Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1753: Dragon Knight vs Dragon Knight (12)

The two turned their gazes back and looked similar, and they could feel a sense of ease in each other. The ground team collision is also the official start of the mission in another sense. If one can annihilate a large number of enemy members and prevent them from organizing effective offensive forces later, they can only passively defend, and their mission will naturally come to an end.

The purpose of preventing the delay of Cassia is to make it unable to support the ground team. Although in front of a large number of teams, personal strength will be weakened and diluted, but Cassia and Zero are obviously not among the ranks of being weakened and diluted.

The dragon fell to the ground, and Tornos, the other three members of the Holy Guard, and the few panting experiment administrators approached.

"The subject only met the target. At the moment of the collision, three subjects died. Two were chopped into several sections by the sword, and the other one was directly shattered into the chest, and the bone fragments flew out like shrapnel. If not. Mr. Zero then imposed restrictions and gave the subject time to adjust, otherwise the loss should soon exceed ten digits." Seeing Heinoy and Saoya, Tornos focused on the new-faced Saoya. Then I said this, "Before this, we originally wanted to provide achievable support with the experimental body. Seeing such a scene, we decided to wait and wait. In terms of momentum, only Mr. Zero can do it. Compare with it."

"The sword of the target is indeed a huge trouble. If it weren't for Mr. Zero, I should have been cut in half by it with the kinetic armor." Saoya agreed. Even if I haven’t seen Cassia’s use of the sword head-on and left a scar on his abdomen, I cannot see Cassia’s movements and the full picture of the sword, but Sawyer is also impressed by it. After all, it’s almost A weapon that will kill itself.

"It should be an ultra-alloy weapon with a larger proportion." Henoy said when everyone closed their mouths. "The target is someone who has a close relationship with the Knight King of the Saint Dorag Empire. He can get complete It’s a weapon cast from the ultimate alloy, so you don’t have to be surprised or doubtful."

"Mr. Tornos, Captain Soya, the rest of your team is only three kilometers away from here. Within five to six kilometers, there are also two or three people who spread out and gather here. The members of the kinetic armor are here." Relying on the large-scale perception of the dragon, Henoy briefly explained the surrounding situation, "We need to continue to evacuate at a certain speed until Captain Sasir and Miss Komishuer come over. Please also everyone. Make guidance marks around."

Henoy led the dragon to the end of this team, always paying attention to the situation behind. The dragon could feel the chaos and violence coexisting behind him, and heard the sound of collision in the air from time to time. During the perception, the movement speeds of Zero, the subject and the target Cassia have slowed down dozens of times, but they are not restricted to a single place. Heinoy knew that the zero plus the experimental body did hinder the goal.

If more than 20 other subjects arrive later, plus others waiting for the opportunity to attack and accomplish the task, it seems that it is not impossible. Since the death of Nichols yesterday, Henoy has automatically eliminated the option to kill the target from his head. Because in the Far Sea Common Country, the Dragon Knight has another title called "Undead Knight". But on the first day of meeting with the target, the meaning of this title was erased by the target.

Heinoy admitted that in Nichols' death, the factors not only existed in Cassia, but also related to them. However, from the length of time Nichols was killed by the target, Heinoy could see what the reality is like yesterday.

The speed of the team is faster than Zero and Cassia. The remaining members of Saoya’s team have gathered, and when one-third of the members of the kinetic armor team that have dispersed not long ago have successfully caught up with them, the dragon’s perception of Zero and Cassia has already been felt. The small half weakened.

Soon after, as one-half of the kinetic armor team members gathered, Sasir led Komishuer and others, as well as another batch of experimental subjects, chasing Shanghai Nuoyi, and landed inside the forest.

When Sasir’s giant dragon broke through the canopy, in the past twenty years, the experimental subjects jumped from their backs onto the ancient branches that were reachable around them. Like apes, they climbed the surrounding tree branches. Qianbian rushed towards the place where No. Zero and Cassia were, and the fresh leaves fell all the way.

But Mishur and the others jumped off the giant dragon, along with them, there were also nearly two-meter-high alloy boxes that most of them were carrying on their backs. The box is a standard cuboid, sprayed with a layer of matte black paint. Gathered in a clearing with Saoya, Tornos and others, but Mishur, Sasir and others didn’t have any extra words. They nodded as a greeting, and directly put down a total of twelve black alloy boxes on the spot. turn on.

"Cold weapons with the ultimate alloy composition are mostly swords. If appropriate, Captain Sawyer, you and your two deputy captains, all members of the Holy Guard, Captain Sasir and other dragon knights are preferred. The rest are allocated places. , As for who to give it to, you decide for yourself.” But Mishuer picked up one of the pale gray forged steel sword-style long swords and said. The handles of all weapons are marked with empire text and numbers, which means that these weapons follow the empire standard, which means that their source is the empire military department.

"The cold weapon is one of them. It is used against the sword in the hands of the target Cassia. I have received unconfirmed news from my upper level. The sword in Cassia's hands is likely to be more than the ultimate. It is made of alloy, and may be one of the imitations of the holy sword of the empire’s sacred equipment. The second generation holy sword, our empire calls it. The upper layer gives a basis-it can be compatible with the weak biological inductive stress field of the target Cassia, A weapon that changes due to the influence of the induction force field is likely to be of this type. As for the specific reason, my upper-level staff did not say. But we'd better treat the sword with the standard of the second-generation holy sword."

"What's the characteristic?" Sawyer said at this He just finished comparing his high-frequency vibration knife with a standard knife in the alloy box. When speaking, Soya put back the standard weapon.

"I'm just about to say this." But Mishur nodded, "Unless you are facing the same or higher specifications, weapons of other nature and materials can't resist its sharpness and hardness. In other words, the sword in Cassia's hand is considered a permanent use item, and these in our hand are used times. If it is the same pair of strikes, it is conservatively estimated that it will be cut by the four swords, please use it three times as A safe number. The reason is that weapons with the prefix of “second generation” are made of super alloys, but the standard for distinguishing between good and bad has changed from “how much super alloy doped” to “in which What is the concentration of the ultimate metal'."

After finishing speaking, Mishur deflected his body, looked at the other alloy boxes, scanned his eyes, and stopped on one of them in an instant. There are some special alloy boxes, because when the other boxes are opened, they are either cold weapons or weapons specially prepared for those with the ability to deal with scale surgery-guns using blue and silver gunpowder with a caliber generally ranging from 20 to forty millimeters!

And this alloy box contains a pile of shock-absorbing foam. In the middle of the foam, there is an alloy suitcase the size of a public relations bag. There are obvious grinding marks on the suitcase. Someone deliberately polished off some kind of representative logo image that should have existed on the suitcase. Next to it, there is a complete manual.

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