halfway, "If necessary, please use all your strength to evacuate, and wait until Miss Heinuoy falls. , Your safety can only wait for the basic guarantee."

Suoyan hummed, and the time between turning back significantly accelerated afterwards. Soya couldn't help smiling at this moment. The behavior at this moment was a tactical retreat, and if it was awkward, it was escape, and he turned around and ran away without seeing the enemy.

"I don't know why I took the team to hurry up and hurry up just now?" The self-talking question finally couldn't get an answer. But Sawyer is not a hard-headed person, and will not insist on something stubbornly. It is the most correct and reasonable choice to do what meets the situation under any circumstances.

"Always be ready for overload operation." Saoya reminded the two deputy captains next to him, "When something happens, everyone evacuate separately. I didn't see the experimental body team arriving, and all my strength was used to retreat."

"Captain Saoya, the speed of Mr. Zero and the target has accelerated again!" At this moment, Foster's voice was like a crow standing on a dead tree yelling, making Saoya's heart irritable.

"Received!" Sawyer replied. He turned his head, and there was calm behind him. After only a breath, I looked back again, but suddenly felt something approaching quickly. The color of the air seemed to have changed, and it became darker. Sawyer opened his eyes wide and still didn't see anything, but in the perception, two violent auras swept up out of thin air, and instantly passed him and pressed him hard. At the same time, a sight with no hidden meaning followed the violent aura and glanced past him.

"Boom!" All the cooling ports on the whole body sprayed a large stream of heat, and the back of the kinetic armor on Soya's body made a collision sound, as if a switch was pressed, the two separated gears snapped together instantly, "Overload, separate! "

The two deputy captains also started overload operation at the same time, the direction was immediately changed, and the slanted shot went away. Saoya raised his head, and the atmosphere caused by the dragon's whereabouts had caused the canopy to sway slightly, and it would take less than ten seconds before Hanoi and the dragon could land in front.

Soya takes a deep breath at this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com back to the back of the back followed by a cold. This reminded him of the feeling of being stared fiercely by another large pet dog when he was a child.

Afraid. Sawyer believes that he is afraid now, even if he didn't see the enemy from the beginning to the end, but the things that happened in less than a minute and the constant strong violent atmosphere around him were enough to give him this level. The people understand.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom boom, boom," the slamming sound from behind replaced Soya's heartbeat for a while, filling his entire head. The thick tree canopy in front has been shaking violently under the strong wind. In the perception, Sawyer can already feel the two people rushing behind him more clearly.

Turning his head again at this moment, Saoya turned his head, and the two liuying shadows, one black and one red, rolled the dead leaves behind him, and the distance between him was only two hundred meters. There is no more thought to look back, although the speed of both surpasses him, but it does not prevent Soya from seeing the appearance of the two at the moment.

Saoya has information about the ability of the Empire to scale state surgery, but at this time, Zero and Cassia may have broken away from Saoya's basic knowledge of scales. In Saoya's eyes, apart from rushing fast on two legs, the two of them had already left the category of human beings. It may be more accurate to say that two powerful creatures of the second category are fighting for the territory under their feet.

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