Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1751: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (10)

Hanoyi was descending with the dragon, and its landing point was between 300 and 400 meters. Normally, this length of time is only one or two breaths for Soya to run. But now, with two monsters like Liuying behind him as a reference, Sawyer knew that in the time left for him, before he was caught up, it was impossible for him to do what Heinuoy and Komishuer thought. After the dragon.


   Saoya took a deep breath at this moment, and activated the weapon module of the kinetic energy armor. Still running towards the dragon that was falling rapidly in front, Sawyer saw the dragon clearly and Heinoy standing on top of the dragon's head, and his body's vigilance was raised to the limit. His back was tingling, and Saoya couldn't even think about it. When he landed on one foot, his galloping body whirled around at this moment, bringing up the twisting wind. The arm knife on the right arm that had not been warmed up immediately popped out, and with the help of the power of the swing, it suddenly slashed towards the back.


   The black Liuying who came behind him at some point was cut off by the arm knife from his chest, and suddenly dissipated in the next moment.


   "Suffered." Sawyer suddenly felt cold all over, and there was no enemy's shadow in his vision. The perception seemed to be disturbed by a suppressor, and the perception scattered around was completely useless at this moment.


   Soya instinctively chose to move to the side, and the thought appeared, only to realize that his body was out of control. He wanted to drop his feet, only to realize that he was in the air at the moment. The left arm knife also popped out of his wrist at this moment, and it was slashing straight under the body indiscriminately.


The violent beating of the heart returned to Saoya’s perception at this moment. When he twisted his head and wanted to observe the surrounding situation, he saw the red stream shadow solidified by his side into a body with dark red scales all over the body of Zero, and Zero At this time, he kicked it hard. At the next moment, Sawyer felt a heavy blow to his abdomen, and the electronically synthesized alarm sound in the helmet was symphony.


Feeling that his suspended body is flying in the direction of Henoy, Soya endures the huge force of the foot from the armor, and is eager to adjust his posture so that he will not be hurt again when he falls. .


   "咚、、、" Reality is always one step faster than Saoya. He hits the ground like a chariot, and when he rolls, he brings up a large amount of shoveled dirt and a large number of parts on the kinetic armor. Steam and light blue conductive liquid leaked out from all parts of the armor, and Sawyer had no power to stop him from rolling. The impact force makes the pain come from everywhere, but fortunately the protective effect of the armor, the pain is only pain.


   "Huh,,," Feeling that he finally stopped, Soya shook his head, the slightly humid air smelled of blood. The mask had fallen, Soya closed his eyes fiercely and opened them again. After the glare in his vision was eliminated, a huge branch of an ancient tree fell facing him. A claw wrapped in alloy armor waved from behind, causing the ancient tree to fall aside, stirring up a large splash of mud.


   The vibration from the ground made Soya regain the feeling of his body. When he sat up, he saw a rolling trace nearly forty meters away by himself.


   "Captain Soya, is the situation okay?" Hearing the voice of inquiry and concern, Soya subconsciously looked at the source of the sound. Beside him, Henoy, who was covered in dark gray armor, stood on the head of the dragon, looking at him.

   "Very bad," Soya replied, sighing. The pain made him look at his abdomen, and there were non-human-shaped footprints and a delicate cut on the alloy plate. That was caused by a sharp weapon. I cut the entire belly armor horizontally and left a shallow scar on Soya's abdomen. "If it wasn't for Mr. Zero's foot, I should have been split in half from here, where I am lying. , I looked at my upper body and lower body and waited for death."


   "Leave?" Suoya suddenly remembered something, and felt the silence around him was a bit strange. He immediately stood up and looked around, only to see that this area had nearly 30 more shallow pits with a diameter of more than seven or eight meters. And the ancient tree that fell beside him was only one of several. On the other side of the dragon, seven or eight ancient trees had been lying on the ground and lying still for a long time.


   The shadows of Kassia and Zero have disappeared from here, and the sound of the two rushing fast is not heard, as if they have never been here.


Sawyer was a little confused for a while. He turned his head to look at Heinoy, and found at the edge of his sight on the side of the dragon's body. There was an open crack in the alloy armor, which was the same as the horizontal sword mark on his abdomen. The cut is smooth, and the strength of the high-grade alloy does not play a defensive role.


   Only then did Soya react to an important question. In my own consciousness, from being close by Cassia to seeing the ancient tree falling down and being blocked by the dragon, these things seem to be coherent, maybe they happened within ten seconds. But in fact,,,


Seeing the confused look on Saoya's Heinoy said in a comforting tone: "There was such a moment of absence, Captain Saoya. Now it's nearly three minutes before Mr. Zero chased after him. As Cassia left, it was just that the speed of the two was so fast that the place quickly fell into silence."


   Sawyer looked at the kinetic armor on his body, then looked at the debris scattered around the rolling mark in front, and sighed. While trying to remove the kinetic energy armor that had failed on his body, Soya said: "It's really not the enemy we should face. I think I can be regarded as an elite among the people around me, and I have the strength to retain this title. Not the top group of people, but they want to eat me, it is impossible without paying a huge price. But coming here, coming to this forest,,,, it should be said that after meeting Mr. Zero and the goal of Cassia, Only then did I realize that the elite is just a very ordinary title."


   "Monsters are the most scary." As he said, Sawyer jumped out of the kinetic armor. He took off the high-frequency vibrating knife that was nearly 1.5 meters long from the back of the armor, checked it again, and then looked at Heinuoy again, "Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. Although I know the gap is too big, but You have to face it, otherwise the mission failure may be considered the most ideal and best result."


"So the content of the mission was emphasized to hinder and delay, rather than prevent and hunt. In two minutes, Mr. Zero will be able to meet the experimental team led by Tornos, Captain Sasir and Komishuer The lady's side is also rushing here. We have to hurry up and go to Mr. Zero's side, and when the personnel gather, perhaps the mission really begins." Heinuoy's tone is not so optimistic, and he feels a little more guessing. .

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